Look at terrarium (main)
nigel: That is a nice terrarium you have there...
caro: Yes, I use it from time to time to study specimens for the Nature Friends Society.
caro: That is, assuming it's not possible to simply observe the animals in their natural habitat outdoors ...
Look at antique shop back (main)
nigel: The back area of the antique shop seems to be closed to customers.
caro: In the back there is the Ravenhollow history archive that I maintain.
nigel: That sounds interesting!
caro: Unfortunately, the last time I let someone look at those files, some of them disappeared ... I think it was one of the Baron's men.
caro: Regardless, I'm not taking risks with new visitors right now, so I've closed the archives to the public.
Enter antique shop back (main)
nigel: Do you mind if I take a look in the back?
caro: I'm sorry ... the Ravenhollow history archives are closed to the public right now.
Look at empty glass jars (main)
nigel: Are these jars here valuable, too?
caro: Those? Oh no, those are specimen jars. I use them to catch and catalogue the wildlife of Ravenhollow ... the smaller specimens anyway.
nigel: You mean you are collecting insects and such?
caro: Yes, but of course I release the specimens later on.
caro: We members of the Nature Friends Society would never intentionally harm an animal or plant ... not even for the sake of science.
Buy empty glass jars (main)
nigel: I would like to purchase one or two of your glass jars there.
caro: Oh, those are not for sale. I use those specimen jars to conduct research on Ravenhollow ecology for the Nature Friends Society.
Look at Stephan Caro (main)
nigel: I knew plaid would come back in style.
Talk to Stephan Caro (main)
nigel: Excuse me, Mr. Caro?
caro: Yes? How may I help you?
Push Stephan Caro (main)
nigel: No. If Mr. Caro spills ink over his account book he'll make me account for it.
specimens Stephan Caro (main)
caro: I see you've found some of the specimens ... very good!
caro: ... now hurry up and find the rest of them!
nigel: Okay, okay.
nigel: I think I found all of the specimens you wanted me to catch.
caro: Fantastic! My friends at the congress will be amazed.
caro: The Red Brigadier! Very well!
nigel: You are setting the butterfly free? Won't he just flutter off?
caro: Butterflies love November lilies ... I'm pretty sure he'll enjoy his stay.
caro: Oh yes ... and you brought me a Glow Gecko. Thank you.
caro: He'll have to stay in my vivarium for the time being.
nigel: Here's the last jar.
caro: Wait a moment ... this locust ...
nigel: What is it? What's wrong?
caro: This isn't the rare Lonely Locust ... you've found its evil twin ... the blossom-devouring Lotus Locust.
caro: Please ... set it free as far away from here as possible. These locusts devour foliage blossoms, then leave the rest of the plant to wither and die.
caro: Do my lovely yard a favor and take that vile insect away!
nigel: Well ... okay ... but will you let me use your archives now?
caro: Of course. You did your best and that has to be rewarded ... you've earned my trust.
caro: Feel free to use my archives. You may remove that velvet rope.
statue Stephan Caro (main)
caro: Well, I've given it some thought and ... I want you to have the diamond ring.
nigel: No!
caro: After all, you've saved the statue of Lilly. Timothy Caro's final work ... It only seems fitting that you receive the ring she wouldn't accept from him.
nigel: Ok, if you insist!
caro: Besides, I have a feeling that it's going to stay here in Ravenhollow ...
Show #item# to #noun# Stephan Caro (main)
caro: I see you haven't had much luck finding our Ravenhollow Glow Gecko. Keep looking.
caro: Remember, at night this rare creature prefers to sleep in dark and windy corners.
Show #item# to #noun# Stephan Caro (main)
caro: You haven't found the Red Brigadier yet? Well, don't give up.
caro: Remember, Red Brigadier butterflies are attracted by white blossoms.
Show #item# to #noun# Stephan Caro (main)
caro: Still looking for the Lonely Locust? You'll find one.
caro: Remember, they are nocturnal and pretty noisy. Hard to miss, I'd say.
Give #item# to #noun# Stephan Caro (main)
nigel: Have a look at this!
Offer #item# to #noun# Stephan Caro (main)
caro: Good heavens, is that more of that pineapple money?
caro: Please keep it ... I have enough worthless foreign currency already.
caro: What I truly value are objects with history ... something with a real story to tell.
Offer #item# to #noun# Stephan Caro (main)
caro: That's an interesting old toy, but I'm afraid I don't collect battery-powered antiques.
Look at file cabinet (main)
nigel: A filing cabinet.
Search file cabinet (main)
nigel: Okay, but this could take a while ...
nigel: Hey, I think I found something useful!
nigel: This seems to be a diagram for the clock hands of Von Sternberg's castle model.
nigel: Do you mind if I borrow this Mr. Caro?
caro: I suppose, go ahead ... I hope you didn't make a mess back there?
nigel: Don't worry. I too like everything to be tidy and well-organized.
caro: Very good. I'm happy to hear that.
Look at file cabinet (done)
nigel: Looks just as tidy as my desk at home.
Use file cabinet (done)
nigel: I think I'm done here.
Look at flowers (main)
nigel: These flowers emit a strong sweet smell ....
caro: Do you like my November lilies? I grow them myself.
caro: Lilium longiflorum ... to me the most beautiful member of the lily family.
Take flowers (main)
nigel: I don't think Mr. Caro would like me to take his flowers ...
Look at antique cloak (main)
nigel: This cloak doesn't look very expensive, I must say.
caro: You're right, indeed. I had hopes that this was a nobleman's undergarment.
nigel: It smells like old potatos.
caro: Yes, actually it's a simple makeshift cloak that a plebeian tailored from an old potato sack.
caro: Don't get me wrong ... it IS antique ... but unfortunately it's not really a collector's item.
Buy antique cloak (main)
nigel: I am interested in this cloak ...
caro: Sure, I think I can make you a special offer on that item.
caro: What are you willing to pay?
Look at silver angel statuette (main)
nigel: What a wonderful statuette ...
caro: Hm. Do you really like it?
nigel: Sure, it's beautiful.
caro: Okay then, take it! It's yours.
nigel: Why, what's wrong with it?
caro: It's a worthless piece of junk. I only realized after I bought it that it's chromed steel and not real silver. Just take it and get it out of my shop.
nigel: If you insist ... sure, thanks!
nigel: Well, who would have known that I'd leave this store with a small treasure like this? Today must be my lucky day.
Look at secret compartment (main)
nigel: A secret drawer! I wonder what's in there ...
Take contents of secret compartment (main)
nigel: Let's see ...
nigel: There's some kind of letter to Franz Von Sternberg, signed by by Prof. Sebastian Zygmunt. It contains a blurry photograph ... I'll add them to my notebook.
nigel: And here we have another insignia ring! Prof. Von Sternberg's ring, if I'm not mistaken.
Look at secret compartment (done)
nigel: Great, another mystery solved!
Take contents of secret compartment (done)
nigel: It's empty. I already took Prof. Zgymunt's letter and Von Sternberg's insignia ring.
Look at framed documents (main)
nigel: These articles are all about the fishermen of Ravenhollow Harbor. One discusses the possible benefits of offering tourist rides on glass bottom boats.
Look at framed newspaper article (main)
nigel: Another article ... this one is about a resident of Ravenhollow named Artie Kitzel who suggested a town twinning of Ravenhollow and Waukegan, Illinois.
nigel: This article is almost ten years old. I wonder how that worked out for Mr. Kitzel.
Take framed newspaper article (main)
nigel: No, thanks ...
Look at newspaper cut out (main)
nigel: It's an article from the local Daily Mail about rumors concerning Baron Northwest.
nigel: ... it says a severe illness might be the reason for his disappearance from public view.
nigel: The article was published seventeen years ago.
Take newspaper cut out (main)
nigel: Mr. Caro would not be happy if I stole documents from his archive.
Look at antique table (main)
nigel: Three hundred dollars for an antique table? That's not too expensive ...
caro: Interested?
nigel: Not really ... I don't want to find myself yelling at guests about using coasters all the time.
Buy antique table (main)
nigel: I already have a table at home ...
nigel: Which reminds me: do you by any chance have single replacement table legs?
caro: Sorry ... no.
nigel: Well, it never hurts to ask.
Look at castle model (main)
nigel: It's an incredibly detailed wooden model of Northwest Castle.
caro: A wonderful model isn't it? It was given to me by Professor Von Sternberg of the Smith Institute.
caro: He was fascinated by the castle's architecture.
nigel: How odd... for all its detail, the model has no clock hands.
Open castle model (main)
nigel: I don't see any obvious doors or hinges ...
nigel: But hey, if I had some toy soldiers and catapults I could stage a mini battle!
first castle model (main)
nigel: Time for some good old-fashioned archive research.
Look at clock tower (main)
nigel: This model has a blue clock, just like the real castle ... but the clock hands are missing.
caro: Professor Von Sternberg said that the clock's hands were lost before he moved to London.
caro: Oh, come to think of it ... I seem to recall filing away a diagram of those clock hands in my archives.
Use clock tower (main)
nigel: How?
Install #item# on #noun# clock tower (main)
nigel: Here we go.
Look at clock tower (hands)
nigel: The clock hands that Mr. Mandelbaum made for me fit perfectly.
Change time on clock tower (hands)
nigel: Mh ... what time should I set the clock hands to?
Change time on clock tower (done)
nigel: No need to do that. I'm done here.
Look at framed photograph (main)
nigel: An old photograph of a group of fishermen ...
nigel: The caption reads: "Local fishermen after a long day at sea. (Circa 1889)"
Take framed photograph (main)
nigel: I don't know these men ... what would I do with a picture of them?
Look at a lot of books (main)
nigel: You have a lot of books up there ...
caro: Ah yes, those books are mostly first-edition classics. Some of them have even been signed by their respective authors.
Inquire price of a lot of books (main)
nigel: So I guess these books are quite valuable, too?
caro: Indeed. Selling a first edition of Kafka's, "The Castle", was enough to put my niece Cecily through college.
nigel: I see ...
nigel: I guess I'll have to continue reading cheap paperback reprints.
Look at golden clock (main)
nigel: So, what's this clock's story?
caro: My grandfather bought this clock as a wedding gift for my parents. Now I'm just as old as my grandfather was back then.
nigel: Sorry, I didn't mean to ...
caro: Oh, don't worry... I guess fleeting time is a thing you learn to cope with as you grow older.
Show interest in buying golden clock (main)
nigel: Is this clock for sale then?
caro: Sorry, no. This clock belonged to my parents, and has been here since I opened this shop.
Look at coin collection (main)
nigel: A collection of coins in a display case.
caro: These coins are quite valuable ... especially if you're interested in local history. They were issued by the Castle in 1767.
caro: Back in those days, all smaller baronies did their own coin minting.
nigel: Interesting!
Buy coin collection (main)
nigel: These coins can't be worth a lot, can they? I mean, they do look quite old ...
caro: However, therein lies their value. The acquisition of this rare set of Ravenhollow coins would cost you about nine-hundred dollars.
nigel: Oh, that ... sounds like a fair price ... but still, I think I should stock up my fridge and pay the rent for this month, and then we'll see what's left to spend on antique coins.
caro: I can hold this coin set for you until the end of the month, if you'd like.
nigel: Thanks, but that really isn't necessary.
Look at pretty blue vase (main)
nigel: That blue vase looks quite pretty.
caro: You really think so? I think it's a hideous vase ... yet it is one of the most sought after items in my humble collection.
caro: The Duchess of Sommerstand handcrafted ten of these blue vases on her one-hundredth birthday in 1887 ... she gave them as gifts to her most loyal servants.
caro: Due to their hideous appearance, these vases changed hands quickly and many were lost. This is one of the last three Sommerstand vases.
Buy pretty blue vase (main)
nigel: Let me guess ... I can't afford this vase, right?
caro: I guess not ... but honestly: if you're not a collector, then there's not much reason to spend money on antiques.
caro: Especially on hideous objects like this blue vase.
Look at large book (main)
nigel: It seems like Mr. Caro is busy with bookkeeping.
caro: Well observed. I haven't had many customers in the past weeks, so I might as well finish up my accounting for the year.
Take large book (main)
nigel: Oh no, thank you. I am not doing any accounting for anyone besides myself. And even then I do it only reluctantly.
Look at antique pair of glasses (main)
nigel: This antique pair of glasses is interesting ...
caro: Antique glasses...?
caro: Oh! Those aren't antique, they're my spare pair of reading glasses. I was wondering where I'd put them.
Take antique pair of glasses (main)
nigel: These glasses might come in handy ...
caro: Those are not for sale. Hands off please.
Look at pocket watches (main)
nigel: These pocket watches look very nice ...
caro: Wonderful pieces! The clockmaker who sold them to me, Mr. Moore, was in tears when he parted with this pair of pocket watches.
caro: Poor man. He's almost gone bankrupt with the Castle driving customers from Ravenhollow.
caro: I offered to lend him money, but Mr. Moore insisted on selling me these antique watches instead. They're worth far more than I could ever pay him.
Buy pocket watches (main)
nigel: How much are these pocket watches?
caro: Sorry, I won't sell those. I'm holding them for Mr. Moore, the clockmaker, until he has the means to buy them back. It's kind of a loan without interest.
Look at collection of silver spoons (main)
nigel: Are these spoons real silver?
caro: Yes. This set of silver spoons was a gift from a local silversmith to the Baroness of Northwest Castle in 1751.
caro: Back in those days, the silverware from this barony was quite famous. Traders would come to Ravenhollow Harbor just to acquire items like these spoons.
Inquire price of collection of silver spoons (main)
nigel: These four silver spoons ... how much would they cost?
caro: About eight-thousand dollars ...
nigel: Well ... I don't think I want to spend that much on spoons.
caro: Neither would I ... but collectors are pretty interested in these sorts of antiques.
Look at top hat (main)
nigel: Nice top hat ... I wonder if that would suit me?
caro: That might be worth a try, but I can't let you wear that one.
caro: There's a chance that THE Fred Astaire wore this hat while filming one of his best-known performances. I'm still waiting on confirmation from an expert in Oslo.
nigel: Puttin' on the Ritz?
caro: No, I always dress like this.
Buy top hat (main)
nigel: Let me guess ... this top hat is pretty expensive, right?
caro: It seems likely ... I'm still waiting for my friend in Oslo to confirm the Fred Astaire connection. If I'm correct, then this hat will be worth a LOT.
nigel: A lot? Mh ... that's exactly the amount of money I don't have.
caro: Don't worry ... the best things in life are free. Most of them anyway.
Look at sword (main)
nigel: Now, that's what I call an antique! This sword is obviously more than a hundred years old ...
caro: Well, actually it's a replica ... but it's made to look over a hundred years old.
Purchase sword (main)
nigel: Mh ... is this sword expensive?
caro: Yes.
nigel: Well, I think I will have to rely on the sharpness of my wit rather than on the sharpness of some over-priced sword replica.
caro: Hey!
nigel: Sorry ... acceptably-priced sword replica.
Look at uniform with fencing foil (main)
nigel: Nice uniform ...
caro: Yes, it's a 19th century uniform of the honorable Northwest Castle guard.
nigel: So, shouldn't Lowell Cain's men wear these kind of ...
caro: Cain and his men are a joke, and so are their uniforms. What they call restoration is not a return to the old ways.
Take uniform with fencing foil (main)
nigel: That uniform might look fancy and might suit me, but I think I will stick to my casual urban style.
Look at pile of books (main)
nigel: These books can't be too valuable. Mr. Caro is using them as a doorstop.
Take pile of books (main)
nigel: I haven't read a book in a while ... maybe I'll start once I'm done with this insignia ring search.
Look at record collection (main)
nigel: More records ...
caro: I bought those as a favor to a man down on luck ... but I'm afraid it won't be easy to resell them.
nigel: Well, I'd buy the one that's playing right now anytime!
caro: Oh, that record belongs to my private collection. The ones down below are mostly Bavarian folk tunes ...
nigel: Not that there's anything wrong with that ...
caro: Of course not ...
caro: Nevertheless.
caro: I would personally enjoy flinging them into the sea ... but that is neither good for the environment, nor for business.
Buy record collection (main)
nigel: I don't think that's my kind of music. Most record covers show shouting men in lederhosen ...
Look at phonograph (main)
nigel: A beautiful old record player.
caro: It's in near mint condition, and therefore quite dear to me I'm afraid.
nigel: I thought so. Well ... what kind of music are you listening to right now?
caro: This is a ragtime tune from the Mississippi delta.
caro: Lively rhythms like these counterbalance the dullness of the bookkeeping that I'm working on.
Remove record from phonograph (main)
nigel: I don't think Mr. Caro would like that. Besides, this melody is really addictive. I will keep the record playing.
Look at diamond ring (main)
nigel: That is the second most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen!
caro: You wouldn't believe how often I've heard that line.
nigel: Really? I thought that was a pretty clever remark I just made up.
caro: When you have time, I can tell you all about this diamond ring and its remarkable history.
Talk to diamond ring (main)
nigel: Hey there, would you like to come with me?
caro: Although the rules are lax here in Ravenhollow since the Castle took over, shoplifters are still not welcome in my antique shop.
nigel: Understood ...
Buy diamond ring (main)
nigel: I would like to buy this wonderful diamond ring!
caro: Of course you would ... that will be eight-thousand dollars.
nigel: Well ....
nigel: Honestly, I don't think I can afford that.
caro: Don't worry, most men your age can't. Even I couldn't right now ... business is really slow these days.
Reward diamond ring (main)
nigel: I have the diamond ring!
Look at oriental animal statue (main)
nigel: Hey, I think my old roommate had one of these ...
nigel: She always used to place it in the kitchen at night, to "keep the positive energy of her three—mold—cheese from escaping from the fridge."
nigel: She was pretty mad at me when I tripped over it one night and broke my leg ...
nigel: Also she said I wasted the aroma of her cheese because I was lying there unconscious with my head in the open fridge for three hours.
nigel: The doctors said one hour more and the cheese odor could have killed me.
nigel: True story!
Talk to oriental animal statue (main)
nigel: Arf Arf?
nigel: Aruff?
nigel: I have the strange feeling that it's not a dog ... at least he doesn't speak dog.
Buy oriental animal statue (main)
nigel: No, it would always remind me of my fridge accident. I can still smell the mold on the cheese ...
nigel: The horror. The horror.
Look at unicorn painting (main)
nigel: Is that a unicorn in this painting?
nigel: Isn't that a bit too much of a modern fantasy motif to be on display in an antique shop?
caro: Usually I would agree, but in this case ... it is the unicorn itself that validates the painting's historic age.
caro: You see, this canvas must have been painted back in the days when there were still unicorns around to be painted.
nigel: I understand ... I think.
Acquire unicorn painting (main)
nigel: No, actually I think I will be better off without owning any unicorn-related media.
Look at huntress in bronze (main)
nigel: Hello, bow-wielding beauty!
caro: Isn't she beautiful? ... But be careful: if you fall for her, then you'll have to pay the price.
nigel: Which would amount to ...?
caro: Eight-hundred and ...
nigel: Okay. I think I love her more like a cousin ... seeing her here in your shop every other year will be enough for me.
Talk to huntress in bronze (main)
nigel: Her beauty renders me speechless.
Buy huntress in bronze (main)
nigel: Sigh. I can't even afford the imitation of a beautiful woman ...
caro: Now, now... That's not an optimistic attitude.
Look at expensive-looking porcelain bowl (main)
nigel: Yikes ... porcelain. I think I'm going to be sick.
caro: Why do all you young men have an aversion to porcelain?
nigel: What did you say? My disgust for porcelain distracted me for a second here ...
Take expensive-looking porcelain bowl (main)
nigel: I'm not touching that!
Look at (main)
caro: Welcome customer! Step in, and feel free to browse.
Look at moai (main)
nigel: Hey neat! It's one of those Easter Island statues.
Buy moai (main)
nigel: Nah, I'd be further ahead saving my money for a trip to Easter Island to see the real thing.
Dialog Tree: CloakSale
topic: _0
nigel: How about this almost brand new package of Pretzeljax? Don't they look delicious?
caro: You could at least try to make to make SOME kind of acceptable offer, don't you think?
nigel: I guess you're right ...
topic: crowns
nigel: I have this bag of golden coins!
caro: There are pineapples on these coins.
nigel: Yes, these are Malabo coins.
caro: Sorry, I don't accept foreign currencies anymore ...
caro: I still have a calabash gourd filled with Krakatoan Shillings, and a suitcase filled with Latverian Rubles that past customers have paid me with.
topic: coins
nigel: I have a handful of almost-dry old coins that I pulled from the drain of that turtle fountain down the street.
caro: Well, at least that's real money.
caro: I think we have a deal.
nigel: Great!
caro: Just be careful not to hang that cloak in your wardrobe with your other clothes. That stench might hurt your social life.
topic: _3
nigel: Well ... I think I changed my mind. I don't want to buy that old cloak.
Dialog Tree: caro
topic: _17
nigel: ... the village square? I only saw a statue of a guy with a top hat and a scarf over there.
caro: About four months ago, Lowell Cain's men removed Timothy Caro's final work and erected a statue of Baron Northwest.
caro: They stole a piece of our history, only to replace it with that modern piece of political propaganda!
caro: Unfortunately, I have yet to figure out what the Castle did with that statue of Lilly ...
topic: _20
nigel: If that statue on the village square is your ancestor's idea of a beautiful woman ...
topic: _21
nigel: I think I'd remember seeing a beautiful statue there ... but I don't!
topic: _18
nigel: Oh no ... I feel a sad story coming up.
caro: Unfortunately, she returned the ring to him shortly thereafter and was forced by her parents to marry a wealthier man.
caro: Timothy Caro was heartbroken, so he sold the ring. Now 150 years later, it has found its way into my shop.
caro: Timothy Caro never married. Instead, his love for Lilly held dear and true to the day that she died.
caro: Upon Lilly's death, Caro crafted his final work: a beautiful statue of Lilly in her bridal gown. He never sculpted again, and died soon after.
caro: The citizens of Ravenhollow were moved by his story, so placed the statue of Lilly in the village square ... in honor of the great Timothy Caro.
topic: _19
nigel: I bet she was pretty impressed!
topic: _15
nigel: So did they marry and live happily ever after?
topic: getring1
nigel: How much does the ring cost?
caro: Well, I fear that I can't sell it for less than eight-thousand dollars.
nigel: Holy smoke ...
caro: Yes, now you know why no one has bought the ring for so many years. The diamond and the ring itself are of the finest quality.
caro: But what makes the item even more valuable to me is its history ... the stories it has to tell.
caro: Most of the antiques here are connected to the history of Ravenhollow.
topic: getring2
nigel: So there's no way for me to get the ring?
caro: You fell in love with that ring didn't you? It's quite understandable.
caro: My niece, Cecily, has adored the ring since she was a child. I would like to give it to her, but my sister tells me that I mustn't spoil the child.
caro: Besides, isn't it the fact that we have to work hard for something that makes an item even more valuable?
nigel: That may be, but I'd like to actually acquire the ring. Not just admire it through a pane of glass.
caro: As I said, what makes an item valuable to me is its history.
caro: If you can bring me a very rare item that is connected to the history of Ravenhollow, then I may be willing to trade the ring for it. How does that sound?
nigel: That sounds fair. I'll keep my eyes open.
topic: getring3
nigel: So you'd be willing to trade the ring?
topic: ring_history
nigel: So what is the ring's history?
caro: Oh, this diamond ring has a most fascinating history!
caro: The stone itself was brought to Ravenhollow more than two-hundred years ago by an African trader.
caro: Stories say that the trader used the diamond to pay for a pint of beer at the Ravenhollow Inn.
caro: The stone was then given to the Baron as payment for back-taxes on the Ravenhollow Inn...
caro: ... Who in turn gave it as payment to a stonecutter for his work on the statuary around Northwest Castle.
caro: That stonecutter was one of my ancestors, Timothy Caro.
caro: He took the diamond, crafted it into this ring, and then gave it to the woman he loved ... Lilly.
topic: find_statue
nigel: What did you say about that statue of Lilly?
caro: It was the final work of my great ancestor, Timothy Caro, that he sculpted upon Lilly's death.
nigel: How tragic ...
caro: Indeed, we citizens of Ravenhollow have always been moved by the tale. That's why the statue stood in the village square for over 100 years ...
caro: It was only in the last months that the castle guards came into town and replaced Lilly with that grotesque effigy of the Baron.
nigel: And you have no idea what happened to the statue of Lilly?
caro: Unfortunately, no ... those goons hauled it past my shop on their way out of town, but I didn't see where they took it.
caro: I certainly don't think they could have gone very far with it ... it was heavy.
topic: sellring
nigel: Why don't you sell the ring someplace else if no one in Ravenhollow can afford it anyway?
caro: Most of my antiques are from this area, and are connected to Ravenhollow's history. The same goes for that ring.
caro: If I sold it to a collector from far away, then the village of Ravenhollow would lose a piece of its past.
caro: Therefore, I'd only be willing to trade the ring for another item with a similar interesting history.
caro: Even then, I'd prefer it if the ring stayed in Ravenhollow with its new owner.
topic: _10
nigel: Let's change the topic the topic ...
topic: vs_ring1
nigel: Do you have any insignia rings of the Smith Institute scientists?
caro: Not knowingly, no. However there is an artifact of Von Sternberg's that I have some suspicions about ...
nigel: What kind of suspicions?
caro: Well, I have a wooden model of Northwest Castle in my archives ... it was built by Professor Von Sternberg as a jewelry cabinet for his wife.
caro: While I remember Von Sternberg building all sorts of hidden compartments, I can't find any secret latches that open them.
nigel: How intriguing.
caro: If Von Sternberg's ring is still in Ravenhollow, then that's where I'd wager it would be ...
caro: ... plus I heard something rattling around inside the model when I moved it into my shop.
topic: vs_ring2
nigel: Tell me again about your suspicions concerning Von Sternberg's insignia ring...
topic: other
nigel: What other inventory do you have from the members of the Smith Institute?
caro: Odds and ends ... almost all of it came from Professor Von Sternberg's estate. I bought him out for a song as he was leaving Ravenhollow.
caro: Unfortunately, my Von Sternberg inventory was greatly reduced when the Castle raided my shop looking for his old scientific possessions.
nigel: Those cads! What would they want of Von Sternberg artifacts?!
caro: I have no clue, but they definitely seemed to target his scientific inventory.
caro: The only things they left behind were an old table, a bird cage, and a magnificent wooden model that Von Sternberg built of Northwest Castle.
caro: Oh, and they missed most of Von Sternberg's old paperwork ... probably because it's filed away in a cryptic order within my archives.
topic: other_stuff
nigel: What did you say about your leftover Von Sternberg artifacts?
topic: other_papers
nigel: What sorts of Von Sternberg papers are filed away in your archives?
caro: Oh dear, I found everything from bank statements to diagrams of his wooden models while sifting through that paperwork ...
caro: It's now filed away in a tidy yet cryptic order known only to me.
nigel: Oh, great ...
topic: friendship
nigel: Do you know Professor Von Sternberg personally?
caro: I do indeed! Franz is a very dear friend of mine, and the only member of the Smith Institute that I ever really got a chance to know.
caro: While I don't know any details, I know there was a terrible accident at the Smith Institute that left Franz weakened and confined to a wheelchair.
nigel: How awful!
caro: It was indeed, and he was terribly depressed over losing his life's work of exploring science.
caro: It was during that rough period that I paid Franz a social visit, where I suggested that he take up handcraft to keep his mind active and his hands moving.
caro: And truly, I believe that advice saved his life! Franz found new passion in model building, and he made it his new life's work ...
caro: He and I have been close friends ever since.
nigel: Wow, that's quite a story ...
topic: _14
nigel: Let's talk about something else ...
caro: What did you have in mind?
topic: ring1
nigel: About the diamond ring that's on display in the window ...
caro: A fine piece of work isn't it? And of great value if I may say.
caro: Unfortunately, no one here in Ravenhollow can actually afford such an exquisite piece ...
caro: Even though people seem to enjoy passing by my shop window to admire the ring from time to time.
topic: statue
nigel: I think I found something ... someone dumped a statue into the river.
caro: Oh, my ... that must be Timothy Caro's statue of Lilly that was stolen from the village square! If only we had a way to retrieve it from the river.
caro: A colleague of your father's, a man named Henry LeMue-LaFayette, had a zeppelin ...
caro: He could have lifted the statue for us, but unfortunately he's left Ravenhollow. I fear there's nothing we can do ...
nigel: Maybe I can find a way.
topic: ring2
nigel: About the diamond ring ...
topic: smith
nigel: I'm looking for relics of the Smith Institute's nine founding members...
caro: Sure, I have a few pieces. What can I help you find?
topic: specimens1
nigel: I'd like to have a look at the Ravenhollow history archive.
caro: The stolen documents contained architectural plans of Northwest Castle and the Smith Institute.
nigel: So I can't use the archive?
caro: I see that you are very interested in the history of Ravenhollow, so ... would you be willing to do me a favor?
nigel: What is it?
caro: I'd like to have some specimens of the Ravenhollow fauna to present at the next congress of the Nature Friends Society.
caro: Could you help me out by collecting a few specimens?
nigel: Sure what do I have to do?
caro: Use these jars to catch the specimens and bring them back to me.
caro: The specimens I need are ...
caro: A Glow Gecko ... at night this rare creature prefers to sleep in dark and windy corners.
caro: A rare red butterfly called the Red Brigadier ... they're attracted by white blossoms.
caro: A Lonely Locust ... they're nocturnal and quite noisy.
caro: If you can bring me the three specimens, then I'll happily let you use my archives.
topic: specimens2
nigel: About the specimens I'm supposed to find ...
caro: You may need some kind of net to catch the specimens ... it would be difficult to coax them directly into the specimen jars.
topic: goodbye
nigel: Okay, I think I know enough for now ...
caro: Come back any time.
Dialog Tree: time
topic: 450
nigel: The clock on the slide in the institute was set to 11:35. I should try that.
nigel: Hey, it worked. The mechanism opened up a secret compartment on the side of the model!
nigel: I wonder if there is a reason why Von Sternberg placed the drawer there at the base of the Castle ... maybe the real Castle has a similar secret?
topic: 3
nigel: I'll set the clock hands to three o'clock.
nigel: Nothing happens.
topic: 8
nigel: Now I'll try eight o'clock. I have a good feeling about eight o'clock.
nigel: Still no reaction ... maybe this doesn't activate a secret mechanism after all?
topic: 5to1
nigel: How about five to one? Mother and I always used to have lunch at five to one.
nigel: Nothing. Well, it was worth a try.
topic: 1030
nigel: 10:30 ... I'm pretty sure it's 10:30 right now.
nigel: Nothing? Darn ... I was so sure!
topic: 830
nigel: How about half past eight? That sounds like a good choice.
nigel: No ... still no reaction.
topic: _6
nigel: I think I'm done here for now.