Look at trade vessel (main)
nigel: The Sparrow. Now, that's what I call a ship!
nigel: When I was a kid I always wanted to be a pirate.
Use trade vessel (main)
nigel: Okay! All I need to set sail is a map and a crew and ...
nigel: Wait ... What am I talking about?
nigel: This is not my ship and I need to settle my father's estate.
Look at port authority (main)
nigel: The Ravenhollow port authority. Neat building.
nigel: ... there is someone in the office. I can see him through the window.
Use port authority (main)
nigel: I could use the door ...
Look at way back (closed)
nigel: That is the path I took to get here.
Use way back (closed)
nigel: Not now. I need to find my father's lawyer!
Look at uniformed guard (main)
nigel: He appears to be guarding the bridge up to the main part of the village.
Talk to uniformed guard (main)
nigel: Excuse me ...
manbreaker: Move along! This bridge is closed for civilians until the Castle has completed today's search.
nigel: Search? Castle? What does that ...
manbreaker: Move along! Now!
nigel: Alright, I'm moving ...
Greet uniformed guard (main)
nigel: Hello there, officer! I'm Nigel Trelawney, who are you?
manbreaker: See the badge? It means don't mess with me. Now scram, wimpy.
nigel: Umm, okay ... sorry to bother you.
Talk to door (closed)
nigel: Hello?
rat: Come back in twenty minutes!
Use door (closed)
nigel: It's closed.
rat: We are closed! Come back later!
Look at fishing supplies store (main)
nigel: It's a fishing supply store. It looks like they have special offers on bait.
Talk to fishing supplies store (main)
nigel: Hello!? Is anyone home?
nigel: ...
nigel: No answer ... but I think I saw someone move behind the curtains up on the first floor.
Enter fishing supplies store (main)
nigel: Mh, the store is closed.
Look at sign (main)
nigel: The sign says:
nigel: We Buy Night Crawlers!
nigel: These nocturnal worms are the perfect fishing bait. They prefer a muddy habitat and are attracted by the sweet smell of fruit. Can YOU find them?
nigel: We offer good payment for great bait!
Use sign (main)
nigel: Maybe I can find some of these night crawlers ...
nigel: ... but I doubt the fishing supply store will open any time soon, so I won't be able to make money by selling them here, I'm afraid.
Look at storehouse (main)
nigel: McPherson's Storehouse ...
nigel: I wonder what they are storing in there. British tea? Persian rugs? Indian spices? Chinese porcelain?
Talk to storehouse (main)
nigel: Hello? Is anyone in there?
nigel: Mh, no reply.
Open door to storehouse (main)
nigel: It's firmly locked.
Look at rain barrel (main)
nigel: Rain water is collecting in this barrel.
drink from rain barrel (main)
nigel: No thanks, the rain water in this barrel smells kind of moldy.
Take rain barrel (main)
nigel: Erm, no. That's nothing I would want to carry around.
Look at blue building (main)
nigel: This seems to be the local office of the Whale Spotters club.
Talk to blue building (main)
nigel: I can see through the window ... there's no one in there.
Enter blue building (main)
nigel: The door is locked. The whale spotters office is closed, too.
nigel: Strange ...
Look at bird nest (main)
nigel: Some bird has built its nest up there ...
Use bird nest (main)
nigel: That's too high up. I can't reach the nest from here.
Look at commemorative plaque (main)
nigel: The plaque reads:
nigel: In memory of Barbary Barnaby, one of the first successful traders of Ravenhollow Harbor.
nigel: He fell overboard 200 miles from this shore,
survived on a barrel of whiskey for three weeks or more.
nigel: When he finally set foot on this land,
drunk like a fish and cannons in hand,
nigel: he exclaimed: "I will stay here and trade!"
and trading he did successfully do — for a decade.
nigel: Although he never again touched whiskey or wine,
he never sobered up till the end of his time.
Look at bronze statue (main)
nigel: Interesting...
nigel: There's a commemorative plaque on the base of this statue.
Talk to bronze statue (main)
nigel: Don't be silly. It's a statue.
Look at strange poster (main)
nigel: Northwest Castle: A New Vision for Ravenhollow
nigel: Disturbing how that eye stares at me ... I would feel much better if this was just an advertisement for the local optometrist.
Take strange poster (main)
nigel: I really have all the political propaganda I need, thanks though.
Look at far away mill (main)
nigel: There's a windmill over there near the cliff.
Use far away mill (main)
nigel: Impossible.
Look at ferry sign (main)
nigel: It's an old ferry schedule ...
nigel: Maybe the ferry company went out of business. It says here this stop isn't serviced anymore.
Look at Fishing Club notice (main)
nigel: Someone pinned a Fishing Club leaflet to the old ferry sign ...
nigel: How fitting ... they used a long fishing hook to pin it there.
Take Fishing Club notice (main)
nigel: I'll just take this notice with me ... I doubt that anyone will miss it. It looks like it's been hanging here for weeks.
nigel: I'll also take this fishing hook that was used to tack the flier to the board.
Look at missing life buoy (main)
nigel: Hey, there's a life buoy missing.
nigel: What kind of a death trap is this harbor?
Use missing life buoy (main)
nigel: If I were in need of a life buoy now I'd be in trouble!
nigel: The local authorities should be held responsible for this!
Look at ivy planter (main)
nigel: I really like ivy.
Look at ivy planter (main)
nigel: It's really amazing how much I like ivy.
Look at storehouse door (main)
nigel: This storehouse is obviously locked.
Open storehouse door (main)
nigel: I don't have the key for this lock.
Look at buoy (main)
nigel: The sea is quite calm today for this season ... a perfect day to go fishing.
nigel: Still, the gusts of salty wind hitting the coast seem to imply not to underestimate the powerful force of the high sea.
Look at empty looking house (main)
nigel: This house doesn't look as if anyone was living in it.
Talk to empty looking house (main)
nigel: I think that's useless.
Enter empty looking house (main)
nigel: The door is locked but ... I really don't think there's anything useful in there.
Look at castle (main)
nigel: How eerie ... this village feels like it's being watched by that castle looming overhead.
Look at (main)
nigel: It was my father's work that brought him to this remote place.
nigel: His work ...
nigel: Mother said that was all he cared about. That was why we had to leave him.
nigel: I guess it's no wonder that the only message my father left for me after his death was a single sentence scribbled on a photograph of him and his colleagues:
nigel: "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine"
nigel: He must have known that these were the last words of wisdom that he'd ever give me.
nigel: Well, as the last of the Trelawney family, I WILL fulfil my family duties—I will settle my father's estate.
nigel: I should try to find his lawyer. He signed his name on the will I received.