Look at cold salty sea water (main)
nathan: The water is so murky that I can't see the bottom.
Jump in cold salty sea water (main)
nathan: While I DO need a bath after that crate of fish, I'm not bothered enough by my own smell to jump into that cold water.
Look at winch box (main)
nathan: I wonder when the last time this rusty old winch was used...
Crank winch box (main)
nathan: It doesn't budge. The chain is probably twisted in the winch gears.
Look at seaward door (main)
nathan: It's a beautiful foggy night out there.
Close seaward door (main)
nathan: I can't reach the doors to close them.
Look at huge propeller (main)
nathan: What a practical addition to a boathouse full of rowboats.
Take huge propeller (main)
nathan: No. Even if it was free from the wall, I still couldn't lift it.
Look at massive propeller (main)
nathan: If this were MUCH smaller, then it might work as the fan blade that Coppelius is seeking.
nathan: Alas, where's my shrink-ray gun when I need it?
Take massive propeller (main)
nathan: No way! I'd get a hernia just trying to lift this monster down from the wall.
Look at fishing nets (main)
nathan: Just think, these nets would be all I'd need to lead a quiet life as a fishermen without concern for kidnapped scientists or evil maniacs.
nathan: ...but where's the adventure in that?
Pick up fishing nets (main)
nathan: No, I might be robbing some poor old fisherman of their livelihood if I took them.
Look at yellow poster with staring eye (main)
nathan: Hey, this gives me an idea for a bumper sticker...
nathan: How about, "Ravenhollow: a new vision for Northwest Castle"
Take yellow poster with staring eye (main)
nathan: My fishy smell is all the reminder I need of Northwest Castle.
Look at roof hatch (main)
nathan: Hey, air conditioning!
Climb through roof hatch (main)
nathan: Why would I climb up to the roof when I can just exit through the wide-open door...?
nathan: Actually, where IS the door?
Look at light bulb (main)
nathan: Shoot... now I have bright spots burned into my field of vision.
Unscrew light bulb (main)
nathan: I'm clumsy enough that I have a personal rule against tampering with electrically-charged devices.
Look at row boat (main)
nathan: Now that's what I call dry-docking!
Use row boat (main)
nathan: I can't reach it.