Look at power node console (main)
nathan: This seems to be a control terminal for the swamp's power node.
Use power node console (main)
nathan: I should leave that to Dr. LeMue-LaFayette.
nathan: I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing.
Look at light emitting buoy (main)
nathan: That device looks like some kind of power node ... it's probably drawing from a geological resource under this swamp.
nathan: This explains the mysterious lights that I saw from a distance.
Use light emitting buoy (main)
nathan: Even if I knew what it did, I still couldn't reach it from here.
Look at strange pedestal (base)
nathan: This must be the swamp's power node that the doctors were talking about. I guess it caches geological energy.
nathan: Maybe that explains why the trees look a bit strange around here.
Use strange pedestal (base)
nathan: I wouldn't know where to begin.
Look at TRA construction project (build)
nathan: It's the strange device that we're building.
nathan: It looks like it's still missing pieces.
TRA construction project (build)
nathan: I should give this to Dr. Coppelius, so that he can assemble it into the device.
Look at Time Rift Apparatus (TRA)
nathan: So that's a "TRA" ... What does it do?
Look at Nora (main)
nathan: We finally recovered Nora, and now Nigel is in danger. This is going to be a long night ...
Talk to Nora (main)
nathan: Nora, are you okay? I hope Vincent didn't harm you.
nora: Don't worry.
nora: Vincent forced Grandfather and Professor Smith to copy my mechanical heart. They cooperated, so I wasn't harmed.
nora: I just wish I understood Vincent's motive ...
nora: Why would Vincent replace his healthy heart with an uncomfortable machine like mine? He really IS insane.
nathan: I'm just glad that nothing happened to you.
nora: Yes, but now Nigel and Professor Smith are in danger ... we have to help them.
coppelius: We are ALL in danger.
coppelius: Nathan, you have to find the items on that list I gave you. We have to retrieve that photograph ... it's the only way to reach Vincent.
Kiss Nora (main)
nathan: While the thought had crossed my mind, I am a gentleman and shall maintain my discipline.
nathan: Besides, it can only be a matter of time before she breaks and makes a move on me ...
nathan: I have a sense for these things, you know.
nora: Keep dreaming, Nathan.
nathan: Ah ... right. You weren't supposed to overhear that mumbling. How awkward.
aftertimejump Nora (main)
nathan: Wow! You got the photograph ... Now let's call the train!
Look at Dr. Coppelius (main)
nathan: Dr. Coppelius is waiting for me to bring him those TRA components ...
Talk to Dr. Coppelius (main)
coppelius: You have to find me those components, Nathan. We have no time to lose.
TRA Complete Dr. Coppelius (main)
coppelius: Nathan, for all your blundering, you've still managed to collect everything that we need. I'm impressed.
nora: Well, that looks impressive ... but what does it do?
coppelius: You are standing before a prototype of the Time Rift Apparatus—one of the most remarkable inventions by the Smith Institute for Advanced Research.
nora: Time Rift Apparatus?
nathan: So, this Apparatus creates a Rift ... in time?!
coppelius: Yes. These oscillating plates produce micro-vibrations that rupture timespace, or as we called it ... a "Time Rift".
nathan: This is unbelievable!
coppelius: Yet true, nonetheless.
slappy: However, this prototype has very limited capabilities. The geological power source below this swamp is not strong enough for a deep rift.
slappy: We'll only have enough power to reach back a couple of days, and even then, we'll only be able to sustain the rift for a matter of minutes.
coppelius: That's why we constructed a much larger lightning-powered device atop Mount Misery. Vincent will try to open a rift there, and it will have much more potential.
coppelius: Still, this prototype should allow us to go back just far enough to retrieve that photograph from Nigel Trelawney ... on the day he met Nathan and I on the Ravenhollow docks.
slappy: This is very risky business ... we were always afraid of only going back a few days. There was too great a potential for creating a time paradox.
coppelius: Henry, activate the apparatus.
coppelius: When the rift opens—and I hope it does—I will step through and attempt to retrieve the photograph.
slappy: No Coppelius, think about it ... you cannot be the one to go back!
coppelius: I know I'm old, Henry ... but that's all the more reason that I should be the one to suffer the Rift's crippling effects.
slappy: It's not that, William. You said it yourself: you were there on the docks that day, along with Nathan here.
slappy: If you were to go back and run into yourself in the past, you could create a catastrophic paradox in the fabric of time!
slappy: Therefore, I must forbid both you and Nathan from entering the rift. It is too dangerous for us all!
slappy: I'll do it. I will get the photograph from Nigel in the past.
coppelius: Henry, you know as well as I that ...
nora: Stop it! All of you!
coppelius: What is it, Nora?
nora: Grandpa, you said something about the rift's crippling effects ... what did you mean?
coppelius: Well, we abandoned this project because passing through a Rift can be ... fatal. Even a shallow rift like this can damage the heart and metabolism of a healthy adult.
coppelius: Professor Von Sternberg nearly died when we first tested the Apparatus on Mount Misery.
coppelius: The human body simply cannot withstand the annihilating force of a Time Rift.
slappy: But now Vincent has strengthened his body by forcing your grandfather and Professor Smith to give him a mechanical heart like your own.
coppelius: Moreover, he seems to have a fortifying suit like the one we constructed for Von Sternberg after his accident.
slappy: Vincent must be prepared to pass through a deep time rift, so that he can access our researchs at a time before we destroyed them.
nathan: Unbelievable ... the past is no longer safe!
coppelius: The Rift ... It's open. It worked!
slappy: We have to stop Vincent! I will go through and get the photograph!
nora: No! This is wrong, you'll die!
nora: Grandpa, I'll do it. With my mechanical heart, I'll have a better chance of surviving the rift than any of you.
coppelius: Nora... no! The heart has never been tested. It may not be enough!
nathan: Here. It's not much, but take this fish ... McManus' old dog will be there, so perhaps you can entice him to help you.
nora: Thank you Nathan, now you'd better step back! I ... am ...
nathan: Look at her heart!
coppelius: Nora!
slappy: It's too late ... she's levitating!
coppelius: Nora ... I hope she's alright ...
aftertimejump Dr. Coppelius (main)
coppelius: Oh no ... The Rift has absorbed all the energy in this power node. It has collapsed.
nathan: What about Nora?? Is she ...
coppelius: Nora! Are you alright?
nora: ... I ... I think I'm alright.
nora: I really went back to Ravenhollow ... back to the day you arrived and met Nigel Trelawney. You were there, and I saw Lowell Cain too ...
nathan: Really? That's incredible ... are you really okay?
nora: I feel good actually ... even better than before. My heart feels more in tune.
coppelius: The mechanical heart must have stabilized your body enough to spare you injury ... I'm so glad you're not hurt.
slappy: Unfortunately this also means that Vincent is right ...
slappy: Now that he too has a mechanical heart, he may be able to pass through a much deeper Rift up on Mount Misery, and take his revenge in the past.
nora: ... but now we have the photograph!
nathan: There's the note you mentioned.
nathan: "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" ... hu ... some of the letters are lowercase, and others are capitalized.
coppelius: That's the code we're searching for!
coppelius: If you translate large and small letters as long and short signals, then this message reads, "NIGEL COME".
coppelius: Something is very wrong here ... look at the photograph, Henry. It's changing ...
slappy: This is our Vincent, the one from our time! Has he already reached our past to take revenge and steal our researches??
coppelius: This must be the Probability Effect that Professor Zygmunt described in his time theories:
coppelius: The photograph was brought from the past into the present, and thus has been dislodged from the fabric of time.
coppelius: Now the photograph shows a version of the past that may progress into our present.
slappy: So that could mean Vincent hasn't succeeded yet? Only that he's close?
coppelius: Yes.
nathan: "A Stitch in Times Saves Nine" ...
coppelius: I believe Trelawney meant the nine founding members of the Smith Institute. We have to stop Vincent in order to save them ... to save us.
coppelius: Anthony Trelawney must have anticipated Vincent's next move.
slappy: Thanks to Nora, we have his train call-code ... we can still make it to Mount Misery in time!
nora: Let's get out of this swamp.
Give #item# to #noun# Dr. Coppelius (main)
coppelius: You call these prismatic spectralizers?!
coppelius: They look more like the outlandish party decorations from one of your university debaucheries.
nathan: So I should keep looking for a better alternative?
coppelius: Well ... they MIGHT work.
coppelius: Now keep looking for the other items.
nathan: Oh boy, what a relief ... I was sure you'd chase me out of the swamp when I showed you those tiki heads.
nathan: Especially with their rumored curse and all ...
coppelius: Your ramblings are the only curse I see myself confronted with.
nathan: Well, just don't blame me if voodoo pirates emerge from this swamp, or something.
nora: Could you two stop quarreling?
slappy: I think it's entertaining, but she's right: we have no time to lose!
Give #item# to #noun# Dr. Coppelius (main)
coppelius: You must to be joking.
coppelius: Nathan, would you attempt to cross the sea in a paper boat?
nathan: Well, no ... probably not.
coppelius: Yet you expect me to rift through quantum timespace using tinfoil oscillators?!
nathan: So ... you're saying that these won't work?
coppelius: Well no ... they could POSSIBLY make due.
Give #item# to #noun# Dr. Coppelius (main)
coppelius: What a crude propeller.
coppelius: Nathan, you have a gift for under-delivering on my expectations.
coppelius: However, lacking other options this COULD work.
Ask #noun# about #item# Dr. Coppelius (main)
nathan: Dr. Coppelius, is there a way to reconfigure this device to reverse the damage done to the villagers?
coppelius: Vincent's hypnosis device is it? Yes, yes. I have some experience with reversing its effects.
coppelius: We had frequent "misfires" around the Smith Institute that left our members confused after an encounter with Vincent.
coppelius: In retrospect, I suppose those incidents foreshadowed of the ill events to come.
coppelius: Just a moment now ... almost have it ... there. One reversed hypnosis device.
nathan: Thank you Dr. Coppelius. I know some villagers who will greatly appreciate this!
Show #item# to #noun# Dr. Coppelius (main)
nathan: Do you know what this is, Dr. Coppelius?
coppelius: Well I'll be, I haven't seen one of those in years!
coppelius: That is an attractor core for one of the Smith Institute's lightning collectors.
nathan: A lightning collector? What's that?
coppelius: It's a power source. It works by attracting lightning bolts when plugged into a collector device.
coppelius: Dr. LeMue-LaFayette's brother, Steven, invented lightning collectors. We used them to power all of our later experiments.
nathan: Sounds neat! Are there any lightning collectors still around?
coppelius: Yes, there's clearly still one over at the Smith Institute ...
coppelius: I noticed that a wall has been blown out of the building. It's probably a result of someone carelessly pulling that core from the device.
nathan: Interesting. I'll have to check that out.
Show #item# to #noun# Dr. Coppelius (main)
nathan: How's this for a vibrator plate?
coppelius: At least you're on the right track, Nathan. That painting is indeed of the proper dimensions, but ...
coppelius: It's not METAL.
coppelius: We need METALLIC vibrator plates. Now, hurry up!
Show #item# to #noun# Dr. Coppelius (main)
nathan: I think I've found one of the metallic vibrator plates.
coppelius: ONE of the plates?! Nathan, how many plates did my list explicitly specify?
nathan: Uh ... two?
coppelius: Yes, TWO. Bring me TWO plates. Now hurry up!
Look at Dr. LeMue LaFayette (main)
nathan: It's the Zeppelin Man.
Talk to Dr. LeMue LaFayette (main)
nathan: Excuse me, Dr. LeMue LaFayette?
slappy: Call me Henry.
slappy: I'd love to chat with you, but Coppelius is right: we can't afford to lose another minute!
slappy: We've got to get Nigel's photograph to call the train. Hurry up and try to find all those items on Coppelius' list.
Push Dr. LeMue LaFayette (main)
nathan: That would be rude.
Ask #noun# about #item# Dr. LeMue LaFayette (main)
nathan: I'd better ask Dr. Coppelius about this device.
Look at (main)
nathan: Wow, what is this place?
slappy: The power flux is still stable. William, the node has stored enough energy to power Ravenhollow for at least ten years.
slappy: We can improvise and use spare parts from an old prototype ... but we'll have to build it directly on the swamp's power node to supply the rift with sufficient energy.
coppelius: It will not be as powerful as the Apparatus on Mount Misery, but it should be enough to create a shallow rift ... just deep enough to retrieve the photograph.
nora: How do we create such a rift?
coppelius: A good question, my dear Nora.
coppelius: Here, Nathan. Take this.
coppelius: This is a list of items we need to rebuild a prototype of The Apparatus.
nathan: Adventure calls!
coppelius: For the last time, quit talking to yourself! We have no time to lose!