Look at woods (main)
nathan: I can just barely make out the glow from the remains of a campfire out there.
Go to woods (main)
nathan: I can't get there from up here.
Look at statue of sleeping lion (main)
nathan: Nice kitty... just keep sleeping.
Talk to statue of sleeping lion (main)
nathan: ...Rock—a—bye lion, on the stone base...
Touch statue of sleeping lion (main)
nathan: No way... while I know it's just stone, I still have an unnatural fear of it waking up and mauling me.
Look at statue of roaring lion (main)
nathan: To quell my personal fears, I'm going to pretend that this is a statue of an adorable stone kitten.
Touch statue of roaring lion (main)
nathan: Call me a coward, but this statue is terrifying enough that I don't want to go near it.
Look at locked door (main)
nathan: The baron appears to have locked himself in his tower.
Open locked door (main)
nathan: It's locked ... probably bolted from the inside.
Look at eagle statues (main)
nathan: These eagle statues are pretty scary ... they make me a bit hesitant to walk through the castle gate.
Talk to eagle statues (main)
nathan: Not tonight.