Look at winch box (main)
nigel: I think something is missing here ... and I am not talking about rust.
Use winch box (main)
nigel: I think I need some kind of handle or crank to operate the winch box.
Install #item# on #noun# winch box (main)
nigel: This should work!
Look at winch box with crank (handle)
nigel: Well, that looks good so far. It should work now that the winch crank is back in place.
Use winch box with crank (handle)
nigel: Okay, let's go ...
Look at winch box (done)
nigel: It's stuck.
Look at roof hatch (main)
nigel: Hm ...
Exit through roof hatch (main)
nigel: There's no way for me to get up there ...
Shoot #item# at #noun# roof hatch (main)
nigel: One flying fish, coming right up!
Look at fishing nets (main)
nigel: These fishing nets are dry as dust.
Use fishing nets (main)
nigel: The nets are much too heavy to carry around.
Look at door (closed)
nigel: I can't believe it... they really locked me up in here.
Use door (closed)
nigel: The door is locked.
door (closed)
nigel: Not a bad idea, but I couldn't shoot a fish through a barred window.
door (closed)
nigel: While a fish might attract someone's attention, just dropping it in front of the door won't help.
Look at yellow poster with staring eye (main)
nigel: — Northwest Castle: A New Vision for Ravenhollow —
nigel: ... obviously their "New Vision" includes locking up innocent travelers in damp boathouses.
Take yellow poster with staring eye (main)
nigel: I really have all the propaganda material I need, thank you.
Look at door hinges (main)
nigel: Hm ... these screws are holding the door in place.
Use door hinges (main)
nigel: I could try to find something to unscrew these hinges ...
Unscrew #noun# with #item# door hinges (main)
nigel: Let me see if I can unscrew these door hinges.
nigel: Better watch out there, Shroom ...
nigel: Ha! That was easy! ... I bet those castle guys thought they'd gotten rid of me for good.
nigel: I have to find out what's going on here. I need to find my father's lawyer.
Look at Shroom (shroom)
nigel: He's a cute little guy.
Talk to Shroom (shroom)
nigel: How's it going, boy?
shroom: Woof!
Pet Shroom (shroom)
nigel: That IS a good idea, indeed ... but now is not the time.
intro Shroom (shroom)
nigel: Good boy, Shroom!
Look at dog tag (main)
nigel: Shroom's dog tag ...
Pick up dog tag (main)
nigel: Mind if I borrow this, old boy?
nigel: I'll assume that means "no".
dia (main)
nigel: Holy smoke!
nora: Nigel Trelawney?
nigel: Yes ... but ...
nigel: Why the heck were you hiding behind that tarpaulin?
nigel: Who are you?
nigel: Why are we locked in here?
nora: I'm actually not locked in here. But you are ...
nora: Sorry, I guess that's my fault.
nigel: Did I get punched too hard or are you not making much sense?
nora: I don't have time. I need the photograph that your father sent you.
nora: The photograph depicting the nine founding members of the Smith Institute. Now ... please?
nigel: How do you know about that photograph? Why do you need it?
nora: Lend me that photograph for a second and I'll explain it to you.
nigel: That sounds fair.
nigel: Hey! My picture!
nora: Sorry, I need that. Here, take this instead ... it should help you get out of here.
nigel: A fish??
nora: We will meet again Nigel.
nora: ... but I fear that I won't recognize you.
nora: Please don't take that personally.
nigel: What the heck does that mean?
nigel: Hey!
nigel: Mysterious girl? Where are you!?
nigel: Did she just disappear into thin air with my photograph?
nigel: That's impossible, isn't it?
nigel: I've had my share of confusing conversations with women and some of them also pretended not to recognize me later on, but THIS is new ...
Look at tarpaulin (main)
nigel: It looks like a boat covering that's been hung up to dry.
Touch tarpaulin (main)
nigel: This tarpaulin seems to be dry ...
Look at wooden chest (closed)
nigel: This storage chest is made of strong wood.
Open wooden chest (closed)
nigel: The chest is locked.
Unlock #noun# with #item# wooden chest (closed)
nigel: I hope the key fits ...
nigel: Look at that!
nigel: The castle guards have confiscated a ship log and a ... box of Pretzeljax?
nigel: Somehow I had expected ... more. I wonder if they're hoarding more loot somewhere else?
Look at confiscated goods (main)
nigel: I guess these are goods that Lowell Cain's men confiscated recently ...
Take confiscated goods (main)
nigel: With pleasure ...
Look at light bulb (main)
nigel: Nice bulb ... and it seems to be intact.
Unscrew light bulb (main)
nigel: The bulb is fine, it doesn't need to be replaced.
Look at large doors (closed)
nigel: The boathouse doors are closed.
Open large doors (closed)
nigel: I can't reach the door latch ...
Look at the sea (open)
nigel: The boathouse doors are open now.
nigel: Boy, it's getting windy in here!
Look at rusty door latch (main)
nigel: That rusty latch keeps the boathouse doors shut.
Open rusty door latch (main)
nigel: I can't reach it.
Look at another boat (main)
nigel: There's another rowboat hanging up there ... maybe I can find a way to get it down.
Look at huge ship propellers (main)
nigel: These ship propellers are enormous ... they must weigh a couple of tons.
nigel: Maybe they are meant to keep the boathouse in place during heavy storms ...
Take huge ship propellers (main)
nigel: I don't think so.
Look at cold salty sea water (main)
nigel: The sea water really doesn't look inviting.
nigel: Well, it's not summer anymore.
Swim in cold salty sea water (main)
nigel: I'm not diving into an enclosed underwater environment. Unlike certain other adventurers I can't hold my breath for ten minutes!
cold salty sea water (main)
nigel: I'll fill the kettle with water.
Look at boat (main)
nigel: That rowboat up there seems to be damaged.
Look at not really seaworthy boat (hole)
nigel: If I want to make this rowboat seaworthy again I will have to find a way to patch up the hole in the side.
Use not really seaworthy boat (hole)
nigel: With this hole the boat won't stay afloat for more than five seconds ...
not really seaworthy boat (hole)
nigel: Not a bad idea, but I should find a way to close the hole first and then use the tar to make it waterproof.
not really seaworthy boat (hole)
nigel: This should do the job.
not really seaworthy boat (hole)
nigel: That should seal it up to make it seaworthy again.
nigel: Now how do I get the boat into the water, and out of the boathouse?
Look at boat with patch (patch)
nigel: The patch works fine, but it's not waterproof yet.
Use boat with patch (patch)
nigel: I have to find a way to seal the patched up area to make it waterproof before I can use the boat.
boat with patch (patch)
nigel: That should seal it up and make it seaworthy again.
Look at half—heartedly repaired boat (tarpatch)
nigel: Not bad, but how do I get the boat into the water and out of the boathouse?
Push half—heartedly repaired boat (tarpatch)
nigel: I will give it a jolly good push.
Look at rowboat (ready)
nigel: Now that looks much better! I guess I'm done here.
Use rowboat (ready)
nigel: I'll just row the boat out to Wavetamer.
Look at (main)
nigel: I don't believe it ... they really locked me up in the boathouse!
nigel: I have to find a way out!
Look at (main)
nigel: Ow ... my head ...
nigel: Where am I? I must have been unconscious ...