Look at manhole cover (main)
nigel: It's a manhole cover, presumably leading to the sewers ...
nigel: But why is it round?
Open manhole cover (main)
nigel: Some doors are not meant to be opened ... the same holds true for manhole covers.
Look at mask shop (main)
nigel: No post office in sight, no train station around for miles ...
nigel: ... but at least the locals have a secure supply of one of the most vital commodities of modern civilization:
nigel: ... hand—carved masks.
Look at mask shop door (closed)
nigel: It's dark in there. No wonder, I bet it's already past midnight.
Open mask shop door (closed)
nigel: The mask shop is closed. Mr. Mandelbaum is probably asleep already.
Look at Inn (main)
nigel: The Ravenhollow Inn looks cozy.
Look at sparsely—filled fruit crates (main)
nigel: Even the most daring optimists will have a hard time to see half filled crates of fruit ... they are empty!
nigel: Aside from potatoes the store owners seem to have run out of fruit and vegetables to sell.
Take from sparsely—filled fruit crates (main)
nigel: They are empty!
Look at absent—minded girl (main)
nigel: She looks very thoughtful.
Talk to absent—minded girl (main)
nigel: Hi there.
cecily: Stig?
cecily: Oh, hello.
nigel: You've been expecting someone else, haven't you ...
cecily: Well ... not really.
cecily: I'm sorry could you talk to mother? I'm a bit distracted today ... and I'm already behind schedule.
nigel: Sure, don't worry.
Hug absent—minded girl (main)
nigel: Nah, I feel very odd hugging strangers.
Look at Cecily Caro (happy)
nigel: Cecily looks much happier than last time.
Talk to Cecily Caro (happy)
cecily: Oh, it's you! Thank you for giving Stig my message earlier!
cecily: I can't thank you enough!
nigel: Don't mention it. I hope you two will be happy together!
cecily: We will! Oh, I'm sure we will ...
nigel: Well, see you.
cecily: See you! And thanks again! We'll invite you to the wedding!
Look at store window (main)
nigel: Mh... inside the shop the choice of products looks just as sad as out here.
nigel: Wait, I think I see a cucumber in there!
nigel: Oh, no. Forget it ... that was just the neck of an old wine bottle. No vitamins today ...
Look at greengrocer (main)
nigel: Either the fruit market has collapsed, or else this poor grocer has nothing to sell but potatoes.
Talk to greengrocer (main)
nigel: Sorry?
mrs_caro: Yes?
Hug greengrocer (main)
nigel: Besides, I worry that she might actually welcome my advances.
Give #item# to #noun# greengrocer (main)
mrs_caro: You caught a Red Snapper for me!
mrs_caro: Obviously I underestimated your fishing skills, young man!
mrs_caro: You deserve a reward! Here, take this!
mrs_caro: That is my last juicy apple ... a rarity these days!
nigel: And full of vitamins, too, I guess.
mrs_caro: You can bet your sideburns on that, handsome. Thanks for the fish!
Offer #item# to #noun# greengrocer (main)
nigel: Can I interest you in this bucket of fish?
mrs_caro: You sure can interest me, handsome, but unfortunately I don't have the means to purchase that much fish.
mrs_caro: You might try offering that to Captain Amayi ... she's always looking for sea rations, and she has the money to pay for them!
mrs_caro: Keep your eyes open for a Red Snapper though ...
mrs_caro: That's the key ingredient of my famous fish stew, so I'll find something to barter if you can catch me one.
nigel: Catch a red snapper ... got it.
Look at large clock (main)
nigel: It's already THAT late?
nigel: ... that can't be right.
nigel: I don't think the clock shows the correct time.
Look at street sign (main)
nigel: That street's name is "Raven Road".
Look at street sign (main)
nigel: This street is called "Turtle Lane"...
Look at shop window (main)
nigel: Not surprisingly, the clock shop has clocks on display in the clock shop window.
Use shop window (main)
nigel: I am not in the mood for window shopping ...
nigel: ... or for smashing the window in with a brick and running off with these clocks.
Look at clock shop door (main)
nigel: Moore's clock shop is closed ... I wonder when the store opens up again.
nigel: I don't see any information on their business hours.
Open clock shop door (main)
nigel: It's closed.
Look at wooden cart (main)
nigel: "Matt & Greg's Amazing Entertainment Cart" ...
nigel: Well, I'm not impressed ... doesn't look that amazing to me.
Use wooden cart (main)
nigel: The cart is locked ...
nigel: ... and I would need at least one strong horse, or six well-trained pigs, or a sociable group of monkeys to move this cart around.
nigel: Hopeless, I say!
Look at strange statue (main)
nigel: That must be Baron Northwest himself ...
nigel: The statue looks fairly new ... and I can still smell the fresh concrete they used to fix the statue to the ground.
Talk to strange statue (main)
nigel: I should try to find the man himself and ask him about my problem instead of wasting my time talking to a lump of stone.
nigel: ... although I have to admit that it looks surprisingly lifelike.
Draw #noun# with #item# strange statue (main)
nigel: I'd surely be arrested for impersonating the baron if Mandelbaum were to make me this mask.
Draw #noun# with #item# strange statue (main)
nigel: I'll need to pair this crayon with a piece of paper before I can draw anything with it.
nigel: Even then, this is probably not the thing to draw ...
Look at a lot of potatoes (main)
nigel: Mh ... the greengrocer either has too many potatoes or not enough potato—buying customers.
Eat one of a lot of potatoes (main)
nigel: Raw potatoes are pretty disgusting ... I will stick to my Pretzeljax for now.
Take some of a lot of potatoes (main)
nigel: I am REALLY not into potatoes ... nor into stealing.
nigel: Ok, maybe I borrow seemingly useful items from time to time that just lie around — but these potatoes are meant to be bought.
nigel: ... or ignored, which I usually tend to do with potatoes anyway.
Look at (main)
nigel: What was that flashing in Mandelbaum's shop!?
Dialog Tree: MB
topic: _0
nigel: Are you selling fruits and vegetables?
mrs_caro: No, I'm a 54—year old performance artist who plays someone who sells fruit and vegetables.
nigel: Really?
mrs_caro: No. I'm a 54—year old performance artist who's career took a downturn 35 years ago and who now earns her money selling fruits and vegetables.
nigel: Okay, well either way—you are quite convincing in your role.
mrs_caro: Thank you, my boy.
nigel: And how is business?
mrs_caro: Well ever since Cain and the Baron turned Ravenhollow upside down, most of my customers prefer to stay at home ... so business is NOT good.
topic: cecily1
nigel: About your daughter ...
mrs_caro: Isn't she lovely?
mrs_caro: Unfortunately our Cecily has already given her heart away to her childhood friend Stig Sigmundson.
mrs_caro: In the last days she's been a little absent minded ... I wonder why.
nigel: Love has always been a mystery to me ...
mrs_caro: And that won't change even as time goes by. Believe me.
mrs_caro: Unfortunately Cecily doesn't like to talk about her feelings with her mother. These things are too precious to be talked about when you are young, I suppose.
mrs_caro: I wish I could be young again. I'd surely put an eye on you ...
nigel: Erm ... That's very kind of you to say ...
mrs_caro: You surely have your own affairs d'amour, don't you?
nigel: Well, there was this girl in the boathouse who took something important from me and simply left me behind ...
nigel: ... erm.
nigel: Maybe we can discuss this another time.
mrs_caro: Men.
mrs_caro: Anyway, the fact that Cecily sits around in the backyard of my brother's antique shop all night tells me that her heart is restless.
mrs_caro: I surely hope that Stig treats her right ... otherwise ...
topic: cecily2
nigel: About Cecily ...
mrs_caro: Oh, my dear Cecily will marry! Her Stig proposed to her and she said yes! Isn't that lovely!
cecily: Ma! I told you ...
mrs_caro: She doesn't like it if I talk about these things behind her back. But I'm so happy!
mrs_caro: Stig and Cecily will marry, isn't it wonderful! Oh, my little girl grew up so fast ...
topic: products1
nigel: Your sign says "Fruits and Vegetables", but I only see potatoes. Why?
mrs_caro: As I suspected, you aren't from around here.
mrs_caro: We are running short on everything ... the trade with the outside world has almost come to a complete halt after the Castle took over.
mrs_caro: We're even short on fish here since the Castle started confiscating the daily catch.
mrs_caro: Cecily still goes down to the harbor each day, though there's never anything left to buy.
mrs_caro: Sometimes her boyfriend Stig gives us free fish, but we don't sell that. On those days I make my famous fish stew, and we invite him and his father over for dinner.
nigel: Is there anything I can do to help?
mrs_caro: Do you know how to fish?
nigel: Well ... a bit, I presume.
mrs_caro: If you can catch a Red Snapper for me, I will give you a reward!
nigel: A red snapper ... that shouldn't be a problem!
mrs_caro: The last three fishermen who said that to me all just brought back old boots they caught ...
mrs_caro: I guess after the trading ship of Shuster & Shuster Shoes sunk in Ravenhollow Bay fifty years ago, there must still be hundreds of boots out there.
topic: products2
nigel: Again, why do you have only potatoes to sell?
topic: help
nigel: How can I help you again?
topic: boots
nigel: What did you say about a ship full of boots sinking in the bay?
mrs_caro: Ah yes, that was a trading vessel for The Shuster & Shuster Shoe Company called "Zapito".
mrs_caro: She and her cargo of boots foundered on an unmarked shoal in Ravenhollow Bay about twenty years ago.
nigel: How horrible! Think of all the honest, hard—working souls who were denied quality footware as a result of the incident.
mrs_caro: Yes, but at least it's given Ravenhollow an economic boost over the years ...
mrs_caro: While no one wants to buy the water-logged boots that keep washing ashore, a market has sprung up for shoelaces and scrap leather.
nigel: What an odd tale ... It almost inspires me to give up my life pursuits and seek riches in buried footwear.
mrs_caro: Well keep your eyes open, handsome ... I'm sure you can still find at least one of those old boots lying around.
topic: _1
nigel: Well, I have to go ...
mrs_caro: Come again!