Look at the woods (main)
nigel: The woods.
nigel: Full of feral beasts and ancient secrets, I bet.
nigel: And mice and squirrels.
Use the woods (main)
nigel: I could form a company that makes toothpicks from these trees ...
nigel: ... but then again I don't want to be a businessman and I like these woods just as they are.
Look at rusty kettle (main)
nigel: What's this kettle doing here?
nigel: Maybe someone used it to hand-feed cattle?
nigel: ... but there are no cows around.
Take rusty kettle (main)
nigel: I'll borrow this for now.
nigel: This kettle is really rusty but at least it doesn't seem to have any holes.
nigel: Hey, it also looks like I could unscrew that hook from the fence post.
Look at hook (hook)
nigel: That's the hook the rusty kettle was hanging on.
Take hook (hook)
nigel: Sure, a hook might be useful.
Look at fireflies (swarm)
nigel: How beautiful! I could watch these fireflies for hours dancing and swirling and glowing.
Catch fireflies (swarm)
nigel: I won't be able to catch them with my bare hands.
Trap #noun# in #item# fireflies (swarm)
nigel: This jar isn't meant to hold fireflies.
Catch #noun# with #item# fireflies (swarm)
nigel: Good idea. I could use this windsock as a net if I find a way to close the opening at the end.
Catch #noun# with #item# fireflies (swarm)
nigel: I caught some fireflies!
nigel: Hmmm ... now what to do with them ...
nigel: How about this old bottle littered on the embankment here? That'll work.
nigel: Okay, I've trapped a few of the fireflies in the bottle.
nigel: Now I'll just trap a few in this old bottle that I picked up.
Trap #noun# in #item# fireflies (swarm)
nigel: Interesting idea! But I won't be able to catch them with my bare hands.
Trap #noun# in #item# fireflies (swarm)
nigel: I won't be able to coax the fireflies directly into my bottle. I'll need some kind of net to catch them.
Look at bubbling puddle of mud (night)
nigel: Oh, look at that!
nigel: The puddle of mud is bubbling ... its inhabitants must be nocturnal.
Touch bubbling puddle of mud (night)
nigel: Let's see ...
nigel: Yikes. Those worms were staring right back at me ...
nigel: ... and they looked pretty hungry!
bubbling puddle of mud (night)
nigel: Might these night crawlers be interested in a pretzel or two?
nigel: Mh ...
nigel: They are not into junk food, it seems.
bubbling puddle of mud (night)
nigel: Here we go.
nigel: Urgh ... Disgusting. I think I am going to be sick.
nigel: The worms jumped right at my juicy apple. Now it's crawling with night crawlers.
bubbling puddle of mud (night)
nigel: My juicy apple has already suffered enough.
Look at puddle of mud (day)
nigel: Hey, wow! I think I heard of these ... they are called puddles of mud!
nigel: Sorry. Please excuse my sarcasm ... but it's just a puddle of mud.
Touch puddle of mud (day)
nigel: Just mud.
Look at traveling entertainer dressed in red (main)
nigel: Interesting mustache.
matt: It's real!
nigel: Ok, ok. I never doubted that.
Talk to traveling entertainer dressed in red (main)
nigel: Hey! Can I join you here at the campfire for a few minutes?
greg: Sure, join us!
matt: Of course! Welcome!
nigel: I'm Nigel Trelawney, part-time adventurer. Who are you?
matt: May I introduce to you the Amazing Mr. Gregory!
greg: That's me, thank you. And there is Matthew, the Mysterious!
matt: Indeed, I am. We travel around the countryside with our Amazing ...
greg: ... and Mysterious ...!
matt: Entertainment Cart!
greg: You'll be amazed, astonished and flabbergasted by our display of Story Telling, Torch Juggling, and Fire Breathing!
Look at traveling entertainer dressed in blue (main)
nigel: Cool bandana.
greg: I know.
Look at eerie swamp shrouded in fog (main)
nigel: Just the thought of making a wrong step and sinking slowly into a wet grave makes me shiver.
Go into eerie swamp shrouded in fog (main)
nigel: I'd rather not.
Look at firepit (day)
nigel: By the look of the ashes, this campfire was burning last night.
Use firepit (day)
nigel: That's a good idea.
nigel: Once I'm done with this insignia ring business, I'll phone up some friends and we can make a campfire and pop some refreshing cans of Dr. Pepper.
Look at burning campfire (night)
nigel: Nice fire!
greg: Yep. The boy scout years pay off once again!
nigel: The fire is out ... I wonder where the two entertainers are that had been camping out here.
Look at glowing piece of ember (main)
nigel: That small piece of wood is still glowing hot.
Take glowing piece of ember (main)
nigel: Okay.
Look at trash (main)
nigel: There's a half-buried and cracked bottle in the mud of this embankment.
nigel: Go figure ... litter.
Take trash (main)
nigel: I'll help out the environment by picking up this bottle ...
nigel: And look at that! This pond already looks more pristine without that unsightly litter.
Look at mysterious beams of light (main)
nigel: I wonder where these beams of light are coming from?
nigel: That can't be swamp gas, can it?
Dialog Tree: gregnmatt
topic: _0
nigel: Wow! I'd like to see your show!
matt: Unfortunately the local authorities confiscated our cart when we arrived in the village a couple of days ago ...
greg: Now we're trying to figure out how to get our cart back.
nigel: Do you need help?
greg: Well thanks, but probably not ... not unless you know someone at the Castle who could help.
nigel: Believe me ... I don't.
greg: Neither do we. During the day we keep trying to sneak into the village without being seen by the guards.
matt: And in the evening we just camp out here near the woods – right under the stars. It's quite nice.
greg: If nothing else, we've finally found the time to write new material for our show.
topic: _3
nigel: Story Telling?
matt: Indeed. I tell the stories at our shows, although we write them together.
greg: Yes, he has the better stage voice.
nigel: That's fantastic! Have you written anything new recently?
matt: Well ... We've been thinking of a story about a cute pig who wishes he had wings so that he could fly ...
greg: ... although I still think the protagonist should be an alien.
matt: Ahem, yes. As you can see, we're still working out the details.
topic: _4
nigel: Torch Juggling?
greg: Yep, that's my act. I create a lively mood while Matthew spins his tales.
matt: That, and I carry a fire extinguisher for the unlikely event that Gregory looses a torch and sets our cart on fire.
nigel: Oh my, has that ever happened?
greg: Absolutely not!
matt: No, wait ... what about that time in Prague?
greg: What, that? That hardly counts ... a dog mistook my leg for a fire hydrant. Imagine my surprise!
topic: _5
nigel: Fire Breathing?!
greg: Er, wait ... did I say fire breathing? Sorry, that's part of my showman's call. You see, we had a third guy on-board until recently.
matt: Yeah, Stunning Steve ... unfortunately, we had a parting of ways with Steve over the use of pyrotechnics in our show.
nigel: Pyrotechnics? What, like fire juggling?
greg: Hey now, my juggling is under control. But Steve ... he was convinced that a bigger bang would make a bigger buck.
matt: ... and his incendiaries kept on getting bigger ...
greg: As you can imagine, this began to raise some very serious public safety considerations about our performance. So, we decided to go our separate ways.
matt: So long, Steve. Now we just have a bunch of cherry bombs left over from his act ...
greg: Hey, you want them? They're the handy self-lighting variety.
nigel: Ummmm ... explosives? Sure!
greg: Okay, here you go ... just pull the fuse and don't be holding it three seconds later!
matt: And please don't put them towards any malicious uses.
nigel: You have my word.
topic: _2
nigel: Thanks for the hospitality! I've got to go ...
matt: Sure, take care.
greg: See you, Nigel.