Look at statue of sleeping lion (main)
nigel: These lions look remarkably lifelike.
Draw #noun# with #item# statue of sleeping lion (main)
nigel: A lion would indeed make a good mask ...
nigel: ... but I want to find something even scarier to draw.
Draw #noun# with #item# statue of sleeping lion (main)
nigel: I'll need to pair this crayon with a piece of paper before I can draw anything with it.
Look at statue of sleeping lion (costume)
nigel: Argh, sleepy lion. You should not have dozed off for I long to bury my beak and talons into your hide.
nigel: For I am Eagle, The Strong!
nigel: SCREECH!
holdup: Oh no! It's closing in on me!!
Take statue of sleeping lion (costume)
nigel: Shall I carry my victim away to my roost? No ... not yet.
Look at statue of roaring lion (main)
nigel: I'm so glad it's just a statue.
nigel: If you ever get to see a lion acting like this it's most likely the last thing you'll ever see.
Look at statue of roaring lion (costume)
nigel: Do you want to fight, lion?
nigel: Beware ... many a fanged creature has regretted fighting me.
nigel: The luckier ones only lost one of their eyes to my terrible talons!
holdup: Oh no! Oh no!
holdup: Please ... don't come closer!!
Look at red butterfly (inactive)
nigel: What a beautiful butterfly.
Catch red butterfly (inactive)
nigel: I'm afraid I would hurt the butterfly if tried to catch it with my bare hands.
Catch #noun# with #item# red butterfly (inactive)
nigel: While I could probably catch it with this net, I'll need a jar to put it in.
Trap #noun# in #item# red butterfly (inactive)
nigel: No, that butterfly wouldn't fit through the bottle's narrow neck.
Trap #noun# in #item# red butterfly (inactive)
nigel: No, I don't want to risk losing my fireflies by opening the bottle.
Trap #noun# in #item# red butterfly (active)
nigel: This isn't the right jar.
Trap #noun# in #item# red butterfly (active)
nigel: The jar is too small to catch the butterfly directly with it.
Catch #noun# with #item# red butterfly (active)
nigel: Got it! I caught the Red Brigadier!
nigel: At least I think it's one ... I'll put it into its specimen jar and see what Caro says.
Catch #noun# with #item# red butterfly (active)
nigel: Good idea. I could use this windsock as a net if I find a way to close the opening at the end.
Trap #noun# in #item# red butterfly (active)
nigel: No, the butterfly wouldn't fit through that narrow bottleneck.
Look at (main)
holdup: You should have seen the look on that guy's face when I told him his pass wasn't valid! Hah!
faker: What did he do?
rat: Yeah, what did he do?
holdup: He tried to bribe me, can you believe it?
rat: And did you take the money?
holdup: Of course I did!
holdup: But I still didn't let him through! It's a perfect way to earn some additional income, isn't it?
rat: Ha, great! Just great!
faker: Yeah. And since we've started selling all the fish from the village to those big city merchants, we've made ourselves a pile of money!
rat: And don't forget the bills from those envelopes that we found in the mail ...
holdup: Isn't it great? Lowell Cain gives us a brain-washing device and lets us take anything we want from this stinking village, and then pays us a generous salary on top of it all!
holdup: I think we should treat ourselves to a night out on the town with drink and some ladies once we're done here in Ravenhollow. What do you think!?
rat: Sounds great!
faker: Sounds great indeed! We just have to make sure we don't run into the big city cops. We're still wanted for fraud ...
rat: ... and forgery.
holdup: Fraud and forgery?
holdup: Come on, you ladies! You're talking to Holdup Hawkins here! They'll try to put me into jail as soon as I enter the city limits!
holdup: ... but that won't stop me from havin' some fun when I'm done in this boring sinkhole of a village.
nigel: Which way should we go?
nathan: Let's try the tower on the left. I've seen a lot of activity going on up there while spying on the Castle, so I think that's where we need to go ...
nigel: Ok. Let's go.
nathan: What's your name, by the way?
nigel: Nigel. The name's Nigel K. Trelawney.
nathan: I'm Nathan, Nathan Mallory. Good to meet you.
nigel: Good to meet you too, Nathan. Now let's finish this!
Look at the castle (main)
nigel: The Castle!
nigel: Boy, that's quite a way up ...
nigel: I wonder if Dr. Coppelius is in one of these towers right now.
Look at eagle statues (main)
nigel: These statues are pretty impressive! Just look at those beaks and wings and talons ...
holdup: Shut up!! Those are just statues!
nigel: Of course ... what did you think?
nigel: Did you think these eagles are real and just standing there ... staring at you when you don't look?
nigel: Did you think that they are just waiting for the right moment to grab you with their talons to carry you into their unholy roost on top of Mount Misery?
holdup: Oh no! Shut up! Shut up!
Draw #noun# with #item# eagle statues (main)
nigel: Good idea! I think one of these eagles would make an impressive and scary mask.
nigel: Here we go ... An eagle drawing. Copyright Nigel Trelawney.
Look at castle gate (closed)
nigel: If only the gate were open, then I could just sneak in and look for Dr. Coppelius and the Baron.
Open castle gate (closed)
nigel: The guard is standing in my way.
Look at peculiar looking object (main)
nigel: Hey, I see something glinting!
nigel: There's something glittering hidden under the wing of one of those giant stone eagles.
Take peculiar looking object (main)
nigel: Excuse me, there's a piece of trash on that statue that's ruining my photo ...
nigel: Will you please step aside so that I can clean it up?
holdup: No way. How about I arrest you instead for taking surveillance photos?
nigel: Erm, nevermind ...
Take peculiar looking object (noguard)
nigel: Here we go ...
nigel: That must be the trophy ring the kids from the village wanted me to get. There is an insignia ring attached to it!
nigel: And I always thought running around in costumes at night would just lead to trouble ...
Look at castle guard (main)
nigel: Another one of Lowell Cain's men is guarding the entrance to the castle.
Talk to castle guard (main)
holdup: Stop right there. No one is allowed to pass beyond this point!
Push castle guard (main)
nigel: Even if he wasn't wearing knives on his belt I'd say that's a pretty bad idea.
castle guard (main)
nigel: That's a pretty good idea, but the effect will be much better if I use my costume at night.
castle guard (main)
nigel: Scaring the guard might be pretty amusing, but I don't think the mask alone will make a very convincing eagle costume.
castle guard (main)
nigel: No good can come from attacking my enemy at the foot of his stronghold.
Look at castle guard (night)
nigel: The guard looks pretty nervous.
nigel: Some people are just not fit to do night shifts.
Talk to castle guard (night)
nigel: Excuse me ...
holdup: Aaaargh!
holdup: Never sneak up on me like that again!
holdup: What do you want?
nigel: SCREECH! Excuse me, pitiful human.
holdup: Oh ... you ... but ... I ... no ... you ...
castle guard (night)
nigel: I think someone should teach that guard a lesson ...
nigel: ... and that someone is me.
nigel: I don't think that the guard can see me here.
nigel: What do you think I'm doing right now?
Look at castle guard (night2)
nigel: Maybe I overdid it a little...
nigel: His hair even turned white.
Talk to castle guard (night2)
nigel: No, once is enough.
nigel: I don't want to drive him completely insane ...
Talk to castle guard (scared)
holdup: The eagle!
Scare #noun# with #item# castle guard (scared)
nigel: I need some way to disguise my clothes as well.
Scare #noun# with #item# castle guard (scared)
nigel: Maybe that guard deserves another lesson.
nigel: Oh boy. I know it's wrong but it's a lot of fun.
Look at (costume)
nigel: I think I am done here ...
nigel: I will take the mask off.
nigel: I don't want to scare innocent villagers.
Look at the woods (main)
nigel: Am I imagining things or can I hear the faint sound of a waterfall down there deep in the woods?
Go to the woods (main)
nigel: Jumping down here is not a shortcut, it's a way out with no return.
Look at the woods (costume)
nigel: We eagles will soon again prey on the inhabitants of the woodlands.
holdup: Holy Smoke!
holdup: Oh no. It's finally happening! Help!
Talk to (main)
nigel: Don't worry, friends! It's still me, good old Nigel.
nigel: I am just pretending to be a mysterious man—sized eagle.
holdup: What was that sound!?
Talk to (two)
nigel: The mysterious man—sized eagle returns!
holdup: Oh no! It's back!
Look at (main)
cain: I am impressed you have made it all the way up here, Mr. Trelawney.
cain: And yet ... these gates will remain closed for you.
cain: You may have the support of the Baron, but me and my men will never allow you to set foot into Northwest Castle.
Dialog Tree: holdup
topic: _1
nigel: My friend the eagle sends his regards ... he told me he might visit you again tonight.
holdup: No! Please ... it wasn't real! It was only a dream!
topic: _2
nigel: Hey, I think you're getting a bit grey there ...
holdup: Shut up! Just shut up and move along!
topic: zeppelin
nigel: I saw Henry LeMue's zeppelin fly up here... what's going on?
holdup: I believe that you saw the CASTLE's zeppelin fly up here. You'll find its former owner commiserating his loss down at the mill.
nigel: You cads! You can't just push people around and take whatever you like!
holdup: Actually, we can. And we do.
nigel: But what could you possibly want of a harmless old man's zeppelin?!
holdup: That's Castle business, which means that it's none of yours!
nigel: We'll see about that. I'll be taking this matter up with the baron when I see him about my father's estate.
nigel: In the meantime, I'd better go check on Uncle Slappy.
topic: _0
nigel: Well, have fun guarding the Castle! I gotta go!
Dialog Tree: holdup2
topic: _3
nigel: Could you tell me what time it is right now?
holdup: Aaaargh!!
nigel: THAT's why you never tell strangers about your worst nightmares!
cain: Hiding behind your masks will not suffice to save you, Mandelbaum!
cain: The Baron knows of your subversive nightly actions against the Castle.
cain: Soon you will realize just how big a mistake you have made here tonight, Mandelbaum!
nigel: Uh oh ... I think Cain mistook me for Mr. Mandelbaum. I hope he doesn't get in trouble now.
topic: _4
nigel: I don't suppose you carry a watch?
topic: _5
nigel: Do you have the time?
Dialog Tree: holdupday
topic: _1
nigel: Open Sesame?
holdup: ... so you don't know the password.
holdup: Well, cousin Ted ... you better go back to wherever you came from, because I won't let you in!
topic: _3
nigel: Fidelio?
topic: _4
nigel: Hail to the Castle?
topic: _9
nigel: I hid in a pile of laundry and left the Castle in the back of the carriage that takes the laundry to the cleaners ...
holdup: Okay, I believe you. Welcome back, Baron. You may return into your Castle ...
nigel: Really??
holdup: No. That was the lousiest story I've heard in years!
topic: _11
nigel: I tied all my clothes together and used them as a rope to climb from my window.
topic: _13
nigel: I escaped with the sheer power of my mind.
nigel: I just imagined being outside and one second later I was standing in the woods ... pretty amazing, huh?
topic: _6
nigel: I went out to live the life of the simple folks down in the village ...
nigel: I got sick of lobster, wine and silk, you know ...
holdup: ... so how did you get out?
topic: _7
nigel: I'm in love with a woman of the lower classes ...
nigel: She drives me nuts, I just had to see her.
topic: _8
nigel: I went into the woods to meet my friends from the planet Venus ...
nigel: I intercepted a message with my radio last night and got instructions to meet the Venusian ambassador.
topic: _0
nigel: Are you sure you can't let me in? I'm the Baron's cousin, Ted.
nigel: I was invited over for dinner ... can you believe it?
nigel: After all that happened last time during that drunken episode, my cousin still invites me into his beautiful castle. Gosh, he really is a swell guy.
holdup: Well, if you are the Baron's cousin then I'm sure you know the password.
topic: _5
nigel: Actually I'm the Baron himself ... in disguise ... and I happened to lock myself out.
holdup: Really? Where have you been?
topic: notin
nigel: So, you won't let me in ...
holdup: No. Not now, not later. Never.
holdup: Give it up!
topic: _14
nigel: May I have a look at these stone eagles over at the entrance?
holdup: I can't let you any closer to the Castle ... besides, who would want to take a look at those creepy statues, anyway?
holdup: I try to ignore them, but still they freak me out – especially at night!!
holdup: I always get the feeling that they're watching me and moving behind my back.
nigel: Hey, I think one of the eagles just blinked!
holdup: Ack!
holdup: Wait a second, you're just trying to spook me, aren't you? Well stop that!
holdup: These statues might be creepy, but as long as they don't come walking up to me and ask me for the time then I won't be leaving my post!!