Look at mask shop advertisement (main)
nigel: It says, "Mandelbaum's Masks — A Very Good Choice".
nigel: Well I wasn't sure if this was the right mask shop for me, now I'm convinced!
Look at bowl of cat food (main)
nigel: Why does cat food always have to smell like ... THAT!? Urgh.
Eat from bowl of cat food (main)
nigel: No thanks ... the smell alone made me lose my appetite.
Take bowl of cat food (main)
nigel: My inventory already smells like fish ... isn't that bad enough?
Look at milk bowl (main)
nigel: That's the cat's milk bowl.
Drink from milk bowl (main)
nigel: Yikes.
Use milk bowl (main)
nigel: It smells like cat and whiskers and milk ... I'd rather not touch it.
Look at assortment of masks (main)
nigel: Just look at all these colorful masks ...
nigel: The piranha mask reminds me that I need to buy toothpaste soon.
Use assortment of masks (main)
nigel: Perhaps I will buy a Ravenhollow mask later on as a souvenir.
Look at workplace (main)
nigel: Mr. Mandelbaum has a well—sorted workplace. Just look at all these tools.
Use workplace (main)
nigel: I really don't know anything about mask carving. I wouldn't even know where to start.
Look at poster (main)
nigel: "The Amazing Entertainment Cart — Coming Soon"
nigel: The cart is already standing out there on the square ... but the amazing—ness is completely missing.
Look at venetian masks (main)
nigel: My old roommate used to put masks like these on her wall ...
nigel: Having those in my apartment was as frightening as living with my mother's porcelain dolls.
Use venetian masks (main)
nigel: I'm not a Venetian. Heck, I'm not even Italian!
Look at Mr. Mandelbaum (carve1)
nigel: It's Mr. Mandelbaum, the local mask shop owner.
Talk to Mr. Mandelbaum (carve1)
nigel: Mr. Mandelbaum?
mandelbaum: How can I help you?
Give #item# to #noun# Mr. Mandelbaum (carve1)
nigel: Here Mr. Mandelbaum ... this is what I came up with.
mandelbaum: Oh, very interesting! That's a sketch of one of the lions at the bridge to Northwest Castle, isn't it?
nigel: No, it's a sketch of the eagle statues above the entrance to Northwest Castle!
mandelbaum: Eagles! Of course! I'm sorry, I always get those two species mixed up.
mandelbaum: Okay, then! Thanks, for bringing me your design.
mandelbaum: I should have your mask ready by tomorrow!
nigel: I'm pretty excited!
nigel: I can't wait to see what my very own hand-carved mask looks like!
Ask #noun# about #item# Mr. Mandelbaum (carve1)
mandelbaum: Just use the crayon to sketch your own mask design!
mandelbaum: Unfortunately I ran out of paper to draw on so you will have to find some yourself.
Show #item# to #noun# Mr. Mandelbaum (carve1)
mandelbaum: What is that? A blank piece of paper?
mandelbaum: From a philosophical standpoint that IS an interesting idea for a mask ...
mandelbaum: ... but I doubt that I am skillful enough to make a mask from nothing.
Give #item# to #noun# Mr. Mandelbaum (carve1)
nigel: I found this diagram here ... do you think you could use the schematics and carve some clock hands for me?
mandelbaum: Well, I think that shouldn't be too much of a problem. But maybe you can help us first?
nigel: Sure, what's the problem?
eve: Mr. Boots has lost his favorite rubber ball!
eve: We were playing in Mr. Caro's yard ... Mr. Boots and I were throwing the ball around when it bounced off a wall, fell into the well, and was suddenly gone!
nigel: Don't worry ... I'm sure I can find your ball!
mandelbaum: I'd be grateful! If you find Mr. Boots' ball I'll carve these clock hands for you.
mask Mr. Mandelbaum (carve2)
mandelbaum: Oh, Mr. Trelawney, I have been expecting you.
nigel: Good Morning Mr. Mandelbaum.
nigel: Oh, that must be it! My very own hand-carved eagle mask!
mandelbaum: I hope you like it. I tried to copy the style of the giant eagles up at the gate of Northwest Castle.
mandelbaum: Like most statues in Ravenhollow, they were designed by a local stone cutter named Timothy Caro over 300 years ago.
mandelbaum: If you are interested in this sort of history then you should visit Stephan Caro's Antique Store. He's Timothy Caro's great-great-and-so-on-grandnephew.
mandelbaum: He has a small archive on the history of Ravenhollow in the back of his store.
nigel: This mask is perfect! I had no idea I could ever be so impressed by the art of mask carving!
nigel: How much do I owe you?
mandelbaum: Just take it and see if the mask is to your liking. We can talk about the money later.
nigel: Aren't you afraid I'll run off with the mask without paying for it?
mandelbaum: You have an honest face. Believe me, I can tell.
Talk to Mr. Mandelbaum (carve3)
nigel: Excuse me again ...
Give #item# to #noun# Mr. Mandelbaum (carve3)
mandelbaum: Oh, I see you found Mr. Boots' ball! That is fantastic!
mandelbaum: I'm sure he'll be very happy if you give it back to him!
Give #item# to #noun# Mr. Mandelbaum (carve3)
mandelbaum: Yes, that shouldn't be too complicated. And after all, you did bring back Mr. Boots' bouncy ball.
mandelbaum: Just give me a couple of minutes.
mandelbaum: Here you go.
mandelbaum: It seems that these clock hands were designed to function as a kind of key.
mandelbaum: Once the clock hands are brought into a specific position, they will activate the mechanism they are supposed to be unlocking.
mandelbaum: ... but only the man who designed the mechanism would know what the right time would be.
nigel: Okay. Well, thank you!
nigel: Don't worry ... I'm sure I can get it back!
mandelbaum: I'll have these clock hands ready for you by the time you find Mr. Boots' ball.
nigel: I already did that.
Look at Mr. Mandelbaum (flashed)
nigel: They must have done the same to him as they did to McManus down at the docks ...
Talk to Mr. Mandelbaum (flashed)
nigel: Are you okay?
mandelbaum: Take that horrible cat away!!
witness Mr. Mandelbaum (flashed)
nigel: Hey! I just saw some flashing lights in here!
eve: Dad! Are you alright?
mandelbaum: Eve? What happened? Where did you get that cat?
eve: Boots? But dad, you know Mr. Boots, don't you?
mandelbaum: I'm not sure ... something is wrong. We shouldn't leave the house, Eve. Something is wrong.
eve: Please help my Dad! ... I am afraid.
nigel: I have to talk to Lionstone!
Look at hand carved masks (main)
nigel: Masks of birds, dragons, mole men ... you name it, Mandelbaum has it.
Take hand carved masks (main)
nigel: Maybe I'll bring some home for my friends once I've settled my father's estate.
Look at cute cat (main)
nigel: Seeing the cat stretch and yawn makes me sleepy.
Talk to cute cat (main)
nigel: Hi there, cat!
Use cute cat (main)
nigel: The last time I tried to stroke a cat it bit my hand ...
nigel: I haven't really digested that experience yet.
Give #item# to #noun# cute cat (main)
nigel: I have something for you, Boots! Interested?
eve: Look how happy he is, Dad!
mandelbaum: Thanks for getting Mr. Boots ball back, Nigel!
mandelbaum: If there is anything I can do to repay you just let me know.
Look at cute cat (play)
nigel: Look how he's enjoying himself. Cute.
Talk to cute cat (play)
nigel: Are you having fun?
nigel: I think you are having fun.
Look at cute cat (afraid)
nigel: Boots is shivering with fright. Mr. Mandelbaum scares him.
Talk to cute cat (afraid)
nigel: Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay! ... I hope.
Pet cute cat (afraid)
nigel: He's nervous enough already. I should leave him alone.
Look at Eve (main)
nigel: What a smile ... I bet she is Mr. Mandelbaum's pride and joy.
Talk to Eve (main)
nigel: Hey!
eve: Hey Nigel!
nigel: Hello there, I'm Nigel. What's your name?
eve: Eve Mandelbaum.
eve: And this is Boots, my cat. He is the most handsome cat in Ravenhollow!
nigel: I can see that!
nigel: And look at his white boots ... is that where he got his name from?
eve: No, when he was very small he always climbed into my boots and slept in there ... that's why his name is Boots!
eve: But his white feet are cute, aren't they? You are the cutest cat Mr. Boots!
Push Eve (main)
nigel: I'm no bully.
Give #item# to #noun# Eve (main)
eve: Oh, you found our red bouncy ball!
eve: Could you give it back to Mr. Boots here, please?
Look at Eve (scared)
nigel: Eve looks frightened, too. I have to find a way to help her and Mr. Mandelbaum.
Talk to Eve (scared)
nigel: Are you alright?
eve: Yes, but there was a man at the window ... with a flashing light. He did something to Dad ...
mandelbaum: Eve, I'm quite alright you know ... where ... where am I?
eve: He's forgetting everything! You have to help us!
nigel: I'll find those men who did this and help your father, Eve. I promise.
Push Eve (scared)
nigel: She looks alarmed enough as it is.
Look at (main)
mandelbaum: Welcome to Mandelbaum's Masks!
eve: We have the mask you're searching for!
Dialog Tree: eve
topic: _0
nigel: Don't you think all these masks are kinda scary?
eve: No. I even know how to make them!
mandelbaum: It's true ... I had to work hard to get my skills, whereas she has natural talent.
topic: _2
nigel: Are there many children living in Ravenhollow?
eve: Yes, but most stay at home these days. Only the boys go outside, and they only play stupid games.
eve: Right now I like working with my dad better.
mandelbaum: Isn't she cute as a button?
eve: Cute like Mr. Boots?
mandelbaum: I think you and he are a perfect match, Eve.
topic: _3
nigel: You really have the most handsome cat I know.
eve: You think so?
eve: He may have gained some pounds in the last months, but it becomes him!
topic: _1
nigel: Well, I need to go. Bye!
eve: See you!
Dialog Tree: mandelbaum
topic: _7
nigel: I can't draw. My design will be horrible ...
mandelbaum: Don't worry about the quality of your drawing. I am sure it will work just fine.
mandelbaum: Just go ahead and find a good design. Go ahead and find YOUR mask.
nigel: Okay ... thanks, I guess!
topic: _10
nigel: I'm broke. I can't afford a mask.
mandelbaum: Don't worry about money ... we can talk about that later.
topic: _11
nigel: I really have no idea what to sketch ...
mandelbaum: Don't worry ...
topic: _5
nigel: Nice mask shop you have here.
mandelbaum: Thank you very much! Have a look around, you don't have to buy anything but we'd surely appreciate it if you did.
mandelbaum: Eve and I don't get many customers these days ...
topic: saw1
nigel: Hey, I think I have seen you before ... have you been wandering around town at night wearing a mask?
mandelbaum: Perhaps.
mandelbaum: But was it me, Joseph Mandelbaum, you saw?
mandelbaum: I think the more powerful a mask is, the stronger its innate character is too ... once a man wears a mask he changes, he dares to say what's not allowed to be said.
nigel: About the Castle, perhaps?
mandelbaum: Quite possibly.
mandelbaum: You know, this mask shop is more than 200 years old; and even before that my family was making and selling masks using wood from the Ravenhollow forest ...
mandelbaum: We and our masks are deeply rooted in Ravenhollow.
topic: saw2
nigel: Again, I think I have seen you before ... have you been wandering around town at night wearing a mask?
topic: sketch1
nigel: I'd like to buy a mask.
mandelbaum: Well, unfortunately all the masks you see here are either sold or not for sale.
nigel: Well ... if that's the case, I think I'll have to carry all my money to the other mask shop down the road.
mandelbaum: Don't get me wrong, you are a valued customer!
mandelbaum: ... but honestly, would you even want just any kind of mask?
nigel: What do you mean?
mandelbaum: You've been my first customer in weeks, so I will make you a special offer. First of all take this ...
nigel: That's not a mask. That's a crayon.
mandelbaum: Indeed. Now you just go ahead and draw me a sketch of YOUR mask. Just go out there and find something that inspires you.
mandelbaum: Bring me a sketch and then I will hand craft a mask based on your design.
nigel: That sounds great ... but ...
topic: sketch2
nigel: About the sketch I am supposed to bring you ...
mandelbaum: Just go ahead and find a good design and draw it for me so I can carve a mask for you. Go ahead and find YOUR mask.
nigel: I'll try.
topic: sketch3
nigel: About the mask you want to carve for me ...
mandelbaum: Come back tomorrow! Then it will be ready!
nigel: Sigh ... okay.
topic: sketch4
nigel: About the eagle mask you made for me ...
topic: _12
nigel: What kind of mask are you working on right now?
mandelbaum: This is going to be called "The Man Who Returned".
mandelbaum: I found a piece of wood that looked so twisted that it reminded me of a story I once heard on the radio.
nigel: What kind of story was that?
mandelbaum: The story was about a man who woke up one day and couldn't remember who he was ... but even worse than that he had to realize that he was dead ... a living dead.
nigel: That sounds pretty disturbing.
nigel: How did he die and why did he return?
mandelbaum: That's what he tried to find out, too ...
mandelbaum: Unfortunately I missed the end of that program, so I never knew what happened in the end and the question kept spinning in my mind ...
nigel: Can't wait to see what "The Man Who Returned" looks like in the end.
mandelbaum: Me neither! Even to me it's always a surprise how a finished mask looks in the end.
topic: _14
nigel: About the poster here for "The Amazing Entertainment Cart" ... friends of yours?
mandelbaum: Oh, indeed!
mandelbaum: Gregory and Matthew come to Ravenhollow once a year and open up their cart on the village square.
mandelbaum: Unfortunately, this time they ran into Lowell Cain and his men. A couple of days ago the Castle confiscated their cart and threw them out of the village ...
mandelbaum: I heard the two are camping out near the woods now.
topic: _0
nigel: Well, I have to go ...
mandelbaum: Stop by any time you like.