Look at outside (main)
nigel: I can see the Uncle Slappy's zeppelin. It looks even more impressive from down here!
Go outside (main)
nigel: No way ... While I hate to admit it, I have a case of vertigo.
Look at outside (gone)
nigel: Uncle Slappy's zeppelin is gone.
Look at ring (main)
nigel: Hey! There's an insignia ring stuck between the stones above this hammock!
Pull ring (main)
nigel: Hmm. It doesn't move. It's stuck.
Hook #item# onto #noun# ring (main)
nigel: I will tie one end of the fishing leader to the ring.
Pry #noun# with #item# ring (main)
nigel: Wowzers ... that ring is really wedged in there!
nigel: Even the leverage from the crowbar couldn't budge it!
Pry #noun# with #item# ring (main)
nigel: Sheesh ... that ring is really stuck in there!
nigel: The leverage from the hook didn't make it budge!
Pry #noun# with #item# ring (main)
nigel: Useless ... the wrench doesn't have enough torque to make it budge.
Look at ring (leader)
nigel: I've hooked Lars Sigmundson's super—strong fishing leader onto the insignia ring.
Pull ring (leader)
nigel: It still doesn't move.
Look at hammock (main)
nigel: Uncle Slappy said that I could use his hammock. It looks quite comfortable.
Sleep in hammock (main)
nigel: I think I'll have a nap.
nigel: It's unbelievable how tired you get from running around and searching for insignia rings all day.
Sleep in hammock (endact2)
nigel: No time for sleeping! I finally have all nine insignia rings!
Look at fishing leader end (main)
nigel: That's the other end of the fishing leader that I tied to Steven LeMue LaFayette's insignia ring.
Take fishing leader end (main)
nigel: Okay, what shall I do with this end of the fishing leader?
Look at mill shaft (main)
nigel: Quite impressive how this mill turns the wind into raw torque.
nigel: ... I wonder how I could utilize that power.
Use mill shaft (main)
nigel: This mill shaft needs something to hook onto before I can harness any of its torque.
mill shaft (main)
nigel: I can't tie this end of the fishing leader directly to the rotating mill shaft.
nigel: I need some kind of hook to attach it to.
Install #item# on #noun# mill shaft (main)
nigel: I'll screw the hook into the mill shaft.
Look at hook (hookani)
nigel: My metal hook is now rotating with the mill shaft.
Take hook (hookani)
nigel: It was hard enough to get the hook in there while the shaft was turning.
nigel: If nothing else Uncle Slappy could use the hook to hang his coat on it.
nigel: Then again, it would probably drive him nuts to see his coat rotating in the middle of the room all day.
hook (hookani)
nigel: Interesting idea, but I think it would make more sense to start with the ring first.
hook (hookani)
nigel: Okay, let's see if this will get the ring from the wall!
slappy: Wha ... what was that!?
slappy: Oh, it's just you, Nigel. It's so nice to have kids around the house again!
nigel: Sorry, Uncle Slappy!
nigel: Holy smoke!
Look at Henry LeMue LaFayette (sitting)
nigel: Good old Uncle Slappy.
nigel: I haven't seen him in over twenty years and yet he feels like family.
Talk to Henry LeMue LaFayette (sitting)
nigel: Uncle Slappy?
slappy: Oh, sorry Nigel. I must have dozed off there for a minute.
nigel: Can I talk to you for a minute?
slappy: Sure, what's on your mind?
Poke Henry LeMue LaFayette (sitting)
nigel: I'll let him sleep.
Ask #noun# about #item# Henry LeMue LaFayette (sitting)
nigel: What was this remote control again, Uncle Slappy?
slappy: That old thing? That's a multi-purpose remote control that I built back in the Institute days.
nigel: A multi-purpose remote control, hu? That sounds useful.
slappy: Oh it was ... although your father and Professor Smith almost keelhauled me for ever inventing it!
nigel: Why was that?
slappy: Well, I programmed it to work with almost every device around the Smith Institute ... so pressing the button sometimes activated more than you'd expect.
slappy: I remember one time when your father used the remote to activate the Institute's lightning collector, while standing beside one of my experimental hot air balloons.
slappy: Hehe ... poor Anthony. He inadvertently triggered the balloon's ejection seat, and launched my crash-test dummy into his face. What a surprise!
nigel: Ha ha ... good story.
Look at Henry LeMue LaFayette (sad)
nigel: Poor Uncle Slappy.
nigel: We need to get back his zeppelin!
Talk to Henry LeMue LaFayette (sad)
slappy: These men just stormed into the mill and took my zeppelin!
slappy: They said they were working for the Baron, and that they were confiscating my zeppelin because I recovered that statue from the river.
slappy: I'm lost without my zeppelin ... and I fear that she's lost without me. If they do something to my zeppelin ...
nigel: We will find a way to get it back! It's my fault after all ... I asked you to help me with the statue.
slappy: It's not your fault, Nigel! Never think that it was your fault!
slappy: Oh, and for some reason the men who took my zeppelin left this for you ...
nigel: The castle guards gave you a letter with my name on it? What the heck is that about?
nigel: Well, let's see who's writing me ... This envelope only contains a small object ...
nigel: Hey! It is Vincent Goodchild's insignia ring!
nigel: Who wants me to have this ring? Is the Baron secretly trying to help me?
nigel: I have to bring the rings to Lionstone ... finally I can claim my father's heritage!
nigel: On the other hand ... I think I need a nap first.
Look at wine glass (main)
nigel: Looks like Uncle Slappy had been drinking wine when he stayed here last time.
Clean up wine glass (main)
nigel: Uncle Slappy will be able to take care of that himself I'm sure.
nigel: Besides I don't even see a sink around here.
wine glass (main)
nigel: No. We all have to keep a clear mind as long as Lowell Cain is terrorizing Ravenhollow.
wine glass (main)
nigel: I don't think Uncle Slappy should drink water from this rusty kettle ...
Look at broken wine glass (ring)
nigel: Steven LeMue LaFayette's insignia ring.
nigel: Finally!
Drink from broken wine glass (ring)
nigel: That sounds like an excellent way to get a bloody lip. I think I'll pass.
Take ring from broken wine glass (ring)
nigel: Here we go! I have Steven LeMue LaFayette's insignia ring.
nigel: And here I was starting to think that my quest was hopeless ...
Look at broken wine glass (done)
nigel: Oh man ... I really made a mess here.
Clean up broken wine glass (done)
nigel: I will do that later.
nigel: I promise!
Look at remote control (main)
nigel: What's this remote control over here, Uncle Slappy?
nigel: Do you mind if I borrow the remote?
slappy: Not at all! Go ahead and take it. I'll just continue reading ...
Look at (main)
slappy: So it really was you who radioed me yesterday!
slappy: You must be Nigel Trelawney ... your father couldn't control his mathematical reflex either ...
nigel: Well, good to know. It always frustrates me when someone pulls that trick on me ...
slappy: You know, you really don't look a bit like your old man. That's a blessing for you! Hahaha!
nigel: You think so?
slappy: Nigel, don't you recognize me? No, of course not, you and your mother left Ravenhollow more than ...
nigel: Twenty years ago.
slappy: Has it been that long already? Well then, of course you wouldn't remember how I rocked you on my knee and we sang "Old MacDonald" together ...
nigel: Old MacDonald? ... Wait a minute, are you ... Uncle Slappy?!
slappy: Oui! Henry "Slappy" LeMue LaFayette ... or, as I'm known in many other parts of the world: "The Zeppelin Man". Hahaha.
slappy: So you must have sent out that radio message from your father's house ... I came back here in my zeppelin as soon as I received the transmission ...
slappy: I haven't been in Ravenhollow for more than nine months. I left shortly after your father ... well, ... after we lost him.
slappy: Give me just a minute ... I need to get this pilot cap off my head.
slappy: Ah, that's much better.
slappy: I supose you have a lot of questions, Nigel ... but before I forget. Your father wanted you to have this:
nigel: A locket?
slappy: Your father gave it to me shortly before he ... passed away. He told me he wanted you to have it.
slappy: Now, what were we talking about?
Dialog Tree: slappy
topic: _3
nigel: Did you know my father well? He never tried to contact my mother and I ...
slappy: Anthony was a good friend of mine, and I can tell you that he regretted losing you and your mother every day.
slappy: She was right to leave with you, Nigel ... Your father was never what you might call a "family man". Maybe that's why he moved out here to Ravenhollow in the first place.
slappy: But he loved you and your mother. Unfortunately, he didn't realize at the time that he spent too much time working, and not enough time with his family.
slappy: Only after it was too late did he realize his mistake, but then he didn't dare go after you ... he wasn't convinced that he could ever become a better father or husband.
topic: _4
nigel: Do you know how my father died?
slappy: Anthony spent most of his time at home after the Institute closed down.
slappy: He became very reclusive, and I only saw him from time to time ... he began to take day-long hiking trips off into the mountains.
slappy: One day he didn't return ... we found his hiking gear later in a very dangerous area.
slappy: I'm afraid he died in a thunderstorm ... he probably fell into one of the deep ravines up there ...
slappy: I'm very sorry to have to tell you all this, Nigel.
topic: _5
nigel: Why did the Smith Institute close down five years ago?
slappy: As I said ... we realized that many of our ground-breaking inventions might be misused, so we abandoned our research and destroy most of our plans and prototypes.
slappy: ... that way we would avoid having them fall into the wrong hands.
nigel: You destroyed all of your research? Was there a specific reason that you decided to take these drastic measures?
slappy: Actually ... yes.
slappy: One of our nine scientists was a man named Vincent Goodchild.
slappy: Vincent proposed that we use our research to overthrow the government and seize the capitol ... he told us that superior minds should hold superior positions in our society.
nigel: So, what did you do?
slappy: Why, we threw him out of the Institute of course! However, we could not be rid of Vincent that easily.
slappy: He lingered around Ravenhollow and watched our work from the shadows. No matter what security measures we took, we could not protect our research from his cunning presence.
slappy: Locks were broken, plans were stolen, and it eventually became clear that Vincent would go to any lengths to obtain our knowledge and power.
slappy: My colleagues and I finally agreed that it was only a matter of time before he would make a move to take our work by force ... so we decided to close the Institute and destroy the prototypes of our most important developments.
slappy: Most of my colleagues left Ravenhollow shortly thereafter ... they dispersed around the world where they hoped Vincent would never find them.
topic: _21
nigel: Have you heard from Dr. Coppelius? I think I saw him earlier ...
slappy: William Coppelius? What's he doing here?
nigel: I believe he was arrested and taken to the Castle.
slappy: Arrested? For what?
slappy: And why was he taken to the Castle? What the heck happened here while I was gone, Nigel?
nigel: It seems that Baron Northwest has appointed a vile man named Lowell Cain to take control of the village. Cain's men are now bullying the citizens of Ravenhollow ...
slappy: What? This is preposterous! Ravenhollow doesn't answer to the Castle.
slappy: And if these bullies have indeed captured Coppelius, then we have to find a way to help him!
topic: _22
nigel: Let us talk about something else ...
topic: _13
nigel: You had an insignia ring, right? ...
slappy: I most certainly did, although I lost it in the woods several years ago while my brother, Steven, and I were testing balloons ...
slappy: I used to put my ring on our flight test dummy, Carl, as a good luck charm. One day Carl crashed into the woods with our balloon ... that was our final flight test.
slappy: I didn't bother to look for the balloon, or the ring for that matter. With the days of the Institute coming to an end, they would only bring back painful memories.
topic: _14
nigel: About Steven LeMue LaFayette's ring ...
slappy: My brother's ring? Oui. It's stuck in that wall over there above the hammock.
slappy: He placed it in that crack before taking a nap once, and we haven't been able to pry it out since.
slappy: Of course, we gave up trying about two years ago when he left for South America.
slappy: I secretly think he meant to leave it behind ... he didn't want any reminders of the old days while starting his new life in Peru.
topic: _15
nigel: Do you know where Vincent Goodchild's ring might be?
slappy: Vincent? Eiesh... that name still gives me the creeps!
slappy: No, I don't know where his ring might be. For all I know, he may still be wearing it.
topic: _18
nigel: Have you any idea where Professor Smith's ring might be?
slappy: I think Leonard left most of his belongings at the Institute before he left Ravenhollow.
slappy: As the pioneer of the Smith Institute, I believe it was very hard for him to leave it all behind ...
topic: _19
nigel: Okay, enough about these rings ...
topic: _12
nigel: Lionstone told me that I need to find the insignia rings of the nine members of the Smith Institute.
nigel: The seals are required to verify my heritage certificate because legally you and your former colleagues are all shareholders of my father's house ...
slappy: Is that so? Oh wait, this isn't about that cheque we issued, is it? The one for 81 cents?
nigel: So you remember that?
slappy: Oui, but I don't understand why Lionstone would require you to seek our insignia seals over a silly matter of 81 cents! That just doesn't sound like Lionstone.
nigel: I believe that Lowell Cain and his men decided to make matters difficult for me. They work for the Baron.
slappy: Baron Northwest? But he's never had any real political power ...
slappy: It seems that much has changed in Ravenhollow since I left in my Zeppelin after your father's death.
topic: _10
nigel: About the nine members of the Smith Institute and their insignia rings ...
slappy: Oui?
topic: smith1
nigel: You used to work with my father, didn't you?
slappy: Oui! Those were quite the times back at the Smith Institute!
slappy: There was no problem that could not be solved by the nine of us, and no goal that could not be reached ...
slappy: However, in the end we realized that our work might not only be used to help humanity, but also to gain political power and harm the innocent.
topic: smith2
nigel: Again about Dad and the Smith Institute ...
topic: heritage1
nigel: I am here to settle my father's estate and claim my heritage.
slappy: Well it's about time I'd say.
topic: heritage2
nigel: Again about settling my father's estate and the insignia rings ...
topic: remote
nigel: What was the story with that remote control you lent me?
topic: statue
nigel: Could you help me heave a statue from the river near the Smith Institute?
slappy: What's that statue doing in the river?
nigel: I don't know, but I'm sure the castle is responsible for that, too.
slappy: Well, we can use my zeppelin. That shouldn't be a problem!
slappy: You just go ahead and wait for me at the bridge into Ravenhollow.
nigel: Okay! Thanks!
slappy: I'm afraid that will have to wait until tomorrow ... I'm getting a bit too old to fly around in my zeppelin at night.
nigel: No problem! I'll be back tomorrow then!
slappy: If you can't wait, you can use my hammock and grab some sleep till sunrise.
topic: _23
nigel: If you've been away, then you haven't heard about Lowell Cain and the Castle yet, have you?
slappy: No ... and I'm most interested to learn more about that.
nigel: Sure, but we'll have to do that another time. I'd like to resolve my father's estate as quickly as possible. ... just be careful, ok?
slappy: Of course, I always am ... hahaha!
topic: _24
nigel: Nice windmill you have here ...
slappy: Merci! My brother and I renovated this place many years ago and lived here together until he left.
slappy: Now that he's in South America, I spend most of my time off adventuring in my zeppelin.
slappy: I only come here every few months now ... so you'll have to excuse the dust! But please, make yourself at home.
nigel: Thanks Uncle Slappy!
slappy: It's the least I can do for you, Nigel.
topic: exit
nigel: I think I have to get going ...
slappy: Oui! Feel free to drop by any time if you want to talk or have a nap in that old hammock!