Look at Smith Institute (main)
nathan: This was the headquarters of the famed Smith Institute?
nathan: Hm. This almost seems anti-climatic after discovering Dr. Coppelius' secret laboratory hidden under a lake behind his house...
nathan: ...I'm going to bet that the Institute has a more spectacular lab hidden away in some secret location.
Talk to (main)
nathan: Hey, you two ... stay where you are!
manbreaker: What?
manbreaker: Oh no, it's one of them!
manbreaker: Quick! Pretend like you don't know him!
holdup: I don't know him. I really don't know him ...
holdup: ... oh no, he's looking at us.
nathan: ... I know you two! You're Lowell Cain's men. Do you really think you can just walk away from all this??
manbreaker: We don't know what you are talking about. We don't know anyone named Lowell Cain!
holdup: And we neither ripped off fishermen nor threatened harmless civilians into giving us their stuff!
manbreaker: Shut up, you idiot!
holdup: What?? What did I do?
manbreaker: You are so stupid ... I'm better off without you ...
nathan: I'll report you! Then you'll get the punishment you deserve.
Look at bus stop sign (main)
nathan: Destination Ravenhollow.
Look at timetable (main)
nathan: There aren't many buses that come through here.
Recite timetable (main)
nathan: No. That's about as exciting as reading the phone book.
Pick up timetable (main)
nathan: It's bolted to the sign post.
Look at strange device (off)
nathan: That's the upper-end of the strange device that I saw at the Smith Institute.
Use strange device (off)
nathan: There's not much I can do with it from here, unless I can find a way to control the device remotely.
strange device (off)
nathan: That device will need to be activated first.
strange device (on)
holdup: Oh no! Please!!
holdup: I am just a victim myself ... I didn't know what I was doing.
strange device (complete)
nathan: Attracting lightning bolts will never get old.
Look at white haired guard (main)
nathan: He tries to act tough, but I've seen him during his night shift at the castle gate. That guy is a coward.
nathan: Also ... didn't he have brown hair?
Talk to white haired guard (main)
holdup: If I were guilty the heavens shall strike me down ... here and now!
Look at flowing by river (main)
nathan: The dark water is mysterious.
Swim in flowing by river (main)
nathan: I'm not in the mood for a moonlight swim.
Look at strongbox (guarded)
nathan: It's a locked strongbox marked with the castle insignia.
nathan: It's probably filled with the spoils of that greedy jerk's looting.
Pick up strongbox (guarded)
nathan: I don't want to find out how the guard would react if I tried to steal his loot out from under his nose.
strongbox (guarded)
nathan: Even if the guard wasn't watching, I think he'd notice the difference between these boxes.
strongbox (guarded)
nathan: While the boxes look similar enough that I might be able to pull a swap, the guard would catch me doing it.
Pick up strongbox (unguarded)
nathan: No, the guard will notice that the chest is missing once he stops cowering.
Swap #noun# for #item# strongbox (unguarded)
nathan: I think the guard would notice the difference in appearance if I swapped in this unmarked box.
Swap #noun# for #item# strongbox (unguarded)
nathan: Let's hope he doesn't look too closely at the box before the bus comes.
Look at strongbox decoy (swapped)
nathan: It almost looks like the original.
Pick up strongbox decoy (swapped)
nathan: No. I already have the box I want.