Look at cold salty sea water (main)
nora: That water looks very cold.
Drink cold salty sea water (main)
nora: No thanks.
Bathe in cold salty sea water (main)
nora: I think I'll wait and take a hot bath at home when this is over.
Look at very rusty winch box (main)
nora: Now that's a VERY rusty winch box.
Touch very rusty winch box (main)
nora: Tetanus is the last thing I need here in the not-so-distant past.
Look at seaward door (main)
nora: Darn, I'm locked in here ... how do I get Nigel's photograph?
Open seaward door (main)
nora: I can't reach the door latch.
Look at slightly less massive propeller (main)
nora: Imagine the size of the ship these propellers must have come from!
Lift slightly less massive propeller (main)
nora: This is no time for feats of strength ... I have to hurry and get that photograph!
Look at string (main)
nora: There's a piece of string hanging from this cleat.
Blow on string (main)
nora: Now that's just silly.
Take string (main)
nora: Sure, a piece of string can be useful.
Look at rusty edge (main)
nora: The edge of this ship propeller is pretty rusty ... it's already cracked in some parts.
Break piece off of rusty edge (main)
nora: Okay. The edge is sharp, and there's no one here to help if I cut my hand ...
nora: But a girl's got to do, what a girl's got to do.
Look at fishing nets (main)
nora: These nets smell pretty intense ... they're a strong mixture of wet hemp rope and salt water.
Pick up fishing nets (main)
nora: These nets would be too bulky for me to carry around.
Look at tarpaulin (main)
nora: It's an old boat tarp hung up to dry.
nora: That could make an excellent hiding place should I need one.
Hide behind tarpaulin (main)
nora: That may be a good idea later on.
Look at chest (main)
nora: Is that a treasure chest?
nora: I bet it's full of diamonds, sapphires, and expensive foreign silks.
Open chest (main)
nora: Unfortunately this chest is bolted with a sturdy lock.
Look at yellow poster with staring eye (main)
nora: What's all this about "A New Vision for Ravenhollow"?
nora: Did I miss something?
Take yellow poster with staring eye (main)
nora: I've outgrown the age of hanging posters on my walls.
Look at roof hatch (main)
nora: That hatch in the roof is open.
Climb through roof hatch (main)
nora: I can't reach it ... besides, I don't think it'd be a good idea to venture outside right now.
Look at door (main)
nora: Great, I'm locked in here ... how am I supposed to get Nigel's photograph?
Open door (main)
nora: It's locked!
Look at divining stick (main)
nora: How odd ... Is that a divining stick floating out there?
nora: Apparently someone found the water source they were looking for ... or else gave up when they reached the sea.
Take divining stick (main)
nora: I can't reach it, and I'd prefer not to jump in after it.
divining stick (main)
nora: Let's see how my aim is ...
nora: Ha! Pretty good I guess ... take that all you boys who ridiculed me on the softball team.
Throw #item# at #noun# divining stick (main)
nora: The string alone is too light to throw over to the stick.
Take hooked divining stick (string)
nora: I'll reel in the divining stick with this string.
nora: Got it!
Look at clamshell (main)
nora: There's a clam shell clinging to one of the posts.
Talk to clamshell (main)
nora: I think whatever lived in that shell is long gone.
Take clamshell (main)
nora: Sure.
Look at (main)
nora: Oh, my head ... I feel ... dizzy.
nora: Where am I? Is this the past?
nora: I hope Nigel is close by ...
Talk to (main)
nora: Uh oh ... they're bringing Nigel in here! I have to hide!
Talk to (main)
nora: I'll just hide behind this inconspicuous-looking tarpaulin.
nora: (I'll just wait here until Nigel finds me ... so that I don't jump out and startle him.)
nora: (What in the world is taking him so long??)
nora: (Ever since he regained consciousness, he's just been wandering around talking to himself!)
nora: (Sigh ... what is he DOING out there?)
nora: (Okay. I think he's getting close!)
nora: (Nice bulb??)
nora: (Finally!)