Look at closed door (closed)
nigel: The door is closed now.
Look at telephone (main)
nigel: Wow, that is a very classic model ...
webb: Lowell Cain's men installed it two months ago.
Use telephone (main)
nigel: Do you mind if I make a call?
webb: There's only one line, and that goes up to the Castle. Only Lowell Cain and his men are allowed to use it ...
nigel: Have you ever tried to call the Castle?
webb: No, we already have enough trouble with Lowell Cain as it is. I'd appreciate it if you'd also stay away from the telephone.
nigel: Okay, no problem.
Look at oven (main)
nigel: The coals are glowing hot.
Touch oven (main)
nigel: Never again.
Look at cooking plate (main)
nigel: Judging by the glow and the heat waves that it's radiating, the plate should be pretty hot.
Touch cooking plate (main)
nigel: That's not funny.
Boil #item# on #noun# cooking plate (main)
nigel: The kettle is empty.
Boil #item# on #noun# cooking plate (main)
nigel: The water is boiling already.
Boil #item# on #noun# cooking plate (main)
nigel: I'll boil the water.
nigel: It always annoys me how long it takes to boil water ...
nigel: On the other hand, this may give me time to reveal some of my biggest secrets. There is the question of women for example. I ...
nigel: Oh look, the water is boiling. ... that was suspiciously quick!
nigel: I guess we'll have to continue this at another time.
nigel: Ouch ... that kettle is hot!
Look at first aid cabinet (closed)
nigel: Very good! Webb is prepared for possible emergency situations.
Open first aid cabinet (closed)
nigel: This cabinet only contains a pair of tweezers, a bottle of bear repellent and a small note that reads: "Don't forget to restock first aid cabinet! —Webb"
webb: Oh, yeah ... I forgot about that note. Well at least we have bear repellent in case that crazy Russian sailor and Bruno come back.
Take contents of first aid cabinet (open)
nigel: I'll borrow this pair of tweezers. I don't think I'll need the bear repellent.
webb: Hey, did you just take the tweezers from my first aid cabinet?
nigel: Yes, I think I got a splinter here in your inn, and now I am afraid that I will get very sick if I don't remove it.
lionstone: You better let him use your tweezers, Webb. If he sues you, you won't stand a chance!
webb: Oh boy ... well, go ahead then.
Look at first aid cabinet (open2)
nigel: This cabinet only contains a bottle of bear repellent and a small note that reads: "Don't forget to restock first aid cabinet! —Webb"
Take contents of first aid cabinet (open2)
nigel: I don't think I'll need the bear repellent.
Look at radio (on)
nigel: The radio is on.
Turn off radio (on)
nigel: Okay, I'll turn it off.
webb: Hey, you! Could you come here for a second?
nigel: Who, me?
nigel: What seems to be the trouble?
webb: Now, be honest with me. Did you just turn off the radio?
Turn off radio (on2)
nigel: No ... it's a miracle Webb believed the story I told him. I don't think he'd believe me a second time.
Look at Webb the barkeeper (main)
nigel: The barkeeper doesn't look exactly happy.
Talk to Webb the barkeeper (main)
nigel: Mr. Barkeeper?
webb: What can I do for you?
Tip #noun# with #item# Webb the barkeeper (main)
nigel: Can I tip you with a Malabo crown?
webb: Thanks ... but that boat captain has already given me enough of her foreign currency to overflow my change tray.
webb: Keep your money. I'm sure you've earned it ... although you may be disappointed to find that it won't buy you much in these parts.
Look at Stephan Caro (main)
nigel: That's Stephan Caro, the local antiques dealer.
Talk to Stephan Caro (main)
caro: Remember, the key I gave you will unlock the gate to Timothy Caro's workplace in the woods. The poem might help you find the secret passage into the Castle.
nigel: Okay!
LastTaskAct2 Stephan Caro (main)
nigel: Fast! Lowell Cain's men did something to Mr. Mandelbaum!
webb: Oh no ... not Mandelbaum, too.
lionstone: I told you, Webb! Sooner or later they will be coming for us too ...
caro: What about his daughter? Is Eve alright?
nigel: Yes, but what can we do to help Mr. Mandelbaum?!
lionstone: You have to talk to the Baron, Nigel!
lionstone: It seems the Baron supports you for whatever reason ... although Cain and his men will undoubtedly do anything necessary to keep you out.
nigel: But it is impossible to get in there.
lionstone: That's why I consulted Mr. Caro ... it seems he might have found a way for you to sneak into the Castle.
caro: In old letters that my ancestor and master stonecutter—Timothy Caro—wrote to his beloved Lilly, he mentioned a secret passage into the Castle cellars ...
caro: Caro built the passage for the Barons of Northwest to come and go undetected.
lionstone: If only we had a clue how to find it ...
caro: That, I think we have. You see, I found a key and an old poem that once belonged to Timothy Caro. Take them.
caro: It seems the passage is accessed from his old workplace: a statue quarry in the woods, at the foot of Northwest Castle.
caro: The key should unlock the gate to his old quarry, and the poem describes opening the passage, I think.
lionstone: Then hope is not lost ... Nigel, you have to find that secret entrance into the Castle, and then ask the Baron for help.
nigel: I will see what I can do ... by the way, I was able to retrieve all nine seal rings.
lionstone: That is wonderful Mr. Trelawney, I knew you could do it. Give me just a minute to update the document you're carrying.
lionstone: Here you go. With the seals of the nine founding members of the Smith Institute, you may now claim ownership of your father's house ...
lionstone: You just need Baron Northwest to sign this updated document.
lionstone: Now hurry up, and try to find that secret access to the castle. Contact the Baron, get your signature, and ask him to call off Lowell Cain.
webb: This has got to end! Maybe you really are the one who can pull this off ...
nigel: Understood!
Look at Lawyer Lionstone (main)
nigel: He looks like he might slip from his bar stool any second.
Talk to Lawyer Lionstone (main)
nigel: Mr. Lionstone?
lionstone: Yes?
lionstone: Oh, it's you. I'm sorry, I was distracted for a second ...
lionstone: Why are you still standing here? You have no time to lose!
lionstone: Use the information Mr. Caro gave you to sneak into Northwest Castle. You have to contact the Baron ... this whole charade must end tonight!
nigel: Mr. Lionstone? About my father's estate ...
lionstone: Oh yes ... of course. Listen, I will gather all of the information that you need, but you will have to give me some time ...
lionstone: Tomorrow I will provide you with the necessary documents, and then we can discuss the legal details.
nigel: And what am I supposed to do till tomorrow?
lionstone: If I were you, I'd get some sleep.
webb: You're welcome to nap over there in the corner anytime that you like.
nigel: On that sack of hay you mean? I guess that is better than nothing, thanks.
Look at candle (main)
nigel: Looking at melting candles always makes me emotional.
nigel: Life is but a fleeting shadow.
Eat candle (main)
nigel: I am NOT going to eat candles. The wax fruit I accidentally ate during my last date 8 months ago was bad enough ...
nigel: Darn ... I should try to forget that day.
Look at photograph of white haired ship captain (main)
nigel: Who is the man in this photograph?
webb: Old Samuel Dyke. He has spent many an evening here in my inn, playing the harmonica.
lionstone: And why hasn't he been here for weeks? It's the Castle, Webb, the Castle ... and that tyrant Cain.
webb: Lionstone ... please, you don't know that. We ...
lionstone: ... should stay out of trouble and shut up—right, Webb? And YOU are wondering why I drink too much?!
Look at castle photograph (main)
nigel: That's not Northwest Castle, is it?
webb: No, that's Caerlaverock Castle in Scotland.
webb: Mr. Moore, the clock shop owner, brought that picture back from his hometown.
Look at picture of man who just caught a fish (main)
nigel: Nice picture ... quite a catch!
webb: Oh, yes! That was almost 6 years ago. The old Dr. Sigmundson wasn't a fisherman, but he accompanied his son on a fishing trip...
webb: He ended up catching one of the biggest red snappers that has ever been pulled out of Ravenhollow Bay!
webb: That night we celebrated his catch right here in the inn with my extra-spicy fish stew.
Look at picture of group of sailors (main)
nigel: Those sailors look pretty happy ...
webb: They're Russian sailors who stop in every other year when their ship restocks in our harbor. Pretty nice guys ... a bit crazy though.
webb: Especially that one guy who brought a bear in here ... in the end, the bear started vandalizing because the sailor didn't want to pay for the bear's drinks.
webb: He said that if Bruno could ride a unicycle, then he could also pay for his own drinks. Turned out he was right ...
webb: After the bear finally fell asleep, we found a fifty dollar note in the pocket of the bear's vest.
Look at photogrpah of two almost identical looking men (main)
nigel: Are the two twins? Why are they wearing wigs?
webb: Those are John and James Gascard ... twins.
webb: They grew up here in Ravenhollow, but left for the city to become lawyers ...
nigel: That's why they are wearing those wigs, I guess?
lionstone: Fancy wig-wearing city lawyers ... what do they know?
Look at photograph of man with cat (main)
nigel: A man and a cat ...
webb: That picture was in the frame when I bought it ...
Look at picture of thick lipped man (main)
nigel: That guy somehow looks familiar.
webb: That's Gustave Goodsoup ... we met at a bar-tending conference decades ago. Last I heard, he was taking over his family's restaurant and hotel.
Look at another picture of a fish (main)
nigel: It's another picture of a fish ...
Look at horrible shark scene in oil (main)
nigel: That's horrifying! That shark is about to devour the man on the pier in front of him.
webb: Oh, that's a common misunderstanding ...
webb: You see, this painting depicts Skippy—the friendly shark of Ravenhollow Bay—and his best friend "Three Fishing Rods" Verne.
webb: In the painting, Verne is protecting the tragically misunderstood Skippy from the citizens of Ravenhollow, who were about to hunt and kill the shark.
nigel: Skippy, the shark!? ... did he survive?
webb: Oh, yes! Skippy became everyone's friend and died much later of old age ... you can still see his jawbone above the archway leading to the docks.
Look at menu (main)
nigel: Hey, you have cheese toast on the menu!
webb: Well, most of my customers are bachelors with a diet mainly based on cheese toast ...
nigel: Tell me about it. So, you are offering cheese toast to make them feel at home?
webb: Yes ... and because it's incredibly easy to make.
Look at round green bottle (main)
nigel: "Wayne's Warm Embrace". I don't think I have heard about that ...
webb: Yes, "Wayne's" is a local brand, and has become a bestseller since it was first bottled a couple of years ago ...
nigel: Because it's so cold here at the coast?
webb: Mainly because Wayne's embrace won't ever let you go ...
Look at white bottle (main)
nigel: More alcohol ... this one looks like vodka.
webb: Actually it's medicinal alcohol ... but it has the same pleasant aftertaste as Vodka.
nigel: Yikes ...
Look at bottle in the back (main)
nigel: "Dead End Rye" ... that sounds dangerous.
webb: It is ... like all forms of alcohol.
lionstone: ... but sometimes you've got to take the risk!
webb: That would be funny if it weren't coming from you, Lionstone.
lionstone: Try being a lawyer in Ravenhollow these days! Not a stroll in the park, I tell you ...
lionstone: ... not a stroll at all.
Look at dusty bottle (main)
nigel: "McWilliamson's Royal Loch Lurker"
webb: Oh, that's our finest Irish whiskey ... a most remarkable flavor.
nigel: Really?
webb: Connoisseurs describe the taste as rubbing your tongue on a splintery old oak barrel, and then dipping it in fresh peat.
nigel: I think I will stick to Dr. Pepper.
Look at small bottle (main)
nigel: Cough syrup?
webb: Sure, the health of my customers is important to me.
lionstone: Then Webb, why won't you let me have another glass of whiskey?
webb: That IS the reason, Lionstone ...
webb: That's your last glass for today. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Look at menu (main)
nigel: What is "Webb's Choice"?
webb: Today, it is yesterday's Three Cheese Risotto.
webb: If I don't get rid of that stuff, then I'll have to sell it to the sailors as a tar substitute.
Look at stairs (main)
nigel: Those stairs lead up to the first floor.
Use stairs (main)
nigel: I don't think the inn keeper would be happy if he caught me sneaking up there ...
Look at pot (main)
nigel: What's cooking, bartender?
nigel: Smells delicious.
webb: You think so? It's actually just Pete, the lighthouse keeper's, socks ... he always tends to lose some article of clothing when he gets drunk.
webb: When I found his socks under the table this morning, I knew the smell would scare away customers ... so I'm boiling them clean.
webb: They should be done soon ... the socks have been in there for more than nine hours.
nigel: I think I just lost my appetite ... for the next two weeks.
Look at dangerous looking bottle (main)
nigel: "Pirate Juice" ... what kind of a disgusting name is that?
webb: It tastes even worse than it sounds ...
nigel: Does it taste like pirate?
webb: No, like juice ...
lionstone: Urgh ... the j—word.
webb: Sorry, Lionstone.
Look at picture of a fish (main)
nigel: It's a picture of a fish ...
Look at aluminum foil (main)
nigel: Aluminum foil.
Take some aluminum foil (main)
nigel: Do you mind if I take some aluminum foil?
webb: Sorry, this is my last roll ... I can't spare any. Besides, it's only meant for wrapping food that PAYING customers want to take home.
Look at open door (main)
nigel: The door is open. Maybe I should close it to keep out the draft.
Look at sacks of hay (main)
nigel: Hmmm, that looks like I could sleep on it ...
Sleep on sacks of hay (main)
nigel: Okay ... I think I could use a couple of hours of sleep.
webb: Don't let the bed bugs bite ...
nigel: Thanks.
webb: No, I mean it. I should have burnt those sacks of hay weeks ago.
nigel: Great ...
nigel: I wonder if that guy from the radio will really show up at the mill tomorrow ...
nigel: Well ... I'll find out soon enough.
nigel: Yawn. I am so tired. I will probably sleep till late in the morning.
nigel: I wonder what the mask that Mandelbaum's carving for me will look like.
nigel: Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
nigel: Good night!
webb: Night.
lionstone: Good night.
Sleep on sacks of hay (endact2)
nigel: This is not the time to have a nap! I have to get into the Castle to find the Baron!
firstenter (main)
nigel: Good evening.
nigel: I wonder if you can help me ...
nigel: I am searching for a man named Lionstone. He's a lawyer.
webb: Lionstone, wake up.
webb: Lionstone. There's a man here looking for you ...
lionstone: No! I told you they would come for me.
lionstone: The Castle is finally coming for me!
lionstone: See?! I told you they would, didn't I? Go away you ...
webb: He's not a Castle man.
webb: Are you?
nigel: No, I'm not. I came to Ravenhollow because I received this certificate of estate from you, Mr. Lionstone.
lionstone: Trelawney? Trelawney ...? But ...
lionstone: I believe I sent you that certificate of estate almost half a year ago. Why do you come now at the most impossible of times?
lionstone: As if everything wasn't complicated enough already ... Oh, my head ...
nigel: Half a year? But I only received the letter a month ago!
lionstone: A month ago ...?
lionstone: Oh ... Webb ... Webb, should I tell you what I'm thinking?
lionstone: Should I tell you?
webb: I think you're drunk, Lionstone.
lionstone: Yes. I think you're right. And you know what else?
lionstone: I think that the Castle is reading my mail! They must have read my letter to this gentleman before sending it along to him ...
lionstone: Who knows if any other letters that I've written in the past months have made it out of this cursed village.
lionstone: Oh, we should have done something while we still could, Webb, we should have ...
morningnotebook (main)
lionstone: Good morning there!
lionstone: I just finished collecting all the information on your father's estate.
nigel: Okay, so what's so complicated about me inheriting my father's estate?
nigel: Who are these shareholders Lowell Cain was talking about?
lionstone: Oh, I get a headache just thinking about this! You see, Mr. Trelawney, when your father made the final mortgage payment on his home, his cheque cleared the bank a day too late ...
lionstone: As a result, 81 cents of new interest accrued on the $380,502 principal.
lionstone: Your father was out of the country at the time, so his colleague, Professor Smith, paid off the new interest with a cheque issued by the Smith Institute.
nigel: And that means what?
lionstone: I'm afraid, Mr. Trelawney, that this settling payment accredited a small portion of ownership to the Smith Institute's nine founding members ...
lionstone: ... making each of them a technical co-owner of your father's home.
lionstone: Therefore, you'll need each of their seals of consent to legally inherit your father's estate.
nigel: Wait, so you're saying that one four-hundred-sixty-nine-thousand-seven-hundred-fifty-sixth of my father's estate fell into ownership of the the Smith Institute!?
nigel: What are you two gaping at??
nigel: Oh, whoops ... did I just spout numbers? That is a trait of my father's. It was obvious at a young age that I inherited his gift for mathematics.
lionstone: I would say so!
webb: Would you maybe ...?
nigel: No, sorry. I'm not doing your accounting books, tax declarations or whatever else you need calculated.
lionstone: Well here, take this notebook. It contains information about all nine members of the Smith Institute.
lionstone: Their insignia ring seals will legally authenticate your father's will ... hopefully this notebook will help you find those rings. Just come back to me if you have any questions.
nightmare (main)
nigel: Oh boy ... what a strange dream.
nigel: I vaguely remember a rhyming devil ...
nigel: Eh ... whatever. I should go and see Mr. Mandelbaum. He promised to have my mask ready this morning!
Dialog Tree: lionstone
topic: coowners
nigel: Could you explain again why I need to get the shareholders' insignias?
topic: rings1
nigel: So what are these seals of the nine scientists that you keep going on about?
lionstone: Each of the nine Smith Institute members had a personal insignia, etched into a ring that they wore at all times.
lionstone: They used these insignia rings to stamp wax seals that would officiate their documents.
lionstone: While little is known about the Smith Institute's research, rumors say these rings were also the keys to some of their more advanced experiments.
topic: rings2
nigel: What did you say those insignia rings were?
topic: quest1
nigel: So how can I get the other eight scientist's seals?
lionstone: It's quite possible that your father's colleagues left these rings behind here in Ravenhollow, and that you may be able to collect them.
lionstone: Use the notebook that I gave you to learn about the nine founding members of the Smith Institute.
lionstone: While your father's house is legally owned by the Castle right now, it still may be the best place to start your search for the insignia rings.
lionstone: Your father's old address is Turtle Lane 27. Just make sure the Castle's men don't see you there ...
nigel: Okay, is there anyone else I can trust?
lionstone: Another good place to gather local information would be Stephan Caro's antique shop.
lionstone: Just ask around, and see what you can find out ... perhaps you can even find a way into the old Institute building.
topic: quest2
nigel: Again, how do you think I can get the other eight scientists' seals?
topic: coppelius1
nigel: Do you know a Dr. Coppelius? He was one of the Nine, wasn't he?
lionstone: I recall his name, yes.
nigel: I saw him on the docks. He was arrested by Lowell Cain and taken to the Castle.
lionstone: You mentioned it, yes.
nigel: Have you seen his assistant Nathan around? He left shortly before Cain arrived at the docks.
webb: A thin guy ... with a slightly stupid smile and nice hair, wearing a tie?
nigel: Exactly. So you've seen him?
webb: He came in earlier asking for a room. I also offered him that corner so that he could take a nap, but he declined. Said he might return later though.
nigel: It seems Cain's men haven't arrested him yet.
topic: coppelius2
nigel: Again, about Dr. Coppelius ...
topic: _5
nigel: Let's change the topic ...
topic: _0
nigel: I have some more questions concerning these insignia rings.
lionstone: What exactly do you want to know?
topic: dad1
nigel: Did you know my father, Anthony Trelawney?
lionstone: Oh, I'm afraid he wasn't very close with anyone around here, was he?
webb: Those scientists spent most of their time in the Institute, and once that was closed, I hear most of them left Ravenhollow. While your father stayed around, I rarely saw him.
lionstone: He sent me his will just two months before he disappeared on a hiking trip up into the mountains.
nigel: If he just disappeared, then isn't there a chance that my father is still alive?
webb: A handful of men went out searching for him. While his body was never found, they did locate shreds of his hiking gear.
lionstone: I hate to say this Mr. Trelawney, but many a strong man has died up there in those mountains.
lionstone: On the day that your father disappeared, a terrible storm raged over the mountaintop. Surely it took him by surprise ...
lionstone: ... and after three months, I had no choice but to declare him dead and to open his will.
lionstone: He wanted you—his son—to be his sole heir. He had included a photograph and a ring that I was supposed to send to you. Do you have them?
nigel: The ring, yes. But I lost the photograph to this girl down in the boathouse who ...
nigel: Ah, forget it.
lionstone: It's a shame, that photograph might have helped you find out more about the nine scientists.
topic: dad2
nigel: Can you tell me again what you know about my father, Anthony Trelawney?
topic: cain1
nigel: Okay, so who is this Lowell Cain?
lionstone: Oh, he is a nightmare ... sometimes I believe his presence is all a bad dream.
lionstone: All my life, I have defended the law ... haven't I Webb?
webb: Sure, Lionstone.
lionstone: But now, Baron Northwest sends Lowell Cain to tell us about the NEW laws. If you ask me: it's illegal, it's phony, and it's all a big joke.
lionstone: ... but then again, I don't feel like laughing.
lionstone: Lowell Cain isn't making the law, he IS the law ... and he has the means to make everyone accept that.
lionstone: I'm outdated, he says. Yesterday's laws are worthless today; and what was a crime yesterday is now Castle policy.
nigel: How could that happen?
lionstone: Maybe we weren't careful enough, and we waited too long before taking action when Lowell Cain first showed up.
webb: It happened too fast. We were overwhelmed, Lionstone. There was no time to react.
lionstone: We should have stood together, and thrown Cain and his men out on the day that they arrived!
topic: cain2
nigel: Again, who is this Lowell Cain?
topic: you1
nigel: Where can I find you if I need some advice?
lionstone: The Castle confiscated my books and my paperwork, so there's no reason for me to work in my office ...
lionstone: So I spend most of my time here. Feel free to drop by at any time, Mr. Trelawney.
webb: I'll make sure that you don't overdo it, Lionstone. That way you'll still be able to have a decent conversation with Mr. Trelawney here.
lionstone: You are good to me Webb, that's why I come here.
topic: you2
nigel: I don't think you should drink as much, Mr. Lionstone.
lionstone: ... and you are absolutely right young man.
lionstone: But you see, I drink to forget! I forget about the Castle, and my empty office, and all the good men who don't come here anymore.
lionstone: But I also forget that drinking is not a good thing. So I thank you for reminding me about that.
webb: As long as we live in fear that Lowell Cain will kick down the door and find new ways to humiliate us, Lionstone will probably continue to drink.
webb: ... but I'll make sure that he doesn't overdo it.
topic: exit
nigel: Okay, thanks for the advice. I've got to get going.
lionstone: Sure thing, and good luck Mr. Trelawney. I'll be here if you ever need some advice.
Dialog Tree: webb
topic: troub1
nigel: Let me tell you about my unfortunate encounter with a woman ...
webb: The stories of women are as old as time, aren't they?
nigel: Well, in this case she asked me to feed her parrot for a week. After that week, she never spoke to me again!
webb: Tragic ...
nigel: And all because that stupid parrot had memorized everything I said about her in her absence.
nigel: I mean come on, since when am I not allowed to call people names behind their backs!? Who is the victim in this story!? Tell me!
webb: Well, I feel victimized just having to listen. I could find you a bottle to romance instead of that woman ...
webb: No, please!!! I can't take any more!!
topic: troub2
nigel: My health is fading. Let me share my sorrow with you.
webb: Well ... as we grow older we realize more and more that we won't be around forever, right?
nigel: I don't know about that, but for weeks I've been feeling dizzy.
webb: Really? Maybe you ...
nigel: Especially when I read books. The words blur before my eyes.
nigel: My optometrist gave me a pair of reading glasses, but honestly ... I look ridiculous with glasses! Has fashion doomed me to blindness?
webb: Well, it's doomed me to listening to you. You know, with a bottle you could drink yourself blind instead ...
topic: troub3
nigel: You know, I wish people would slow down once in a while ...
webb: Well, life is passing by fast. None of us can stop it, so we just have to carry on.
nigel: Yeah, but on my way here to Ravenhollow it really became a problem!
webb: Why? What was ...
nigel: Well, I was hiking down the road and suddenly dozens of cars went by ... I even lost my hat! They were THAT fast. There is no reason in the world to be in such a hurry ...
nigel: And the noise that their horns and sirens were making! Honking out of anger and frustration ... horrible, don't you think?
webb: No more horrible than this story. Perhaps I could recommend a bottle to take out your anger and frustration on?
topic: troub4
nigel: Have you ever thought about what friendship means, Webb?
webb: We all ask ourselves that, I believe. We try to make friends, and yet are still so alone ...
nigel: Perhaps, but friendship, Webb, have you thought about friendship!?
webb: Well, as I said, I too ...
nigel: I mean, "hey, friend" ... we all know what that means. A friend is someone who remembers your birthday. Sometimes at least.
nigel: ... but "ship"? Why "ship"? What's a "friend-ship"? None of my friends are ships! Friendship is a strange thing, don't you think?
webb: With a story like that, I can see why you have difficulty making friends. Shall we find a bottle to be your friend?
topic: troubend
nigel: What? But I have so much more to tell you about!
webb: No!!! Please, just take this and leave me in peace.
nigel: You're giving me free whiskey to drown my sorrows?!
webb: If you're not a paying customer, then I'm not bound by the barkeeper's oath to listen to you.
topic: troubexit
nigel: Okay, enough about my problems.
webb: Fine by me.
topic: events1
nigel: No offense, but why do you let Lowell Cain talk to you like that?
webb: Listen, I don't like what's going on here in Ravenhollow. Actually, I don't even understand what is going on.
webb: But I do know that some of the good men who used to sit here in my inn each evening have been talking too much ... and I bet they regret that now.
webb: I sure do, 'cause they're not coming here to give me business anymore. And that's that.
topic: events2
nigel: What happened to your customers?
webb: I heard Cain and his men paid some of them a visit, and now they prefer staying at home.
webb: I don't know what he told them—or did to them. I just know they aren't coming here anymore.
lionstone: Didn't you hear about the flashing lights? Webb, you should tell him about the flashing lights!
webb: Shut it, Lionstone. Have you actually SEEN any of these flashing lights?
webb: I sure haven't, and do you know why Lionstone? Because it's just a story. A story to scare children.
lionstone: Then call me a child Webb, ‘cause I'm scared!
lionstone: You see, Mr. Trelawney, there's a rumor about a strange flashing light that the Castle uses to ... to ... change people.
webb: To get rid of opposition, they say. Hogwash, if you ask me.
topic: events3
nigel: Could you tell me again what happened to your customers?
topic: room1
nigel: I'd like to rent a room, please.
webb: Sorry, but the Castle revoked my hospitality license. I'm not allowed to host visitors anymore.
webb: However, you're welcome to nap over there in the corner any time that you like.
nigel: On that sack of hay you mean?
webb: I wish I could do more for you. The rooms are empty you know, but if I rent you a room then I'll get in trouble.
lionstone: Webb, you're bound to get in trouble sooner or later. I'm telling you, for whatever reason ... they're closing Ravenhollow down.
lionstone: It will only be a matter of time Webb, and then the Castle men will come to our houses!
lionstone: If the flashing light doesn't get us, then they'll surely just lock us up in the castle cellar ...
topic: room2
nigel: So I can't rent a room?
topic: inn1
nigel: This is a nice comfy place you have here ...
webb: The Ravenhollow Inn is the finest, oldest, and only inn around.
webb: Back in the day, this place was crowded with customers every evening. Now Mr. Lionstone and a few of the fishermen are my sole patrons.
lionstone: Always a pleasure to be here!
webb: I started working as a dishwasher here in the Ravenhollow Inn more than thirty years ago. Old Perkins owned the place back then.
webb: He had no kids, so one day he told me: "Webb, you are a good man and I need a break." Since then I've been the proud owner.
nigel: That's a nice story.
webb: Yeah. But now the Castle is ruining my business.
webb: If business stays like this, then I'll have to close the Inn within the month. Darn it! What did we do to bring this curse upon us?
topic: troubles
nigel: Bartender, let me tell you about my troubles ...
webb: If you insist ...
topic: smith
nigel: What do you know about the Smith Institute?
webb: I'm sure Lionstone could tell you more about that.
webb: Even while the Institute was open, I never saw any of those scientists here at my inn.
webb: I just wish they had invited students to study with them. That would have been good for my business!
topic: exit
nigel: Okay, I gotta go.
webb: Take care.
Dialog Tree: radio
topic: truth
nigel: Yeah, sorry. I turned the radio off. Do you want me to turn it back on?
webb: Yes, please do that. If I only hear the squeaking of my dish rag and Lionstone's ramblings, then I'll go insane within twenty minutes.
nigel: Okay, I turned the radio back on.
webb: Thanks.
topic: lawyer
nigel: I'm not answering any of your questions without my lawyer!
lionstone: That's the spirit, boy! Go and call your lawyer!
nigel: But Mr. Lionstone, you ARE my lawyer ...
lionstone: ...
nigel: I think he just fell asleep.
webb: Seems that it's just you, me, and the radio now.
nigel: Uh oh.
topic: lie2
nigel: Now wait a minute! I had been standing near the radio for a VERY good reason!
webb: Really? What would that reason be?
topic: lie3
nigel: I am an electronics expert and my highly developed senses told me there's something wrong with your radio.
webb: Is that true?!
nigel: I already sensed that your radio would break when I first came here, but I didn't want to embarrass you ... so I didn't say anything.
nigel: I'll do you a favor and analyze that distinct smell that radios emit when they break. That will tell us what's wrong with the radio without opening it.
webb: You're analyzing the smell? Are you sure you know what you're doing?
nigel: Don't break my concentration, please! We BOTH need to be professional now if we want to get this radio repaired!
webb: Sorry.
nigel: Oh, yes. It smells like burnt tires with a hint of cinnamon ... that can only mean ONE thing.
webb: Really? What's the problem?
nigel: Mr. Webster, your radio tube is broken!
webb: Gosh! ... fortunately I have a spare tube here.
webb: Could you—as an electronics expert—take this tube and fix the radio?
nigel: Sure!
nigel: I won't charge you anything because we used your own tube to fix the radio.
webb: Hey, that's mighty fine of you.
nigel: Here you go.
webb: Boy, am I glad an electronics expert was around when my radio broke ...
topic: lie4
nigel: I am a medium and the spirits told me that your radio would break today!
nigel: Yes, unfortunately I came too late to prevent it from happening. Oh, wait! The spirits are speaking to me right now!
nigel: Wait, let me channel their energy ...
webb: What are you doing?
nigel: Don't break my concentration! Disturbing me while I am channeling energy might be fatal!
webb: ... oh ...
nigel: The spirits have told me what's wrong with your radio!
nigel: The spirits say the radio tube is ... broken!
webb: Could you or the spirits take this spare tube and fix the radio?
nigel: The spirits are ... thankful ... for your trust in them.
webb: I'm overwhelmed with emotion!
nigel: It is done! Your radio is fixed!
webb: Boy, am I glad a medium was around when my radio broke ...
topic: lie5
nigel: I am working for the company that built your radio and was sent to make you an offer ...
webb: Is that true?! How is it you came here even before the radio broke?
nigel: Our quality radios are so reliable that they will stop working on the day the warranty for the product ends.
nigel: My company wants to make you an exclusive offer for a replacement radio!
webb: A new radio? Gee, I'm not sure if I can afford that ...
nigel: My company offers you the option of 12 easy monthly payments ... of course you would have to pay business rates since you are displaying and using the radio in public.
webb: Oh ... how much would a new radio cost me then?
nigel: Let me calculate all that for a second ... these business rates are always a bit tricky.
nigel: Good news, Mr. Webster! A new radio would come as cheap as five dollars! And that ALREADY includes the fee to use the radio here in public to attract all these paying customers.
webb: Oh boy ... I don't think I can afford that. I didn't even know I had to pay additional fees to use the radio in public ...
nigel: Mr. Webster, you remind me of my father. Really, you do. So I will tell you a secret: your radio will be like new if you let me replace the radio tube.
nigel: Just don't tell my boss about this. He'd fire me in a second if he knew I showed you that our radios can be repaired, too.
nigel: My dear old dad always repaired our old radio ... he always told me: Son, one day YOU will repair our family radio. Instead I ended up working for this cheap radio company ...
nigel: I am getting paid less each year and am forced to rip off honest people like you ... but not today!
webb: Don't be too hard on yourself ... we all have to find ways to make a living.
nigel: Yes. But not today! Do you hear that music!? It's the sound of my liberation! I will quit my job and follow in my father's footsteps! From now on I will repair things! For you Dad!
webb: Boy, am I glad a depressed radio salesman was around when my radio broke ...
topic: lie
nigel: I didn't turn the radio off, honestly.
webb: No? You were standing pretty close to the radio when the music stopped ...
Dialog Tree: intro1
topic: _5
nigel: Then I demand to speak to the Baron himself!
cain: Mr. Webster was right it seems, you do not know who you are dealing with.
cain: Hear me now!
cain: No one approaches the Baron. Even I would not dare to approach him without his direct summons.
cain: And it is impossible to think that he would ever call on such a lowly subject as yourself.
cain: I can only give you the advice to leave Ravenhollow and give up this folly quest that you've bestowed upon yourself.
nigel: I ...
cain: Yes?
cain: Yes.
cain: He is here right now.
cain: I understand.
cain: Well then, the Baron has invited you to stay in Ravenhollow.
cain: He supports your decision to settle your father's estate.
cain: But he informs you that you will need to collect all of the estate's shareholder seals to validate the will.
nigel: I don't understand. Just a moment ago you told me ...
cain: Mr. Trelawney, there are no contradictions in the castle's actions.
cain: You should be pleased by the recent developments in your case.
cain: Even if you should manage to retrieve all the seals that you need to validate your father's will ...
cain: In the end you will need to bring them all to the Baron and get his signature to validate the document.
cain: But it is MY men who are guarding Northwest Castle.
cain: .... and given your behavior towards me, you may have already lost your chance of ever getting what you came for.
nigel: Okay, now what was that all about?
topic: _17
nigel: Bring me to the Castle! I want to talk to your superiors!
topic: _18
nigel: I want to see Baron Northwest! Now!
topic: _4
nigel: How can you be so rude ...
webb: Watch out. You don't know who you're dealing with.
cain: Mr. Webster here is a careful man.
cain: That is good for Mr. Webster and has ensured —at least so far— that he's allowed to continue his business here with benevolent consent from the Baron.
cain: The Castle has supported this place even though at its best it is little more than a gallery of drunken failures like Mr. Lionstone.
lionstone: At your service.
cain: Now, Mr. Trelawney, I have to tell you that a decision about your father's estate can only be made by the Baron.
cain: There is no use in asking for the help of Mr Lionstone, or any other sorry creature that seeks the warmth of this place and the intoxicating effects of its cheapest liquor.
topic: _15
nigel: You should show more respect, Mr. Cain!
topic: _16
nigel: I am no longer listening to your insults!
topic: _3
nigel: I came here to settle my father's estate. I received letter from ...
cain: From Mr. Lionstone, I know.
cain: I was impressed by his ability to lick a stamp and affix it on an envelope when I reviewed the letter amongst the outgoing post.
cain: Ever since I've come to Ravenhollow I've found Lionstone's most remarkable characteristic to be his lack of vision.
cain: ... aside from the strong smell of alcohol that he emits, of course.
topic: _13
nigel: I am here as my father's heir. I got summoned here by a letter from ...
topic: _14
nigel: I am here because I received a document from ...
topic: _2
nigel: What exactly happened to my father?
cain: Gentlemen, we received information that an outsider without permission is enjoying the hospitality of this ... hostelry.
cain: Have you forgotten that the Baron will make you directly responsible for supporting an unregistered individual, Webster?
nigel: Okay, I've had enough of this. These men can't be blamed if I walk into this inn without carrying a permission slip!
cain: Actually, they can. And they WILL if the Baron believes that to be the right choice.
cain: But gentlemen, let's be reasonable here.
cain: The real question is how you managed to escape from the boathouse; and more importantly, why would you choose to disobey me?
nigel: How about this question: what did you do to Dr. Coppelius?
cain: Dr. Coppelius is enjoying the hospitality of Baron Northwest at the Castle.
cain: Now it's your turn to answer. What are you doing in Ravenhollow Mr. Trelawney?
topic: _11
nigel: What do you mean my father disappeared?
topic: _12
nigel: My father disappeared? You mean maybe he is still ...
topic: _1
nigel: Did you say the Castle might be involved in my father's death?
webb: See what you did, Lionstone?
webb: Listen, as far as I know the Castle could be responsible for the delay of the letter.
webb: But your father disappeared about a year ago ... long before Lowell Cain showed up in Ravenhollow.
webb: The Castle cannot be responsible for his disappearance!
topic: _8
nigel: What was that? What did you say about the Castle?
topic: _9
nigel: What?? The Castle is responsible for my father's demise?
topic: _0
nigel: Sorry for interrupting, but about my father's death ...
lionstone: Your father ... oh, Webb. Webb, d'you know what else I'm thinking ...?
lionstone: What if we failed to do something while we still could, and now his blood is on our hands, Webb?
webb: Lionstone!
webb: If being too honest is dangerous these days, then what good will it do to accuse the Castle for things Lowell Cain and his men can't be involved in?
webb: Just calm down, for your own sake.
topic: _6
nigel: Do you know what exactly happened to my father?
topic: _7
nigel: To return to the topic of settling my father's estate ...