Look at entrance to main tower (closed)
nigel: That's the entrance to the main tower.
Use entrance to main tower (closed)
nigel: Not as long as the guard is standing around out there on the bridge.
Look at (main)
nigel: That's the entrance to the main tower of the castle.
Use (main)
nigel: The guard is standing in our way.
Look at castle guard (main)
nigel: Not that guy again ... I always get a headache when I see him.
Talk to castle guard (main)
nigel: If he sees me he'll probably knock me out again ... I'd like to avoid that.
Push castle guard (main)
nigel: I'd like to get rid of him but pushing the guard over the side of the bridge isn't a gentlemanly thing to do.
Shoot #item# at #noun# castle guard (main)
nigel: It would be best if our presence remained unknown so the guard doesn't raise the alarm.
Look at clocks (main)
nigel: Mh ... sounds like one of these clocks isn't working properly.
nathan: So you're hearing that ticking noise as well? It sounds strangely irregular, doesn't it?
nigel: Yes, it sounds like broken clockwork ...
Look at Baron Northwest (main)
nigel: It's Baron Northwest ...
nigel: I didn't expect to find him in such a sorry state.
Talk to Baron Northwest (main)
nigel: Baron, are you alright?
nigel: ... no reaction.
Push Baron Northwest (main)
nigel: Baron?
nathan: Look! He is awake!
nigel: Baron, you wanted me to get the insignia seals of the nine shareholders of my father's estate ...
nigel: I have them. Now I just need your signature.
nathan: Give him your father's will, Nigel.
nigel: Could you sign this for me, please?
nigel: Yes! I have the Baron's signature. I can finally settle my father's estate!
nathan: Nigel, look ... he's written something else.
nigel: "Help Me."
nigel: What happened to you? What did they do to you?
nigel: Baron? Baron Northwest??
nathan: How long do you suppose he's been in this feeble state?
nigel: I have no idea, but if my guess is correct, Baron Northwest was just used by Lowell Cain as a puppet from the beginning. This note proves it.
nigel: This whole regime is nothing but a big fraud ... although that doesn't explain what Lowell Cain and his men are after.
nathan: We'll find out. I'm sure Lowell Cain is close by ... and if we find him, then we'll surely find Dr. Coppelius as well.
nathan: We have to find a way to get rid of that guard so we can get into the main tower.
Let #noun# sign #item# Baron Northwest (main)
nigel: He is unconscious ... in this state the Baron won't be able to sign my father's will.
Push Baron Northwest (after)
nigel: I should let him rest ...
Force #noun# to drink #item# Baron Northwest (after)
nigel: What kind of person would I be to force this gross old tea down a feeble old man's throat?
Look at way back (closed)
nigel: Those stairs lead back down.
Use way back (closed)
nigel: There's no going back now. We need to find Dr. Coppelius.
Look at cup of tea (main)
nigel: It's a full cup of tea on a silver tray.
nathan: Well, at least the Baron gets a cup of tea now and then ...
Drink cup of tea (main)
nigel: That's not my cup of tea ...
nathan: Ha! Good one.
nigel: Thanks.
Pick up cup of tea (main)
nigel: Here we go ...
Look at silver tray (nocup)
nigel: A silver tray.
Pick up silver tray (nocup)
nigel: I didn't break into this castle to steal the silverware ...
silver tray (nocup)
nigel: I just took this full cup of tea ... there is no need to place it back onto the tray now.
silver tray (nocup)
nigel: I will place it back on the tray.
Look at empty cup (empty)
nigel: Now the teacup is empty.
Pick up empty cup (empty)
nigel: I don't think that'll help.
empty cup (empty)
nigel: This should attract the guard's attention.
Look at service bell (main)
nigel: It's a service bell.
Ring service bell (main)
nigel: Better hide behind that screen, Nathan. I'll ring the service bell.
nathan: Just a second!
nigel: Boy am I glad that sound travels so much slower than light ...
manbreaker: Not again ... why do I have to be guarding the baron tonight?
nathan: Shhh. I hear the guard coming!
manbreaker: What is it??
manbreaker: What do you want?
manbreaker: Listen, just because Lowell Cain wants me to bring you tea from time to time doesn't mean that I have to take this stuff from you.
manbreaker: Of course ... yeah. Just keep staring. Don't talk to me. Fine!
manbreaker: That old geezer ... someday I'll just throw his cursed bell away.
nigel: That didn't really help ...
nathan: We'll just have to give that guard a reason to leave ...
nigel: I'll ring the service bell again, maybe that guard will refill the Baron's teacup.
nathan: I guess we need to make it more obvious that the Baron would like a new cup of tea.
manbreaker: Tea? You want tea? Give me a break ... I brought you a cup five hours ago!
manbreaker: Well ... Okay. I bet signing all those new law documents for Lowell Cain was pretty exhausting. Looking at numbers and letters always makes me thirsty, too.
manbreaker: I'll be back in a jiffy!
nigel: The guard is gone! Let's hurry up and head for the main tower!
nathan: Okay! Let's go!
nigel: Don't worry Baron Northwest! We'll come back with help!
Look at writing feather (main)
nigel: Mh ... seems like the Baron has to sign documents quite often.
nathan: I wonder if he even knows what kind of documents he's signing for Lowell Cain ...
Use writing feather (main)
nigel: I haven't come all this way just to forge the Baron's signature.
Look at red ink (main)
nigel: Boy, am I glad that's just red ink ...
Use red ink (main)
nigel: I don't want to get red ink on my hands.
Look at ivy pot (main)
nigel: At least this ivy looks pretty healthy.
Use ivy pot (main)
nigel: I could use more plants ... but I don't want to carry around that pot.
Dump #item# into #noun# ivy pot (main)
nigel: Okay, let's hope this ivy likes cold tea.
nigel: Now the cup is empty.
Look at Nathan (main)
nigel: That's Nathan, Dr. Coppelius assistant.
nathan: Well ... I'm helping him to find his granddaughter Nora. I don't know if that makes me his assistant.
Talk to Nathan (main)
nigel: Hey Nathan! What do you think should we do next?
nathan: Once you get your signature from the Baron, then we should try to get into the main tower. I bet that we'll find Dr. Coppelius and Lowell Cain in there.
Offer #item# to #noun# Nathan (main)
nigel: Hey Nathan, would you like to drink this gross old tea?
nathan: No thanks, I can think of few things less refreshing ... and I say that after having locked myself in a crate of fish.
Look at (main)
nathan: Nigel, you'd better come up here!
nathan: I think I found the Baron.
nigel: Baron Northwest?
nathan: Where is Dr. Coppelius, Baron? Your man Lowell Cain arrested him a couple of days ago.
nathan: ... he seems to be unconscious.