Look at entrance (closed)
nigel: Turtle Lane 27.
nigel: This is it.
nigel: This is my father's house ... my heritage.
Talk to entrance (closed)
nigel: Is anyone there!?
nigel: ...
nigel: No answer.
Open entrance (closed)
nigel: The door is locked.
nigel: Maybe I can find a way inside ... this is my house after all.
nigel: Almost.
Look at boarded up doggy door (all)
nigel: Mh ...
Remove boards from boarded up doggy door (all)
nigel: I won't be able to pry these boards off the door with my bare hands.
Pry #noun# with #item# boarded up doggy door (all)
nigel: Darn, all that prying snapped my crowbar. At least it got the boards off ...
nigel: Now I just need a trained monkey that can go through that door and unlock it from the inside ...
nigel: Or a dwarf.
nigel: Or ...
nigel: The Ravenhollow Youngster Squad.
Pry #noun# with #item# boarded up doggy door (all)
nigel: Not a bad idea, but this small hook won't provide the leverage I need to pry the boards off.
Shoot #item# at #noun# boarded up doggy door (all)
nigel: Shooting rocks at those boards will not be enough to remove them.
boarded up doggy door (all)
nigel: I'd better not. I'd watch my inheritance go up in smoke if I were to catch the house on fire.
Pry #noun# with #item# boarded up doggy door (all)
nigel: You know, this metal rod would be the perfect tool for this job ... if only it were straight.
Look at doggy door (none)
nigel: I removed the boards from the doggy door.
Enter house through doggy door (none)
nigel: Unfortunately, I'm a bit too big to fit through the doggy door.
Look at tire swing (main)
nigel: Mh, this tire swing reminds me ...
nigel: ... I haven't seen any motor vehicles since I came to Ravenhollow.
nigel: It's like time stopped in Ravenhollow back in the days when things were ... a bit too quaint.
Use tire swing (main)
nigel: Not as long as someone might see me.
nigel: Once you reach a certain age it just becomes impossible for you not to look stupid sitting in a tire swing.
nigel: Which is very unfortunate... I always loved tire swings.
Look at Turtle Lane street sign (main)
nigel: This here is "Turtle Lane". I wonder what came first ... the street name or that turtle fountain over there.
Look at Castle Road street sign (main)
nigel: The stairs lead down to "Castle Road". And I bet that road leads directly to Castle Northwest.
Look at treehouse (main)
nigel: Look at that ...
nigel: It's a treehouse castle. With cardboard towers and all.
Climb up into treehouse (main)
nigel: I really shouldn't do that ...
nigel: I'll either smash that nice treehouse apart because I'm too big ...
nigel: ... or I'll end up getting stuck in there as a prisoner of the treehouse castle.
nigel: ... doomed to wear an iron mask made from paper.
Look at window (main)
nigel: The window is nailed shut ...
Open window (main)
nigel: I don't think I will fit through that window even if I could open it somehow.
nigel: I guess I should find another way in.
Look at window (main)
nigel: It's too dark in there to look inside.
nigel: ... but it seems like someone lives there. The curtains look quite clean.
Talk to window (main)
nigel: Hello?
nigel: No reply ...
nigel: Well, I'm not surprised. I wouldn't talk to strangers who were staring through my window.
Knock at window (main)
nigel: That would be rude ...
Look at turtle fountain (main)
nigel: A turtle—shaped fountain ...
Talk to turtle fountain (main)
nigel: Hey! How did you get here so fast?!
nigel: ... just kidding.
Pet turtle fountain (main)
nigel: Nice turtle ...
Fill #item# with water from #noun# turtle fountain (main)
nigel: The kettle is already full.
Look at clogged drain (clogged1)
nigel: The drain is overflowing ... I think something got stuck in there.
Unclog clogged drain (clogged1)
nigel: I need some kind of tool to get out whatever is stuck in that drain.
Clear #noun# with #item# clogged drain (clogged1)
nigel: This long fishing hook should do the job ...
nigel: Wow! I pulled a handful of old coins from the drain.
nigel: Maybe there's more money down there? Bills even? I'll try to poke a little deeper with my fishing hook.
nigel: Oh great, I lost the fishing hook down the drain. Well, at least I have a handful of old coins.
Clear #noun# with #item# clogged drain (clogged1)
nigel: Whatever is stuck in there ... I can't get a hold of it with these tweezers.
Clear #noun# with #item# clogged drain (clogged1)
nigel: This hook is too bulky to reach down into the drain.
Fill #item# with water from #noun# clogged drain (clogged1)
nigel: I'll fill the kettle with water.
Look at clogged drain (stillclogged)
nigel: The drain is still overflowing ... I guess it didn't help much that I dropped that fishing hook in there.
Unclog clogged drain (stillclogged)
nigel: I think I did all I could.
Look at fountain plaque (main)
nigel: "Sea Turtle Fountain. Dedicated to all similarly slow, gentle and peaceful minded creatures."
nigel: What creature is as peaceful minded as a sea turtle? A snail perhaps? Why should you dedicate a fountain to snails?
nigel: Well ... perhaps I am not getting the meaning. Maybe they are talking about sponges ...
nigel: Now, a sponge IS a gentle creature. They should erect sponge statues, I say.
Look at glowing gecko (inactive)
nigel: Oh! There's a small gecko sitting on the brick wall!
nigel: ... he seems to be glowing a little.
nigel: Fascinating.
Talk to glowing gecko (inactive)
nigel: Hey, little guy.
Take glowing gecko (inactive)
nigel: I'm sure I won't be able to catch the gecko with my bare hands.
glowing gecko (inactive)
nigel: While I could probably catch it with this net, I'll need a jar to put it in.
glowing gecko (inactive)
nigel: No, that gecko wouldn't fit through the bottle's narrow neck.
glowing gecko (inactive)
nigel: No, I don't want to risk losing my fireflies to a hungry gecko.
glowing gecko (inactive)
nigel: No, I don't endorse animal cruelty.
glowing gecko (active)
nigel: I think this gecko will be too fast for me to try and coax it directly into this small jar.
glowing gecko (active)
nigel: This isn't the right jar.
glowing gecko (active)
nigel: Good idea. I could use this windsock as a net if I find a way to close the opening at the end.
glowing gecko (active)
nigel: I caught the gecko!
nigel: This little guy is running around the net like crazy... I'll just put him into his specimen jar.
Look at kids (main)
nigel: The kids look like they're up to something.
Talk to kids (main)
nigel: Hey! Do you have a minute for me, kids?
kid1: Ravenhollow Youngster Squad! Atten-hut!
kid2: Yes, Sir!
kid2: Here we go, Sir!
kid3: Lieutenants Georgy ...
kid2: and Toby ...
kid3: At your service!
kid1: Very well, men!
kid1: How can we help, Sir?
nigel: Hey!
kid3: We didn't do anything wrong! We just play here.
nigel: Don't worry. I just have some questions ...
kid1: Don't tell him anything, Lieutenant Toby! And you neither, Lieutenant Georgy!
kid2: Yes Captain!
kid3: No Captain!
kid1: The R.Y.S.—or, Ravenhollow Youngster Squad—is working everyday to overthrow those meanies up at the Castle.
kid2: Everyday ... until supper.
kid1: And to keep our plans secret, we won't tell nothin' to no one except one of our own members ... and our moms.
nigel: Okay, then how can I join your club?
kid1: Well ... I dare you to pass ...
kid1: The Ravenhollow Youngster Squad test!
kid2: Yeah, the Ravenhollow Youngster Squad test!
kid3: Uhhh ... what was the Ravenhollow Youngster Squad test again?
kid1: You need to go up to the Castle gate, and get our trophy back from under the wing of that scary stone eagle ... to prove your worthiness!
kid3: But ... but no one has passed the test since you threw our trophy up there and got chased away by the Castle guard!
kid1: Of course, Lieutenant. This is not an easy task.
kid1: But becoming an honorary member of the Ravenhollow Youngster Squad is a title that must be earned! And besides ... we really need that trophy back.
nigel: A golden ring!? Well then ... I'll be off to retrieve your trophy.
nigel: What did I have to do again to become a member of your club?
nigel: What does your trophy look like?
kid1: It's a keyring filled with valuable tokens that we've collected ... and you'll get to choose one of those tokens to keep as your membership badge!
kid2: I'd choose the rabbit foot if I were you!
kid3: No way, choose the golden ring that we found in the river near that creepy old institute building!
Push kids (main)
nigel: I'm not a bully.
Give #item# to #noun# kids (main)
nigel: Hey kids ... look what I found.
kid1: Hurray! You've returned the trophy ring to its rightful owners!
kid1: You've earned our respect and trust! I hereby declare you to be an honorary member of the Ravenhollow Youngster Squad.
kid1: You may take one item from our trophy ring ...
nigel: Let's see ... the kids want me to choose my reward ...
nigel: Shall I take the rabbit foot? The lock, the blue bouncy ball on a string ... no ...
nigel: I choose this golden ring! According to Lionstone's notes this must be Sebastian Zygmunt's insignia ring.
kid1: You have chosen ... wisely. My brother saw an old man throw that ring into the river some years ago while waiting for a bus out of Ravenhollow.
kid2: Keep that golden ring as proof that you're a trusted honorary member of our political organization.
kid3: The Ravenhollow Youngster Squad!
kid1: If you run into a problem around here, just come to us!
Give #item# to #noun# kids (main)
nigel: Even fake beards could not disguise the fact that these kids are under age.
Dialog Tree: kids
topic: _3
nigel: What do you know about the house over there? Number 27.
kid3: The old Trelawney house ...?
kid2: It's haunted.
kid3: Is not!
kid2: Oh. It is SO haunted.
topic: dad
nigel: Do you know who lived in this house here?
kid1: Old Trelawney the scientist used to live there.
kid1: But not anymore. He died in the mountains ...
kid3: Yeah. They say his ghost hikes down from the mountains each night because he forgot something ...
kid1: His spirit can't rest because old Trelawney forgot to water his plants.
kid2: Nuh-uh! He forgot to feed his cat.
kid1: He didn't have a cat!
kid2: Did too!
kid3: It's not haunted ... there's no such thing as ghosts.
topic: doggy1
nigel: Do you kids have an idea how to get into this house?
kid1: Well, we used to spook old Trelawney by sneaking in through his doggy door ...
kid2: Yeah, but he got tired of us ... so he nailed it shut.
nigel: Could one of you guys go in and open the door for me?
kid1: If you can remove those boards from the doggy door, then we'll see what we can do for you.
topic: doggy2
nigel: The doggy door is open now ... could one of you guys go in and open the door for me?
kid1: Lieutenant Georgy, this is a job for you!
kid3: Yes sir!
kid3: I'm going in!
nigel: Why is this taking so long?
nigel: What was that sound?! I hope the boy is alright ...
kid3: Guys! I made it! I unlocked the door!
kid1: Did you see the dead cat?
kid2: Or the withered plants?
nigel: Or a pile of insignia rings?!
kid3: I had my eyes closed ... but I think I heard the cat!
kid1: Wow.
kid2: See? I told you!
nigel: Thanks for helping me out kids!
kid1: Don't mention it! It's our duty to help honorary members in trouble!
topic: _8
nigel: What are you kids playing?
kid2: The Castle must fall!
kid3: The Castle is stupid!
topic: castle1
nigel: Why don't you like the Castle?
kid1: My dad owns the clock shop, but he's not allowed to work anymore because of Lowell Cain.
kid2: My parents just stay at home and never go outside, because they're afraid of the Castle.
kid3: My sister says the Castle took the packages my aunt sent me for my birthday!
topic: castle2
nigel: How do you want to defeat the Castle?
kid1: Well, if Lowell Cain tries to get us then we'll hit him with sticks!
kid2: Nuh-uh! We should pretend like the castle guards aren't there, so then they'll get bored and just go away!
kid3: I think we should just tell them how stupid they are, and then they'll cry and stop being mean. That'll teach them ...
nigel: Well, don't get into trouble.
kid1: No, sir!
topic: _11
nigel: Where do you go to school, kids?
kid1: We used to go to the neighboring village ...
kid2: But not anymore ... our parents don't want us to leave Ravenhollow now.
kid3: They are afraid that Lowell Cain won't let us come back home in the evening.
kid1: Yeah. Most of our friends aren't even allowed to play outside anymore, so they have to stay at home all day.
topic: exit
nigel: Okay, I gotta go. Have fun!
kid1: R.Y.S.! At ease!
kid2: Do you guys know what time it is?
kid1: It's not lunch time yet, Toby!
kid3: I'm getting hungry, too.
kid1: Sigh ...