Look at sea doors (main)
nathan: A boathouse with a water view.
Use sea doors (main)
nathan: I'd better just use the human-sized door.
Look at lighthouse door (closed)
nathan: This door leads into the lighthouse.
Talk to lighthouse door (closed)
nathan: Hello?
nathan: Is anyone in there?
nathan: I don't think there's anyone inside the lighthouse.
Open lighthouse door (closed)
nathan: The lighthouse door is locked. What a surprise.
lighthouse door (closed)
nathan: I'm in!
Look at starry starry night (main)
nathan: What a beautiful night.
Look at lighthouse lamp (main)
nathan: That is quite possibly the biggest oil lamp that I've ever seen!
nathan: There's an oil funnel at the base of the lamp. Apparently the lighthouse keeper needs to refill the oil each night.
Wave at lighthouse lamp (main)
nathan: Wow, I can make some serious shadow puppets in the light!
Look at boat (main)
nathan: That's McManus' boat ... Vincent left it here after he kidnapped Nora.
Use boat (main)
nathan: No, I think this tired old boat is dead in the water... literally.
Look at oil funnel (main)
nathan: It's a large open nozzle used to refill the lamp's oil tank.
nathan: Judging by the strong smell of oil and the intensity of the lamp light, I'd guess that the oil reserve is still mostly full.
Extract oil from oil funnel (main)
nathan: I'll need to insert something into the funnel to soak up some oil.
Dip #item# into #noun# oil funnel (main)
nathan: Perfect, the torches fit down the funnel and into the lamp's oil reserve.
nathan: The torch wicks are soaked with oil now.
Dip #item# into #noun# oil funnel (main)
nathan: That would be a very ugly end for my adventure.
Look at tower freefall (main)
nathan: Wow, it's a long way down... why do towers always seem so much taller from the top than from the ground?
Jump from tower freefall (main)
nathan: No. Jumping is NOT a viable option for the Vincent situation.
Throw #item# into #noun# tower freefall (main)
nathan: Look out below!
nathan: Ha! That crate smashed like an egg on the ground below...
nathan: Alas feeble strongbox, you were no match for gravity!
Look at castle sticker (main)
nathan: Good grief, those goons really did put Castle propaganda everywhere...
nathan: I can only assume that this eye looming over the harbor was meant to be symbolic?
Peel castle sticker (main)
nathan: The Ravenhollow harbor will be free of this watchful eye.
Look at smashed box ’o loot (loot)
nathan: Wow, look at all the loot that was in that box.
Pick up smashed box ’o loot (loot)
nathan: Wow! Just look at all this stuff!
nathan: These things all look pretty valuable!
nathan: Wait a minute ... oh no.
nathan: I think I'm going to be sick ... I shouldn't have dropped that box from the lighthouse!
Look at smashed box (empty)
nathan: It's the smashed remains of that chest I threw from the top of the lighthouse.
Pick up smashed box (empty)
nathan: No, I've picked the bones. I don't need the carcass.
Look at crates and fishing nets (main)
nathan: Alright, more fishing gear!
Use crates and fishing nets (main)
nathan: I wouldn't know where to begin.
Look at wrecked boat (main)
nathan: While I don't profess to be a mariner, I do know a sinking rowboat when I see it.
Use wrecked boat (main)
nathan: Ha ... you're joking. ... Right?
Look at crates (main)
nathan: These crates smell of rotting wood, salt water, and fish... possibly worse than I do.
Lick crates (main)
nathan: Yuck.
Pick up crates (main)
nathan: The last thing I need is more smelly fishing inventory.
Look at McManus (flashed)
nathan: McManus is still under hypnosis ...
nathan: It's horrible how confused he is. He's been waiting with Shroom at the docks ever since we arrived here.
nathan: I have to find a way to help him!
Talk to McManus (flashed)
nathan: McManus, are you alright?
mcmanus: What I am doing here? ... and who are you?
nathan: He's still suffering from the mind-altering effects of Lowell Cain's hypnosis device.
McManus (flashed)
nathan: Say "cheese" ...
mcmanus: Gosh, by the unholy white whale and the seagulls that are follow'n him, what was that?
nathan: You've been under heavy hypnosis. Are you feeling any better?
mcmanus: Aye, thanks to you, mate!
mcmanus: The last thing I remember is Dr. Coppelius being kidnapped by those uniformed yellow-belly officials ...
nathan: Don't worry, Dr. Coppelius and Nora are safe. Unfortunately Vincent is still on the run ... but we're going after him.
mcmanus: Shroom and me, we'll stay here for now if you don't mind ... I still feel a bit foggy 'round me head, and we still have to repair our ship.
mcmanus: Just do me a favor, and give Vincent a good whacking with this when you find him. I won't be forgett'n what he did to me Sea Cucumber.
nathan: Okay ... of course ... we will meet again, Mr. McManus!
mcmanus: Indeed, we will! Take care, mate!
McManus (flashed)
nathan: He's had enough brainwashing.
Look at McManus (unflashed)
nathan: Finally, McManus is his old self again ...
Talk to McManus (unflashed)
nathan: We will meet again, MacManus!
Look at Shroom (main)
nathan: Well, at least Shroom is okay.
Talk to Shroom (main)
nathan: Hey, I hope you're taking good care of your friend.
shroom: Woof!
nathan: Good boy!
Look at castle posters (main)
nathan: Wow, surviving Northwest castle posters!
nathan: I give them until the morning before the locals tear them down.
Tear down castle posters (main)
nathan: It's okay. I'll save the satisfaction for the locals.
Look at poster (main)
nathan: This poster's message is now outdated. The power of Northwest Castle is no more!
Take poster (main)
nathan: No. I don't need any memorabilia of the regime.
Look at rain barrel (main)
nathan: Ha. Lowel Cain's new wardrobe.
Drink from rain barrel (main)
nathan: No, I have to question the cleanliness of stagnant water reserves.
Push rain barrel (main)
nathan: I'll let it be.
Look at boathouse (main)
nathan: Boathouse Number 8... or, infinity, if you turn your head and squint at it.