Look at Ravenhollow (main)
nathan: What a view! You can see the whole village and the bay from up here.
Use Ravenhollow (main)
nathan: No. That's what Cain and his men tried to do.
Look at locked door (main)
nathan: It looks like the Baron has locked himself away in his tower.
Open locked door (main)
nathan: The door is locked up tight from the inside.
Look at nervous looking castle guard (main)
nathan: Looks like someone is surprised that his misdeeds lead to a bad end ...
Talk to nervous looking castle guard (main)
nathan: What are you guys up to these days?
faker: Hey! Don't try to blame me for something I didn't do!
faker: I won't talk.
faker: And that's all I have to say!
rat: Tell them that I didn't do anything!
rat: If the police get me they'll sent me back to jail ...
rat: I can't take that! I'm too soft for a place like that.
nathan: I know they're Lowell Cain's men ... but I can't help it. I feel sorry for them.
Look at angry looking castle guard (main)
nathan: He looks angry with me.
Talk to angry looking castle guard (main)
nathan: Um, excuse me ...
faker: I'm not talking! You can say whatever you want, but I'm not talking!
Look at Miriam B. Caro (main)
nathan: It looks like Mrs. Caro is helping to take charge of this situation.
Talk to Miriam B. Caro (main)
nathan: Is everything alright? Where's the Baron?
mrs_caro: He's in the tower ... we have seen Baron Northwest earlier in there, but now the door is locked.
mrs_caro: We think that one of the Castle guards sneaked into the room, and locked himself in with the Baron.
mrs_caro: When we saw him, the Baron seemed to be paralyzed and almost unconscious ...
mrs_caro: Lowell Cain was clearly not following the Baron's orders. His whole set of laws and restrictions were a web of lies, and were clearly illegal to begin with.
mrs_caro: Lionstone will be organizing an election. If you ask me Sir Wavetamer should run for mayor.
Look at Lowell Cain (main)
nathan: Oh my, Lowell Cain looks even worse off than McManus and the others. It seems he suffered very strong exposure to Vincent's hypnosis device.
nathan: I wonder if he'll ever recover enough to take responsibility for his actions of the past months.
Talk to Lowell Cain (main)
nathan: Mr. Cain, can you hear me?
nathan: I doubt he even knows I'm here. It's like someone has emptied his mind.
Push Lowell Cain (main)
nathan: No, it looks like he's had enough.
Lowell Cain (main)
nathan: Not yet. He'll be more manageable in this docile state until the proper authorities can take him into custody.
Look at hypnosis device (main)
nathan: This must be the hypnosis device that Cain has been using to brainwash the villagers.
Pick up hypnosis device (main)
nathan: I swear to only use this device for the powers of good!
Look at Sir Wavetamer (main)
nathan: Wavetamer seems to have everything under control up here.
Talk to Sir Wavetamer (main)
nathan: You said something about the police coming?
wavetamer: Yes, I've already sent for the authorities ... the police should be arriving soon.
wavetamer: We had a look at the Baron earlier, and it's obvious now that Lowell Cain was only pretending to work for him.
wavetamer: Cain has had no right to close down Ravenhollow and make governing decisions.
nathan: What about these guys?
wavetamer: The guy with the mustache there told me they were all hired thugs, paid by Lowell Cain.
wavetamer: Cain had promised them more money, but he doesn't look like he'll be able to deliver on that promise now, does it?
wavetamer: Which reminds me ... I think we should call a doctor for him.
Look at raven (main)
nathan: These wooden ravens look pretty scary.
nathan: It almost seems they were meant to intimidate the Barons of Northwest Castle, so they wouldn't go mad with power.
Look at latin phrase (main)
nathan: "Mali Principii, Malus Finis."
nathan: Hey, I actually remember that one from Latin class ... "Bad beginnings lead to bad endings."
nathan: How fitting.
Look at (main)
rat: I don't want to go into jail again ... please ...
mrs_caro: Once the police arrives you can tell them your story ...
wavetamer: I can't wait until they take you two away ... I don't want to see you nor your friends in my town ever again. Is that clear?
rat: Yes ...
faker: You can't tell me what to do! I haven't done anything wrong!
wavetamer: We'll let the authorities decide about that ...