Look at Boots the cat (roof)
nathan: It's Mandelbaum's cat.
nathan: He looks spooked...
Call to Boots the cat (roof)
nathan: Here kitty, kitty, kitty!
nathan: I don't think he wants to hear it.
Pick up Boots the cat (roof)
nathan: I can't reach him from down here.
Boots the cat (roof)
nathan: Hey Boots, how about some delicious fresh milk?
nathan: Good boy!
Boots the cat (roof)
nathan: He won't be able to drink the milk directly from this bottle.
nathan: Perhaps I can offer him the milk in bowl that he can drink from.
Boots the cat (roof)
nathan: Even if this is his favorite bowl, I don't think he'll be interested in it while it's empty.
Boots the cat (roof)
nathan: Here Boots, how about a nice tasty fish?
nathan: Hm. No response. He doesn't seem to be interested.
nathan: Given the smell of this old fish, I can't say that I blame him.
Look at Boots the Cat (ground)
nathan: Awe, how cute. He likes the milk.
Talk to Boots the Cat (ground)
nathan: Do you like your fresh milk? I think you like your fresh milk.
nathan: Boy, I sound like one of those crazy people with twenty cats and a cardigan.
Pick up Boots the Cat (ground)
nathan: Come on, Boots. Let's go back to Mandelbaum's shop.
Look at tire swing (main)
nathan: A classic tire swing. Great fun ... and for free!
Use tire swing (main)
nathan: Maybe after all this is over.
Look at Turtle Lane street sign (main)
nathan: This is Turtle Lane.
Use Turtle Lane street sign (main)
nathan: I'm already walking on Turtle Lane.
Look at Castle Road street sign (main)
nathan: Those stairs lead down to Castle Road.
Look at treehouse (main)
nathan: It's a treehouse castle, complete with cardboard towers and all.
Climb into treehouse (main)
nathan: Hm. An elevated structure built by a group of kids using sub-prime building materials?
nathan: I think I'll safely marvel at it from the ground.
Look at boarded window (main)
nathan: Either this home is abandoned, or else the owner is expecting a hurricane.
Talk to boarded window (main)
nathan: Anybody home in there?
Pry open boarded window (main)
nathan: It would be more efficient just to try the door.
Look at window (main)
nathan: No. I don't want to bother the home owner.
Open window (main)
nathan: That would be considered a break-in ... I'll pass, and skip the arrest.
Look at turtle fountain (main)
nathan: How cute!
Talk to turtle fountain (main)
nathan: Hello Mr. Turtle...
Pick up turtle fountain (main)
nathan: I can't, it's a fixture of the street.
Look at fountain plaque (main)
nathan: "Sea Turtle Fountain. Dedicated to all similarly slow, gentle and peaceful minded creatures."
nathan: How wonderful! We need more recognition of the simple-minded creatures of the world.
Pick up fountain plaque (main)
nathan: It's firmly affixed to the base of the fountain.