Look at Smith Institute (main)
nigel: The Smith Institute for Advanced Research. This is where my father used to work.
nigel: The facility looks pretty expensive ... why would you allow a place like this to go to waste?
Enter Smith Institute (main)
nigel: I'll try the front door.
Look at bus stop sign (main)
nigel: Ravenbridge.
Steal bus stop sign (main)
nigel: Hasn't this poor village suffered enough already?
Look at timetable (main)
nigel: There is a note from the bus company where the timetable should be.
nigel: It reads: "After failed negotiations with Northwest Castle over their new road taxes, this bus stop will no longer be serviced by the Brass Fox Bus Company"
Use timetable (main)
nigel: The timetable is useless ... the bus isn't coming here anymore.
Look at front door (main)
nigel: This door doesn't even have a door handle.
Use front door (main)
nigel: It's locked.
Look at thoughtful looking young man (main)
nigel: Man, he looks really unhappy.
Talk to thoughtful looking young man (main)
nigel: Excuse me ...
stig: Oh, hello. It's you again. Nigel Trelawney, right?
nigel: Yes ... how did you ...
stig: Don't worry, my father told me about you. I think he saw you at the harbor.
stig: I'm Stig Sigmundson.
nigel: Nice to meet you, Stig.
Give #item# to #noun# thoughtful looking young man (main)
stig: Wow! You have the ring!
stig: Oh, but it's useless if Cecily won't marry me.
nigel: Don't worry! I am sure she wants to marry you.
stig: As long as I'm not sure, then there's no need to talk about trading rings. Maybe you could try to get an answer from her?
stig: Oh ... or maybe not. This question seems hopeless!
Give #item# to #noun# thoughtful looking young man (main)
nigel: I have a message for you ...
stig: What's that? A letter?
stig: So she finally came to a decision ... I bet she doesn't want to marry me.
stig: Yes! She wants to marry me!
nigel: Congratulations!
stig: I really can't wait to see her ... my grandfather's ring could be good enough to propose with, don't you think?
nigel: I'll get you the diamond ring, just wait a little longer.
nigel: I'm sure Cecily would happily wait for you if she knew that she'll get that diamond ring that she's always dreamed about.
stig: Okay ... but hurry up then!
Look at Stig Sigmundson (happy)
nigel: Stig looks really happy.
nigel: I wonder what exactly Cecily wrote ...
Give #item# to #noun# Stig Sigmundson (happy)
nigel: Might this be the ring you were talking about?
stig: This is unbelievable!
stig: Even when we were kids, Cecily used to stand in front of her uncle's shop for hours and look at this ring in the window! She'll be so happy!
stig: Here's my grandfather's insignia ring. I don't think it's worth much, but I hope it brings you luck.
nigel: Thanks.
stig: Tomorrow I'll give Cecily her diamond ring ... she'll be so surprised, don't you think?
nigel: I bet she will be.
Look at Stig Sigmundson (ring)
nigel: I bet Cecily will be excited when she sees that diamond!
Talk to Stig Sigmundson (ring)
nigel: So, it seems you have everything to be happy, just like your grandfather told you: love, friendship ...
stig: I can't wait to see Cecily. I love her so much.
nigel: Good for you.
stig: I hope my grandfather's insignia ring will bring you luck, too.
Look at flowing river (main)
nigel: The water looks fresh and clean.
Drink from flowing river (main)
nigel: If I get thirsty sometime I might give it a try.
Take flowing river (main)
nigel: Am I supposed to carry water around in my cupped hands? Doesn't sound like fun to me.
flowing river (main)
nigel: I'll fill the kettle with water.
Look at sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: It looks like that big stick is caught on something at the bottom of the river ...
nigel: Unfortunately, I can't see what's down there with all those leaves in the way.
nigel: Maybe I can find a way to clear them.
Push sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: I can't reach it.
Toss #item# at #noun# sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: I doubt the duck would dash after a closed box of Pretzeljax ...
nigel: Mh ... there are no ducks to feed. I should come back when the sun is out.
Toss #item# at #noun# sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: Do you want a pretzel? Go, get it!
nigel: I guess he had enough pretzels for today.
Toss #item# at #noun# sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: Are you kidding?
nigel: Do you know how many environmental laws I would be violating by throwing explosives into an aquatic ecosystem?
Throw #item# at #noun# sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: No, I believe in keeping our rivers clean and litter—free.
Shoot #item# at #noun# sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: No, I'd better be careful about shooting into the water until I know what's down there. It might be something valuable!
nigel: Perhaps I could find a gentler way to move the leaves?
Throw #item# at #noun# sticks and leaves (main)
nigel: No, I'd better be careful about throwing things into the water until I know what's down there. It might be something valuable!
Look at statue (statue)
nigel: Is that a statue down there? Who would dump a statue in a river?!
Talk to statue (statue)
nigel: Don't worry! I'll try to get help!
Heave statue (statue)
nigel: Even if I had rope, pulley and tackle I wouldn't be able to lift the statue from the river.
nigel: If only I knew someone who had the means to transport something that heavy.
Look at duck (main)
nigel: Oh no. A duck ...
nigel: I never really understood what people find cute about ducks. They are descendants of carnivorous dinosaurs.
nigel: ... and you can still see that when you look deep into a duck's eyes.
Talk to duck (main)
nigel: No. I don't want to get involved in lengthy discussions about bread crumbs and winter holidays in the south.
Pet duck (main)
nigel: I don't think that's gonna happen.
Throw #item# at #noun# duck (main)
nigel: I'd surely be in trouble if some environmentalist saw me throw a box of sealed Pretzeljax at a duck.
nigel: I should open the box first and offer the duck a single pretzel ...
Feed #item# to #noun# duck (main)
nigel: Would you like a pretzel?
nigel: Wow, the duck is crazy about Pretzeljax's mild aroma and remarkable crunchy texture.
Draw #noun# with #item# duck (main)
nigel: A duck mask? Mh ... no.
Look at (main)
nigel: Just a little higher!
slappy: Nigel, if I'm not mistaken ... this statue once stood in the village square. What's it doing in the river?!
nigel: Lowell Cain and his men erected a new statue up there ... a statue of Baron Northwest.
slappy: You mean the Castle just dumped this statue here to get rid of it? Who do these people think they are?
slappy: I'll fly the statue over to Stephan Caro's antique shop. He'll be able to tell you more about it ... I bet he'll be very thankful that you recovered it!
nigel: Alright! Thanks again, Uncle Slappy!
slappy: It's the least I could do! See you soon, Nigel!
nigel: You can never have enough friends with zeppelins.
nigel: I wonder if Uncle Slappy would hold it against me if I called him next time I have to move heavy furniture.
Look at strange device (off)
nigel: What's that thing protruding from the side of the building? Some kind of antenna perhaps?
Use strange device (off)
nigel: I don't know what it is, and it's up there while I'm down here.
nigel: So, how am I supposed to use it?
strange device (off)
nigel: Good idea, but the remote isn't working right now. I think it needs batteries.
strange device (off)
nigel: No response. I think that whatever the device is needs to be activated first — maybe then it will respond to the remote.
Look at broken away bricks (main)
nigel: Mh ... some of these bricks are damaged. Looks like something heavy smashed into them.
Dialog Tree: stig
topic: what1
nigel: What are you doing here?
stig: Oh, I'm waiting.
stig: I've been waiting for days, although it feels like a lifetime.
nigel: Have you bought something via mail order?
stig: No, I asked my girlfriend Cecily to marry me ...
nigel: That's a big step. I'm impressed.
nigel: So now you're waiting for her answer?
stig: Yes.
stig: And while I'm sure she wants to marry me, she's still afraid ...
topic: what2
nigel: Why again are you hanging around out here at night?
topic: sealring1
nigel: What's the story about the ring that you are wearing round your neck?
stig: I got this old insignia ring from my grandfather, Leif Sigmundson, before he went back to Asia.
stig: He said his ring would help me to find my special-someone. As he always said, friendship and love are the greatest things in life.
nigel: Well, we shall believe him, shan't we?
nigel: So you will give your girlfriend this ring?
stig: If Cecily agrees to marry me then I will give her this ring ... although it's a bit shabby, don't you think?
stig: I surely wish I could afford that diamond ring that's on display in the window of her uncle's antique store.
stig: She's always said how much she loves that diamond when we pass by the window.
topic: sealring2
nigel: What was that you said about the insignia ring you wear around your neck?
topic: sealring3
nigel: Okay, let me be frank. I'd really like to have your grandfather's insignia ring.
stig: ... but ... I'm in love with Cecily ...
stig: And ... well, you aren't really my type ...
nigel: No! I mean, I'd like to trade it for something else.
nigel: I ... collect the insignia rings of the Smith Institute scientists.
stig: Oh I see! I thought you wanted me to propose to you!
stig: Well, I'd be willing to give you the ring—assuming that I get a positive answer from Cecily—if you can get me that diamond ring from her uncle's store.
stig: She'd be so happy about it!
nigel: I bet she would!
nigel: Okay, so you need a positive answer from your girlfriend Cecily and that diamond ring from Mr. Caro's antique store?
stig: Right. Sounds impossible, huh ... ?
nigel: Oh well ... just be careful ... once I have that diamond ring I might propose to your girlfriend myself!
stig: ... you ...
nigel: Just kidding. Sorry.
topic: sealring4
nigel: What did you say I have to do to get your grandfather's insignia ring?
nigel: By the way, do happen to know where Cecily is right now?
stig: I bet she's sitting in the yard in front of her uncle's shop. She loves that place. Oh, Cecily ...
nigel: Hang in there, Stig ...
topic: sealring5
nigel: About Cecily and your grandfather's insignia ring ...
topic: smith1
nigel: My father worked at the Smith Institute. Do you know anything about that place?
stig: My grandfather worked there too.
stig: He left Ravenhollow right after the Institute closed five years ago. He never talked about his work ... he was a bit strange, but a brilliant man none the less.
stig: Were you and your father close?
nigel: I didn't really know him. I guess his work was much more important to him than his family ...
nigel: That's why my mother and I left Ravenhollow when I was a kid.
nigel: Did you known my father, by chance?
stig: Not really, sorry.
stig: I heard that he grew depressed after the Institute closed down.
stig: He took long hiking trips into the mountains, or stayed in his house most of the time. I thing that's why it took so long for anyone to notice that he was missing.
nigel: Well ...
stig: I'm sorry.
nigel: Don't worry.
nigel: I just wonder if he ever regretted that my mother and I left him.
topic: catch
nigel: You mentioned your father being down at the docks...
stig: Indeed, my father is Lars Sigmundson. He's at the end of the harbor pier most nights.
nigel: He's a fisherman?
stig: Yes, he and I are both great fishermen. Of course, we don't go fishing very often now that the Castle confiscates our catch.
nigel: Well at least that leaves you more time on land to pine over your love life.
stig: Hey, I don't pine! I'd be out fishing right now if I could...
stig: Cecily and her mother are always looking for fresh fish to make their famous fish stew ... if only I could provide that for them ... for her.
nigel: Ahem ... that would be pining.
stig: Oh.
topic: exit
nigel: I gotta go. Have a nice evening.
stig: You too.